Welcome to my first attempt at filling a prompt at the Hetalia Kink Meme site on Dreamwidth. The prompt would have been excellent for a USUK fic, but I didn't want to do their pairing for some reason (it's always nice to do something different), so I literally drew a name out of a hat and got Japan as the pairing for America. For the url for the prompt thread, please visit my profile page, where I will be setting up a section for Kink Meme fills! I hope you enjoy ^^


It was late Saturday night. A warm breeze rustled the curtains hanging at the window, caressing the pair of naked, sweating bodies caught in the throes of passion on the large bed occupying the room the two had eventually wound up in. Panting breaths and loud moans accompanied the sound of flesh meeting flesh as the lovers made their way through the age-old dance of lovemaking.

"Ahh… oh God, yes!"

The sounds quickened, the springs of the mattress beginning to creak with the increasingly rapid movements of well muscled hips that belonged to the one "pitching" the game.

"F-Fuck! Hnngh.."

The one on the receiving end thrust back against the other, desperate to reach his release. But, his efforts were in vain.

"Ah… yes… YES!"

With a final thrust, America released inside of his partner, the hot coil that had been building in strength in his lower regions unleashing itself, assaulting his senses with mind-numbing pleasure. After several moments suspended above his lover, he collapsed onto the bed next to him, his now limp member slipping out of the yet-to-be-satisfied man.

"Damn, that was intense." He turned his head to smile at the other.

Japan, with a look of resignation in his eyes, only nodded in response. His erection was almost unbearable, the swollen member feeling as though it could burst at any moment. "Are we done for tonight, Alfred-san?" He wasn't looking forward to finishing himself off, as he always did after they had sex.

"Yeah, I'm bushed. Callin' it a night, babe." He leaned over and kissed Japan on the cheek, the rolled over onto his side, his back facing the still-horny, and now highly irritated nation.

With a heavy sigh, the older one got up and made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself, fighting an inner battle between following the usual routine and just jumping the now snoring boy on the bed to get what he needed. Of course, his rationality won out in the end. He finished quickly, took a shower, and returned to the bed to get some sleep. They had a meeting in the morning, and he would need all the rest he could get.

The conference room was in a state of utter chaos, as usual. France and England were battling it out in one corner. Italy was wailing at the top of his lungs because he forgot to bring his beloved pasta for lunch. Romano was busy yelling at him and Spain, who was watching Russia do his best to convince China to become one with him. Switzerland stood guard over Lichenstein, leveling his shotgun at the Nordics, three of whom were taunting him while the other two just gazed at each other with love-struck gazes.

Greece was napping at his place at the table, blissfully unaware of the noise around him, as Turkey drew on his face with a sharpie. America was drawing something that looked like battle plans to defend the world against an alien invasion on the blackboard. Canada sat in his chair, going unnoticed as usual, his attention torn between his brother and his parental figures. And Germany, after several minutes of banging his fists on the table and roaring at the top of his lungs for order, had gave up for the time being, and was busy trying to console Italy, who was now wailing about how mean his brother was being to him.

Japan sighed, and rubbed his temples wearily, feeling a severe headache building behind his eyes. This was the last thing he needed at the moment, especially after last night's activities. Why was it that they never seemed to get anything done in peace times? Looking around as the tensions and noise grew with intensity with each passing minute, he decided that he needed a break from all the ruckus.

Without attracting anyone's attention, he slipped out the door and headed to the break room. He nodded in greeting to Sealand and Latvia, both being watched over by Lithuania on Russia's, deep in thought about his boyfriend's horrible conduct in the bedroom and the lingering desire that was left unsatisfied within him.

Entering the lounge area, he made his way to the kitchenette set up in the corner, and went about making himself a cup of tea. He didn't notice a certain albino nation already inside, and nearly dropped his mug when the other spoke.

"So, I'm guessing things are a little rowdy down there right now, ja?"

The asian man spun and came face-to-face with Prussia. "Aah! P-Prussia-san, you scared me!" He sat the mug down and took several deep breaths to calm his racing heart. Prussia laughed, finding it hilarious.

"Ha ha! Sorry about that. I thought you saw me." Leaning over the counter, he studied Japan, noting the tense muscles in his neck, along with the stiffness of his posture. He arched an eyebrow. "Well, no wonder I scared you. Looks like something's on your mind." Grinning, he jumped up onto the counter, Japan having to snatch his cup out of the way before it got knocked to the floor and broken anyway, and reclined back on his hands. "A penny for your thoughts?"

Japan shook his head, and turned to the kettle beginning to whistle on the hotplate. "No, it's nothing to be too concerned about. I must deal with this myself."

Watching the other make his tea, Prussia pressed a bit further. "You know, it might help to make you feel better if you talk about it."

"No, it would not make for a proper conversation to have, but thank you for your concern." With the tea bag and hot water together in the mug, he stood back with his arms crossed and gazed at the wall, a frown set on his features. His gaze shifted to the other as the red-eyed nation's trademark 'kesesesese' reached his ears.

"Sooo, it's THAT kind of problem, eh? Don't worry, the awesome me is an expert in these type of matters. Maybe I can give you some advice. If you want it, that is."

Japan gave Prussia a look that clearly said "seriously?" What could he know about relationships and sex that he didn't? He was Japan! "Uhm, excuse me Prussia-san, but I don't think you could help me with my problem."

"Hey, call me Gilbert… san, or however it is you say it. And you'd be surprised. I've got around quite a bit in my life. I could know something you don't."

Just as he was about to decline the offer once again, the sounds of a door slamming open was heard, followed by what sounded like a chair being thrown out. America's obnoxious laughter could be heard, accompanied by England's shouts of outrage and Germany's roars. Then the door was slammed shut, leaving a quiet behind that made his ears ring.

Hell, what could it hurt to hear his take on the situation? Anything to delay is inevitable return to the conference room and craziness within.

"Okay then…I'll tell you."

((I hope I'm off to a good start ^^;))