He didn't know how long he had stood there, tears in his eyes as he finally stopped crying. He hadn't seen his daughter since she was 14 and the sudden burst of unfamiliar emotions he had gotten from finally hearing her again had just over reacted to the situation. Sad blue eyes hardened as they stared at the unmasked mallard in the mirror. Negaduck quickly tied the familiar fabric around his face as he turned around heading out into the hallway. He walked into the living room to find the bawling people that made up the rest of the Fearsome Five.

"Why in the world are you knobs on the floor? Crying, no less. I thought you morons were villains, not schoolgirls," he taunted, keeping his voice calm. He knew it scared people more when he talked that way.

"D-d-didn't you h-hear the s-song?" Bushroot asked timidly, terrified of the shorter duck, and still recovering from his tears.

"Of course I did, everyone who lives anywhere in a ten mile radius did, you nincompoops!" He shouted at them. Quackerjack pulled out Mister Banana Brain.

"How heartless are you, Sue?" The doll said in response.

"Four out of five cardiologists agree that our leader needs a new heart," Liquidator added in his typical salesman slang. Negaduck grinned, but it wasn't a happy grin. No, it was a demented grin. It did the trick, and the other members of the Five were cowering in a corner.

"Do you want me to show you just how heartless I can be?" Negaduck said, pulling out his chainsaw. Pleas of 'No!' were emitted from the group. Pleased with the fear he had enlisted in the others, he put the weapon away. "Good. Now you fools get ready to cause some mischief. We're going on a little fieldtrip to 537 Avian Way, got it?" he said sickly-sweet. The other members were to scared of their boss to question the way his smile became slightly warmer at the thought of giving the Mallards youngest member a little surprise visit.

I've always thought that deep down (Really deep) that Negaduck actually cares about NegaGosalyn, just doesn't let anybody know. And a Cardiologist is a heart doctor. Tell me if I got them in character please! I know that during the song Negaduck was OOC, I did that on purpose, so please don't tell me off about that part.