A/N: Well guys, this is it. The epilogue. It's over. I think I'm going to cry. Even though I finished this story many moons ago, I feel like it's really finished now. *sniff* This story started by accident. I opened Word to start writing Glimpse, and the next thing I knew my fingers had started typing. Ron has always been my favorite character, and with this story I think I've finally written him the way I think he really is. I put him into a situation, and from their, he took off. The next thing I knew I had characters and a plot. This has become my favorite story to write, and I'm sad (but happy too!) to see it end.

To my reviewers: I never could have done it without you. I was amazed and greatly touched by all the positive feedback I received from this fic. Some of your reviews literally made me cry. I'd like to thank each and every one of you.

Thanks to:
TamPierce TrisanaMoss
Barbara Sheridan
Slush puppy
Dragon Lady
Jersey Pike
Ghost Dancer

A giant fruit pineapple basket because they're so cool to:
Lady Lylian
Lily Lupin
DaRk AnGeL


Shadow Phantom: Thank you so much for showing up on my review list again and again. You were one of the first people to ever review this story, and you were always one of the first when I updated. I appreciate your comments and compliments. Thank you!!

CrystalHorse72: You totally blew me away. You sent all those reviews, then EMAILED me? You're nuts! I love you for it! You inspired me to go on, to write the sequel (which is giving me grief) and to be so update stingy. You've been a great reviewer, I hope to see you in Silver and Gold!!!!!!!

Just_a_girl_56: Hey girl! Great big thank you for all your reviews!!! I was so pleased. Once again, I was totally amazed by your acceptance and thoughts. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please come back and read S&G, I can't wait to see what you think!

And, of course, I must send you my messages to those people who actually helped with this story.

Diana Snape: Who never actually REVIEWED *cough cough* That's okay. Diana, you've been there wince the beginning of this fic, and you've helped so much with the sequel. Thank you!

Sierra Charm: Hey Post! Thanks for helping with this, and listening to me babble about it for hours on end. You've contributed a lot! If not for you, this story wouldn't have turned Ginny/Draco, and THEN where would our sequel be?

SilverPhoenixWings: You reviewed! Like a hundred times! And they were long! *squeals* You're such a great author, SPW, and I was really pleased by how much you liked this. I was like, hooray, I can actually write! Thank you!

Britz: HI!!! You also got to hear me talk about this story nonstop for hours. Lucky you. Anyway, thank you for the reviews and the advice. I blushed when I read your reviews. I felt so loved! Thanks so much for all your support in my writing.

S*D: You helped SO MUCH with this story, I can't even begin to tell you. And that review disaster...it was hilarious, lets face it. The whole '1111' thing. That is sooooooooo funny. Anyway, thanks for all your help and positive comments. And the sequel! I can't even say enough. Merci beaucoup!!

About the sequel: The sequel is entitled 'Silver and Gold' (yeah, duh.) And its giving me a whole bunch of problems. So, yeah, it's going to be a while before that's up. I have no idea how long, but I WILL send an email. For those of you already on my update list, it hasn't finished here.

Okay, so, yeah, here's the sequel. Everyone, have a great time. I'll see you in Silver and Gold. *sniff* Okay, yeah, so here goes.


The next generation

~We were strangers on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart
Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

*Richard Marx and Donna Lewis's 'At the Beginning'

James Edward Potter's first birthday was an extravaganza to remember. Half the wizarding community was there, celebrating.

Harry and Hermione had a wonderful time, but at the end of the day, they were glad when most of them had gone home. Most, not all. Their four most trusted friends (well, that is, three of them and Draco) remained.

"That was fun!" Rayven insisted, snuggling into Ron. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"That was exhausting," Hermione amended, falling into a chair.

"I agree with Hermione!" Draco announced.

"Wimp," Ginny teased, sitting down on his lap. He began to play with her hair. Ginny and Draco had been married for over ten months now.

"Shh," Harry said, coming down to sit with his wife. "They just fell asleep."

"They," Hermione giggled. "It's so weird to know there's three sleeping children in this house.

"Soon to be four," Harry reminded her, placing a hand on his wife's stomach. The group laughed quietly. Soon they all went off to their bedrooms. After Voldemort's downfall Harry and Hermione had bought a beautiful white house large enough to house all the children they wanted, and in the meantime several guests. Ginny and Draco went off hand in hand. Rayven and Ron were walking slowly down the hall. Ron stopped at the nursery.

"I'll be along in a minute," He whispered to his wife. She smiled up at him, her eyes glowing. She went on into their room, as Ron silently slipped into the nursery.

There they were, all three of them. The closest crib was that of James Potter, the birthday boy. His hair was already turning out to be as impossible as his father's, although it was a dark brown instead of jet-black. Ron smiled down at his godson before tiptoeing past.

The next crib belonged to the youngest of the three children. Angel Marie Malfoy, Draco and Ginny's first-born daughter, was only one month old. She too was sleeping peacefully. Angel lived up to her name, which was, of course, after their dear friend Angel Pentser. It had been Ginny's idea, since she had heard so much about the woman and her wonderful attributes.

Finally Ron reached the final crib. He gently lifted the child, cradling her in his arms. She opened her eyes, but didn't cry out. She gave him an adorable baby smile, a little gurgle, and then turned and nestled into his arms.

Ron nearly cried. His baby girl.

Her name was Grace Cora Weasley. Her hair was already bright Weasley red, and her eyes were golden like her mother's. She was, in Ron's eyes, perfect. He would never let his daughter see the horrors he had seen.

After a few moments alone with his daughter, he put her back in the crib. Smiling at the children, he went to his room where Rayven was waiting for him.

"Is she okay?" Rayven asked. He smiled.

"She's perfect," He smiled, and laid down. "Rayven, what am I going to do when she gets a boyfriend?" His wife laughed.

"I've heard about fathers and their daughters, but I didn't know it was that bad," She teased.

"You don't understand, I know how a teenage boy's mind works, and-"

"Calm down, Ron," She soothed. "She'll be fine. She'll have James to watch over her."

"Oh no..." Ron muttered.

"What?" Rayven replied, looking at him curiously.

"If they act anything like we did in school, I'll have a heart attack," He said. Rayven laughed.

"It would serve you right." She said. Ron closed his eyes, and prayed for his daughter. He then sighed, and turned on his side, slipping an arm around Rayven's waist. Whatever happened, he had the only thing he had wanted: the woman he loved and the perfect child.

He was marching into the future with his head held high, never turning back.