You Cheated And Now You Pay

Chapter 10~ You Back?

Im Sooooooo Sorry For Not Updating! I Love All Your Reviews! Thank You So Much And I Finally Updated! Its Cause' I Got Used To . Anyways, Here It Is! I Love You Guys!


"Girls! Come here!" Riven said walking out of the room.

"Sup?" Musa said as the girls got out of the room.

"We are going to a new dance club. Wanna come?" Helia asked them. Musa's and Aisha's eyes lit up.

"Yea!" They said at the same time.

"What about the kids though?" Flora said.

"They have some type of babysitter thing there." Nabu said.

"Its called a Nanny." Helia said while Nabu rolled his eyes, ignoring his comment.

"When will we go? And what time?" Bloom asked.

"Tonight. Be ready by 8:00." Sky said.

"Mommy! Mommy! Beck hit me!" Maddison shouted running towards Stella.

"Beck! What did I tell you about hitting your sibblings!?" She shouted.

"Excuse me guys." Stella says passing right pass Brandon.

"I'll go with you." Brandon said.

Helia's POV.

We had everything set and everything. Faith was with the girls and Miley, and the boys were making the last set of plans. It was going to be fun. I missed Flora and I just wanted to find out if the winx came back.

"So, let's hope Marcela sings when it's time for karaoke." Timmy said.

"Yep. She was a good singer."

"I wonder what would happen if the Winx did come back. I don't know why they've been gone so long. I miss Tecna soo much." Timmy said.

"Yea, I miss Blo-" Sky got caught off by a scream. We ran out of the room to see 3 women standing at the balcony window with Miley in there arms.

"Miley!" Faith shouted about to run towards her.

"Faith No!" Riven shouted and one of the women shot her some kind of ice power.

"Mommy help!" Miley shouted. I ran towards Faith and held her up.

"Give me my daughter back witches!" She shouted with tears.

"Nice of you to remember us!" One with really curly hair shouted. Wait, The Trix!

"Darcy, let her go!" I shouted.

"Oh do they know about the brats too?" Icy said.

"Don't you dare, give me my daughter back!" Faith shouted as she got out of my grip. She ran towards the witches before I coyld take a hold of her. All of they kids were behind their mothers or in their mother's arms.

"Miley!" Faith shouted again.

"Flora! No!" The girls shouted.

"Flora!?" I shouted confused. All the kids ran towards us.

"Sirenix Go!" The girls shouted. The winx! They were back! They were in disguised the whole time!

"Oh no you don't!" They witches rose into the air with Miley in their arms.

"No! Mommy help me!" Miley shouted terrifed of the Trix.

"I'm coming baby girl!" Faith or, well, Flora shouted. She charged towards them.

They flew higher and out through the balcony and were in the air with Miley in between of Darcy and Stormy.

"Take the brat. I'll handle them." She said and the two witches flew away with Miley screaming.

"Miley!" Flora and I shouted. She flew towards them but Icy charged at her. All of us were in to much shock to move.

"We gotta help them!" Timmy shouted. The rest of the Winx joined hands and chanted something. All of a sudden everything flashed. Before we knew it. Icy dissapeared and the winx flew in. Flora had tears running down her face. She punched the wall. I've never seen her so furious. I ran to her and she cried into my chest.

"We need to go after them! I'm not putting my baby in more danger!" She shouted against my shirt. The girls were all trying to calm the kids down, as they were terrified of what just happened.

"How? H-how are y'all here? Why did you leave us!? And y'all cheated on us and had kids with other men!" Riven shouted.

"That's not the thing Riven!" Musa shouted with tears in her eyes as well.

"Then what is it? What is!?" He shouted.

"Riven! The girls are in pain from the Trix taking the little girl! Give them some rest until this is all cleared up." Timmy shouted.

"Guys! Shouting is not gonna solve anything. Flora, do you think you can track Miley down with your power?"Tecna said.

"Y-yea. I can do anything, and will do anything to get my baby girl back." She said sniffling.

"I missed you Flora." I whispered in her ear.

"No you didn't. Or you wouldn't have cheated on me." She said and ran towards her room. What the hell was she talking about!?

Flora's POV.

I ran to my room after Helia told me he had missed me. I layed in bed, my tears wetting the pillow. I missed my baby girl and I couldn't bare to lose another child. Yes, another child. After I had Miley, I was actually pregnant with twins. I had Miley first, and then after Miley, I had my other baby girl, Genesis. She died when she was 1 month old. She got a sickness that was too hard for her. I can't bare to think about losing Miley after losing Geni. (A/N: Prounounced Jenni)

"Flora, May I come in?" Asked a familiar voice.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered. I heard the door open and shut, and the bed shift. My back was facing Helia.

"What do you mean I cheated on you?" He asked. I sighed and faced him, my eyes puffed up and red from crying.

"Remember that day, I walked into you kissing anither girl?" I asked. His face went pale.

"F-Flora, you got to believe me, She kissed me, she kissed me first. I tried to get her off me, but she wouldn't budge." He said. I then realised that the boys hadn't cheated on us.

"She's yours." I whispered.

"What?" He asked.I then explained to him everything that happened to us. I told him who"s child was who's and how they were all fathers.

"I understand that you won't help me find my precious." I sighed and tears started to roll down my cheeks again. And then it happened. He pulled me in for a kiss. I felt the sparks again. The thing I missed most of Helia. Once we find my baby girl, everything was going to be back to normal!











AAAHH! They found out! I added a bit action here and there in this chapter. I'm sooooooo sorry! I have a bit of a writers block. How was this chapter? Please tell me! I love you guys! Check me out at InfinityCanLove on Wattpad! Thank You Guys For Everything! And I'll Try to update sooner! I Love You! Bye!

~Lorena 3