Finally, here's the next part! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own How I Met Your Mother or Friends

After Ted, Robin, Barney, Lily and Marshall left; the rest all sat in the living room.

"They were really cool," Chandler said.

"Yeah!" Ross agreed, "Marshall, Ted, Chandler, and I all loved some of the same movies!"

"Lily and Robin were cool, too!" Monica said.

"I kinda liked that Barney guy," Phoebe said.

Monica shrugged, "He's kinda…questionable."

"Whatever," Phoebe said with a shrug, "I think he liked me."

"I really liked Ted," Rachel said, "I hope they'll come back tomorrow. I don't have to work."

"Yeah! And then, I can see Barney!" Phoebe said, smiling happily.

"I want to talk to Robin again. I really liked her," Joey said, smiling genuinely.

"Are you just going to sleep with her and never call her again?" Monica asked him.

He shook his head, "No. I mean, I really liked her."

She could tell he was serious because he would always smirk when he planned on just sleeping with them.

"You better not break her heart. She's got guns," Rachel said.

Joey looked confident, "And I don't plan to."

"They were really cool," Ted said on the car ride home.

"Yeah. The girl Phoebe is hot," Barney said.

Lily slapped him on the arm, "She was really nice. You better not be planning to just sleep with her and never call again. We want to be able to stay friends with them. Don't we guys?" She looked around to the others in the cab.

Marshall nodded, "Ross was really cool. He loves Star Wars!"

Ted nodded in agreement, "And he's a paleontologist."

They all looked at him confused, "A person who studies dinosaurs."

"Ohhhh," they all said.

"I thought Joey was kinda cute," Robin said.

"Aww, you two should date!" Lily said, smiling.

Robin shrugged, "Maybe."

"We should go hang out at Central Perk again tomorrow," Lily suggested.

They all nodded in agreement.

"I liked Rachel," Ted said.

"You two should date, too!" Lily said excitedly.

He laughed, "She would never go for a guy like me though..."

"Sure she would!" Robin said.

"You really think so?" he asked.

"Yeah!" Lily and Robin said

Please R&R! Thanks to everyone who liked this story and encouraged me to continue!