Authors Note: Hello readers! For specific reasons I had to delete and repost this story. However, I have chosen all of the characters that I will be using, so just hold tight until I post the next chapter!

Hello there! As you no doubt have figured out, I'm Above Reproach and this is my very first fanfiction. I had been planning a sort of SYOC for the Hunger Games fandom, but when I read Dangan Ronpa, I switched gears. This fanfiction has been inspired by the likes of Gingericus19, who is writing The Blade of Tribulation, as well as Hoprocker and Ptroxsora, who are writing O Fortuna Velut Luna and C'est La Mort respectively. I hope that you three do not think that I am copying you, and if you find that my fanfiction is too similar to yours, I will gladly change or take mine down. Without further ado, here is the beginning of my first fanfiction:

It was the deal made with the students of Hope's Peak Academy that ultimately crippled the organization known as Super High School Level Despair. All of Japan watched as the six teenagers threw off their shackles of oppression and walked away into the sweet embrace of freedom. It was then, for the first time since the worst most despair-inducing incident in the history of mankind, that the people of Japan felt something blossom. It was hope.

In a building settled near one of the many beaches Japan's Hokkaido Region had to offer, twenty-odd people gathered. They were male and female both, with members from every walk of life. An older man angrily pounded his fist into the palm of his other hand, his dark curls trembling with the impact. "Dammit!" He swore, "Why did we let those two idiots run the operation down at Hope's Peak? Their mistakes could potentially cost us our hold over the Japanese!"

A boy of no older than 15 sat with a large toy in his lap. It looked like both a black and a white teddy bear had been split down the middle and then sewn together. A compartment in the toy's back had been popped open, and the boy was inspecting the pieces inside for signs of rust or other damage. As he pulled out a cog, which had been chipped, he countered the man's angry exclamation, "If it is necessary, we can move our base of operations. We did have plans to extend our empire of despair, after all." He rummaged through a box containing spare parts, found a suitable replacement, and snapped it in place. The toy's one red eye began to glow, and the boy closed up the compartment in it's back with a smirk.

"Yes, extend, as in still having control over the original area of conquest. What you're suggesting is surrendering Japan to the forces of hope!" The older man raised his voice, brow crinkled in frustration. As he was doing this, a stout woman carrying a tablet rushed into the room. Her presence commanded attention, and the two stopped their bickering to listen to what she had to say. She huffed, "We're facing massive uprisings in the Nanpo Islands Region as well as in the Chugoku Region!"

A small ping from the tablet alerted the woman, and she hurriedly checked it. "The Hokkaido Region is falling apart as well! The rebels are within five miles of our gates!" She fingered the tablet, setting off a shrill alarm throughout the building. The woman pressed the intercom button on the wall nearest to her. Her voice resonated throughout the building, not quite masking the sound of the alarm. "The Hokkaido Region is being faced with massive uprisings. The rebels are barely five miles from our gates! Smash your hard drives and burn all documents! They cannot know what we're planning! Once you've disposed of everything meet the rest of us on the plane out back."

With that, the woman threw her tablet on the ground, smashing a hole clean through it with her stiletto heels. The man turned to his desk, scrabbling to remove the hard drive from his computer. The boy he had bantered with earlier was running for a shredder, a manilla folder labeled 'Monobear' clutched in his fists. Others throughout the room were likewise crushing their drives and searching for either a shredder or an incinerator. Once the two had disposed of all their valuable information, they exited the room, joining the small stream of people rushing for the jumbo jet owned by Super High School Level Despair.

In their panic people pushed and shoved one another, their voices raised to be heard above the still-blaring alarm. With a yelp, the boy crashed to the ground, and he cried out as he was stepped on and kicked out of the way. The older man grit his teeth, and stopped moving with the flow of people. He leaned over, reaching down to the boy and helping him up.

When the two reached the plane, they were greeted by the head of the organization. She was a rather young woman with a professional, yet haughty manner about her. She stood at the front of the jet, counting heads and furiously scribbling on a clipboard. "What are we going to do?" The man demanded, his boss not missing a beat. "We're going to start over," She stated, "How does Europe sound to you boys?" The man huffed in an irritated way, and the boy smirked at him. "Don't think of it as a surrender, dude. It's nothing but a tactical retreat." With that, the duo filed into the back of the jet and took their seats.

-3 years later-

Enterprise Preparatory School, commonly known as En. Prep. It is said that those who graduate from this Preparatory School are certain to gain entrance into all of the best colleges. Not to mention that many are granted scholarships to their college of choice. So it goes without saying that attending En. Prep. makes for a successful life and livelihood.

However, making it into this Preparatory School is notoriously hard, seeing as they only offer entrance to students who are considered the best in their respective fields. These students, when attending En. Prep. are called 'Super Prep School Level' to commemorate their success in each of their fields.

In just a few days, the freshman class will be arriving at Enterprise Preparatory School. Who are they, and what will they find when they get there.