My first vampire fanfic! so excited ^0^ anyways i hope you guys like it! (it won't be like twilight, not a twi-hard, but it will have mixtures of that, true blood, and Van Helsing!)

warning: sexual content, blood, violence, language!

plot is mine! hope you guys don't mind including a few certain sexy men in the story XD

Chapter 1: tying loose ends

"OH, oh Vladislav….you are a beast!" a woman moaned out while said person was holding her down with his hands on her hips and eating her out, with the woman naked and the man with his black jeans on. He pulled away and smirked, licking her juices slowly around his face, making more of her wetness display itself on her mound. "I've been a beast for as long as I was a vampire…..but coming out of your dirty mouth….." he took a slow lick, feeling her writhe on her bed, "it sounds….hot." he finished continuing to use his tongue and fingers to trigger her orgasm. When she came furiously, there was a knocking on the door, angering the man and annoying the woman as she gathered her dress together, and the man was going to answer the door. "What the hell do you want!?" he asked angrily at the calm servant. "Sorry to interrupt your…, Lord Vladislav, but Lords Marcus and Nero are waiting for you, at least they have been waiting for you, to come to the throne room." The servant said while the concubine stepped out of his room, embarrassed and annoyed at being interrupted. "Fine, fine…..tell them that I'll be right there in a few minutes!" Vladislav said buttoning a red shirt on first, then a black vest with jacket, complete with a hooded ebony velvet cape, with gold trimmings embroidered on the end of the hood, tying it up. The servant left while he was straightening himself out for when he would sit with the other kings of the vampires. Vladislav Vaernov, ruthless, violent, and downright powerful, whenever he would be bored with ruling the vampire world, would preoccupy himself with acting, going by the alias 'Jensen Ackles', and playing a part of a show called 'Supernatural', playing a hunter who is ironically killing people of his own supernatural world. He stepped out of his room, fully dressed and ready to get to the throne room, but not without some servants bowing before his presence.

When he got there, he was greeted by the somewhat penetrating stares of his 'brothers', who were exasperated as they knew exactly what he was doing. "Eating your concubine's pussy out again, are you Vladislav?" Nero asked as he adjusted his hooded cape, and shifted in his throne. "Well excuse me for trying to have something to preoccupy myself with besides acting under that 'Jensen Ackles' alias!" he countered sitting on his Throne. Nero Vaernov was someone who was somewhat of a bookworm, but from time to time would have a concubine to have something more….exciting to have besides reading books all day long. Along with Vladislav, he also preoccupies himself with acting, under his alias 'Jared Padalecki', also playing a hunter alongside Vladislav and the character's brother in the show 'Supernatural'. He was wearing a Hugo boss pinstripe suit that was navy with red stripes and dress shoes, and wore a navy hooded cape. He, alongside Vladislav, was pretty ruthless and violent, making them extremely appealing to the opposite sex, yet frightening them at the same time. "Brothers, let's not be too violent or it will be like back in the 1500's all over again." A gentle, yet commanding voice said, softening the dissipating fight between Nero and Vladislav. They recognized that voice as Marcus Vaernov, probably the most vicious and powerful vampire king out of the three of them, devious, cunning, strategic, yet kind, and gentle, making him the most dangerous of them all, even Nero and Vladislav were afraid of him. Marcus, who would be the more passionate one when it came to acting, would have the alias 'Tom Hiddleston', and most vampires would be afraid of Marcus, as his performance of Loki in 'Thor' and 'The Avengers' was something that would showcase how he would be around many vampires who would question he and his brothers rule of the vampires, but humans would find it deliciously appealing. Marcus was wearing the same dragonfly embroidered jacket with white button down shirt, black dress pants and shoes that he wore for his, or 'Tom's' Flaunt magazine shoot, he wore a black hooded cape with red on the inside. Even though Marcus looked slender, he was stronger than he looked, making some vampires completely misjudge him at times, and it usually ended badly for them.

As they were getting started with the daily court activities, discussing vampiric affairs, even executing some for treachery or threatening others who were bad-tempered. There were an organization of humans who the vampire kings loathed with a passion, and they were 'God's Shepherds', a group of people who would wipe out evil creatures of the world, they on occasion killed most of their kind, but the Kings had dreams of three women, who according to a fortune teller, were to be their mates, their queens…at first they all scoffed at the idea of having someone for a mate, but as some time went on, they started to think that it might be true. But, what made their conflict with the shepherds more crazy was they found out their mates were the shepherds that killed evil creatures. "So, our future queens are the hunters we oh so despise, killing our innocent kind, while we would be fine with the more unruly ones being killed off, how do we claim them as our mates and queens?" Nero asked controlling his anger at the shepherds and their 'sworn oath by god', that they would protect the world from evil. Marcus had a rose in his hands that he pulled from the side. "We bait them…..we create something that would have those blasted shepherds coming to our castle, then pick them off, one….by…" Marcus said plucking the rose petals, having a smirk on his face as he did so. "Genius, pure genius, my brother." Nero said admirably. "Fantastic plan, Marcus!" Vladislav shouted clapping his hands. Marcus bowed having a smile on his face at the compliments he received. They now had a way to lure them, in the form of one of their captured shepherds, unwillingly brought before them. "Lieutenant Swanson…..we have a task for you." Vladislav said, an evil grin forming on his face.

"Mary's toes, he fast!" That was the voice of Grace Colvin, one of the shepherds who along with her companions Hannah Jackson and Valentine Van Helsing, were hunting down a rogue werewolf, responsible for many uncountable deaths, including men and women. "Come on, he can't be too far!" Hannah called out while going along the streets of Paris at night, hunting down the werewolf, as they had been chasing him from Westminster in England to where they were at the current time. As they went along the Parisian streets, coming to a canal they saw another mauled body, indicating they were getting close. "This one looks to be dead…..30 minutes, maybe?" Valentine wondered examining the werewolf's latest kill. They said a Latin prayer and performed the cross gesture with their fingers, then as they had been ready to go, Valentine heard a growl and knew that it was the werewolf, going to the Notre Dame cathedral. When they got there, they were outside the door, and Valentine fired her shotgun with silver rounds at the wolf, causing the wolf to roar at her while the others were catching up. "Where do you think he's going?" Hannah asked panting. "I don't know….my guess is near the top of the church, where the bells are." Valentine said looking up at the sky. "Ok, here's the plan: Hannah, you will be at the altar in case this wolf decides to come down there, Valentine, you go to where the bells are and you might find him there, while I stay here and set up a trap for this wolf." Grace said getting her things for the trap. Grace went to her post while Hannah went to the altar, firmly planting herself there, while Valentine went to find the wolf.

When she got to the top, she noticed that some of the things were torn apart or scratched on deeply. Valentine heard a growl and knew the wolf was there "Valentine, did you find him yet?" Grace asked over her communicator. "No, but I hear him…..he's definitely here…." She said looking around the ruined remains of some of the beams. "Hurry, I'm getting the trap set up, and be careful." Grace said while Valentine heard rustling around. She then took a deep breath and realized the smell of wet dog was right behind her. She turned around and saw that the werewolf was there. "Grace, you might want to hurry up with the trap." Valentine said strangely calm. "Why is that, Val?" Grace asked curiously getting the nets set up on all sides. "The werewolf's behind me." Valentine asked as the werewolf shifted back to someone the three women knew very well. "Guys, I think I know who the werewolf is: it's Hannah's ex-boyfriend Kirk Dunham, and I don't think he looks too happy that we're hunting him down." Valentine said trying to grab for something on the back of her pants. "Well, if it isn't the great Valentine Van Helsing, descendant of Gabriel Van Helsing." Kirk smirked as he licked the blood of his kill from his fingers. "Cut the bullshit, Kirk. You're wanted by the shepherds for the murders of 26 men, 15 women—" Valentine was cut off by Kirk grabbing a heavy beam and Throwing it at her, but she did a flip that would make Natasha Romanoff blush, dodging the beam landing on her feet. "Yes, and 9 children, a few goats, and blah, blah, blah!" Kirk said before shifting back into his wolf form and charging towards her, but not without her pulling out her sawed-off shotgun and firing a few rounds at him, causing him to evade her shooting and climb up to the roof, with Valentine chasing after him by running up some more stairs and catching up with Kirk. "Grace, do you have the trap set up yet!?" Valentine asked frantically trying to stun Kirk enough to trap him, but as she was trying to shoot him, Kirk grabbed Valentine by the throat and threw her off the cathedral, but not without Valentine grabbing her grappling gun and firing it, attaching to Kirk's leg, making it safer for Valentine to land on her feet. Kirk looked down at his leg and growled, while Valentine yanked on the gun, causing him to stumble a little as he tried to regain his balance. He held the cable in his paw, yanking her up, but as he was going, he tripped and fell off the other side of the church, taking Valentine with him, and Grace activated the trap, capturing Kirk, and Valentine landed safely on top. Hannah ran out of the church, wondering what the racket was about, and saw her ex-boyfriend in a net, made of steel, rendering him unable to escape. "Hannah, you have the worst taste in boyfriends, you know that?" Grace asked exasperated and exhausted from the battle while Valentine was coming to their side. "We need to get going before they find us all here." She said gathering the net containing the werewolf.

They all got back to their compound, which was underneath the Vatican in Italy, with Kirk in tow, thrashing about. "Take him, and put him somewhere maybe that's secure, and have someone keep a very sharp eye on him!" Valentine commanded as the other soldiers took the 'precious cargo', and headed for the debriefing room. They opened the door, and it was their superior Cardinal Ramsey who awaited their arrival. "My shepherds, I hope everything went well for the three of you." He said embracing Grace. "It went alright….except the guy we had to capture was Hannah's ex." Valentine said, earning a glare from Hannah. "Well sorry, I didn't know that he would be that violent after we broke up…." Hannah said crossing her arms. "Anyway, did you find anything on Swanson yet?" Grace asked. "No, I'm afraid nothing had come in yet…I worry for the man, he's been missing for a year!" Ramsey said determined to find him.

"Very impressive…..brave, noble, and so beautiful….for a bunch of shepherds who kill our kind, innocent or no." Nero said after reviewing the footage of the women's fight against the werewolf alongside Marcus and Vladislav. "Yes, but remember, they are to be our mates, our queens, so….best to treat them as equals, my brothers." Marcus reminded. "Why don't we….tie up some loose ends first before we start with preparations for their arrival?" Vladislav asked before leaving to dispose of his last concubine for a lifetime. "Yes, I think we need to have some things taken care of, don't we?" Marcus asked as the kings left for their rooms. When Vladislav had entered his bedroom, he immediately sent for his concubine. As he waited, he decided that he would put on some different clothes on, and put some cologne on him. "You wanted to see me milord?" the concubine asked sultrily, lowering her strap down some. "Yes, come here for a second, dear." Vladislav said patting a spot for her in his lap, which she was eager to sit on. As she straddled him, kissing and nibbling on his earlobe, his fangs extended, skimming her neck at first, then bit her, draining her dry. "V-Vladislav, please, NO!" The woman screamed as she was losing her blood. When he drained her and threw her on the floor, he called for his servants and looked in the mirror and saw that he definitely needed to shower and change clothes before meeting and claiming his mate. "Sorry, but I'm getting married, so no whores for me…." he said while they were laying out his new suit and hooded cape and gathered the bloody clothes to be washed up and gathering up the concubine's body. After he was showered and ready, with new clothes on his back, he went to Marcus' study, where the kings would gather from time to time, where both kings were waiting along with Lieutenant Swanson, who was bound with an earpiece on his right ear, looking at the kings with disgust and contempt. "Go on, Swanson… for the shepherds… for our queens…." Marcus crooned, feeling his fangs extend at the thought of claiming his mate. "God….forgive me…." Swanson said as he activated the communicator to call the shepherds for help.

Hannah, Grace and Valentine were sitting around the cafeteria, having dinner when they had gotten a message from Cardinal Ramsey saying that he has a distress call from Swanson, a great relief for all of them as he had disappeared during a mission to Transylvania to take care of a vampire situation. They went to a meeting room where they had Swanson talking to them, relaying coordinates to the place before he was cut off by the sound of vampires hissing and biting his neck. "We need to get to him, fast!" Hannah said pounding her fist on the table. "Hang on a minute we need to have some sort of plan for what we would need to do, Hannah!" Valentine said trying to simmer her down. They went to the weapons room, gathering what they would need, consisting of garlic, holy water, stakes, silver bullets and shells, and many other weapons in their arsenal in their quest to find Swanson and bring him back.

After Swanson was drained of his blood, the servants took his body away and started with the cleanup and preparations for the arrival of their future queens. "Let the games begin." Nero smirked leaving to change his bloody clothes, preparing himself for their arrival.

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