I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of my silky white hair flying through the wind. The leaves and branches brushing past my face as I run at speeds unimaginable. Small creatures dashing away to avoid the unstoppable mass of stone disguised as beauty. I have no destination however, I am running from the Volturi who have been hunting me since I last visited them, or first visited them. It was the same day- you could say I made them a little... angry. (then again it's not that hard to do so.) But, not only am I running from the Italian pains in my ass, I'm also escaping a fate worse than anything they could do to me. Before I get too ahead of myself, why don't we start in 1918, the year I stood at my Fiancés bedside Forced to watch him die.

He had the Spanish Influenza.

It seemed like the end of my life, the worst day ever. My world was fading quickly, and Cullen had informed me that he was doing all in his power to save him. If only I'd known. The news came the next day while I was making breakfast to bring to the hospital. A sharp knock sounded at my door, It held an urgency that made my knees shake, something was wrong. I took my apron off and made way to the wooden door, creaking it open just so much that I could see out. The weather was gloomy and the sun hid behind grey clouds, rain just drizzling at the moment.

There he stood, shoulders hunched and a pitying look on his face. It was only after the words came floating out of his mouth that the severity of the situation had dawned on me. I remember gasping quietly and slamming the door only to fall to my knees- a sobbing mess. With tears streaked down my face I screamed in anguish. Despair hit me like a boulder and My breath was coming very shakily. The rain outside began to pour down, the howling wind picked up and thunder crashed every ten seconds. I heard the tree just outside my house fall before it crashed down, destroying all the work we had put into the home that represented the life we would have had together.

My anger mixed with the pure sadness from losing my love sent me off. My hands tangled into my hair, it was a golden blonde back then, and a deafening scream escaped my lips. I packed all I could into the trunk I was to use on our honey moon, our honey moon that was never going to happen. Lightning lit the sky behind me as I ran out-of-town, passing surprised and confused looking families. I remember passing the Dr.'s house and feeling my mind go into override, he hadn't tried hard enough! A strong gust of wind shook the perfect white fence and beautifully crafted shutters came crashing to the with what had happened I walked, with a deadly calm, into the woods. If I couldn't have my fiancé back, then I would have no one. I didn't need anyone but him, and he was dead. My Edward was dead.

I searched the dark and empty forest for a few hours before finding and old shack, rumored to be haunted, and I busted the door open. For two years I lived there. All alone, only venturing into a town to get the food I would need to survive. It was a week into winter and my body was torn with sickness, I had no more money and my food supply had run out. No one knew where I was, so that meant no one would be able to help me. I was more alone than ever and okay with that saddening fact. I yearned for death. To let the end wash over me and then I could be with Edward again. Fate had different plans, however, because soon after I fell ill I had two very unwanted visitors.

They came late in the day when the sun was no longer up, everything was quite and eerie. I wasn't expecting anyone to find me so when two oddly beautiful men stormed into my home with an unmatchable speed and force I was taken by surprise. they both stood at an impressive hight and seemed as if they were born with muscles. Both pairs of eyes were a startling red color and the only feeling I had was fear. The one to the left sent a deadly smirk in my direction, flashing one sharpened tooth he snarled. his honey brown hair reminded me of Edwards own bronze, but the rest of him screamed danger. The one to the right looked a bit less... frightening,but more handsome. His jaw was chiseled and his black locks fell to his shoulders.

"We've been searching for you for a while, your scent is.. captivating" the charming one spoke, his voice sounded like warmth but I knew he was far from it. Honestly It was obvious what they were. The remarkable beauty, and the red eyes. Not to mention the fangs. I longed for life to cease and when the opportunity presented itself, I took it. Not wanting to waste time I simply tilted my neck and moved my hair from blocking their way.

"Just, make it fast" My voice sounded as tired as I truly was. Confusion fell upon their faces but they didnt question my actions, they simply pounced. literally. One minute i was standing there waiting for death, and the next everything was black. The only thing I could do was sit there in the nothingness. soon a burning pain began to fill my body. starting with my fingertips it slowly took over my entirety. the pain lasted for what felt like forever, and then there was nothing again. A numbness spread over me and everything seemed to dull in comparison with this feeling. I felt alive, but there was no heart beat to be heard. I could hear everything, from the bugs crawling about on the floor, to the forest creatures in pursuit of one another. My eyes snapped open and for a second all I saw was white. My eyes adjusted to the sun light and focused on, well, everything. I could see every grain of wood in the cabin. Every particle of dust in the air. And then I smelled it. It was like everything I had ever wanted bundled into one package. My instincts took over and I began to run at a speed I didnt know was possible, untill I came upon a clearing filled with a heard of dear. I focused on the biggest buck I could find and in a matter of seconds I was on top of it, draining every ounce of its blood with razor sharp fangs that had descended from my gums.

That was the day I was turned, the day I first fed off of animals, and the day I Realized out what I had become.

A monster.

I lived my years out in seclusion, moving from state to state avoiding as many humans as I could. For fifty years I stayed hidden, but loneliness began to eat away at my very soul. I began to crave the attention and comfort from another human bein, though I was no longer human. I had no desire of finding another love, for Edward was the only one, but I needed a companion. From then on I would go into towns, searching for those of my kind. I found many, some good and some bad. Eventually I ran into the two that had turned me and let me anger explode. That was the day I discovered my curse, the day my hair changed to white.

The clouds were grey and depressing, no one was out and the streets were dark. A bird chirped every once and a while but other than that it was silent. shivers went up my un-dead spine as two somewhat familiar scents hit my senses. I felt as if I knew them from somewhere. The gloomy light shining from behind the clouds made my skin glow a bit abnormally, but not so much that someone would be able to tell. Off to my left there was a seemingly abandoned bar, but there were two loud voices that suddenly made themselves known. One was rough and low, the other smooth and bell-like. The same bell-like voice I heard just before the burning. It was them. The ones that turned me. If it weren't for them, I could have been with Edward. They took away my only chance to be happy again. THEY WOULDN'T LET ME DIE. I felt rage fill my now golden eyes and the wind around me sped up, leaves and papers where blowing all over the place and my blonde hair swirled around my head in a flurry of motions. I slowly stepped up the rotting stairway and slammed the door into the inside wall. Both of the men's heads snapped in my direction, but I could barely tell because all I saw was red. I almost tried to calm myself down before being reminded of the fact that they turned me into.. into this.

I heard the wind pick up even more as the men made sounds of recognition. the old bar smelled strongly of alcohol and dust, not a very pleasant combination. The familiar scent burned into my memory as I charged towards them, my rage causing me to act without thought. I don't remember much of anything after that, only the loud screams and bittersweet smell of burning vampire. My mind was put at rest, My anger bottled itself back up. And, as I exited the old bar, I noticed something strange. The entire town was destroyed, it looked as if a tornado reeked its havoc all over the place. as I took my time walking out of the wreckage, observing the damage, I realised it was me. Flashes of the night I found out Edward had passed away of the Spanish Influenza, and the cold rainy weather that followed. Not only was I a monster that sucked the blood of my innocent victims, but now if I ever got upset I could destroy towns, houses, and lives.

After that night I distanced myself from people again, I made sure nobody would suffer by my hands again. I moved from place to place for many years, witnessing the changes in society and saving money any way I could. My attitude as the shy, in-love house wife began to transform into an independent woman who doesn't take shit from anyone. It was all going fine, untill I moved to the 'sunny' town of Forks washington