Author Note - this is my first go at a Densi fix, so i hope you enjoy it. Also any mistakes are my own.

Disclaimer - Unfortunatly I don't own and of the characters, because if I did, we wouldn't have had to wait for 4 Seasons for that epic moment!

Moments that change a relationship.

She had promised herself that if he woke up, things would change between them. Everything had been so complicated between them lately, she didn't even know why or even when, she just knew they had. As she sat by his bed waiting for him to wake up, she couldn't help but think about how they had gotten to this point, her sitting here for days on end, while he remained unconscious.


She had been scared to death when she found out that they had been taken, but when she got the call from Callen that Deeks and Sam had been rescued, as sense of relief washed over her, was well as a sense of panic. She had been with Michelle when it came over the coms, the women having gone in the other direction to her team leader. She wanted to be the one who found him, she had to be, he was her partner, she was the one who was supposed to have his back, to get there first. When Callen said those words 'We've got them', part of her felt as if she had let him down by not getting there first, but in that second it didn't matter…..he was alive. Both women raced to Callen's last co-ordinates, not really knowing what they were going to find. They knew both me were alive, but they didn't know just how injured they were.

As they entered the room, both women saw Sam, who was already with the medics. Michelle rushed to his side, relieved to see her husband alive. As Michelle was talking to the paramedics to find out Sam's condition, Kensi was searching the room for her partner. She didn't see him at first, too much was going on in the room. That was until she spotted Callen, who at the same time turned and spotted her. As she ran towards Callen, he grabbed her stopping her from seeing the scene behind him. 'Callen let me see him' she yelled at her leader. 'Kensi let them work and then I promise you can see him' Callen replied, knowing that he was losing the battle already. When it came to Deeks, Kensi didn't take no for an answer. 'Callen I have to see him. I should have had his back and not run off…..' she trailed off. For once Kensi caught Callen off guard by what she had said and loosened his grip slightly. Kensi too the opportunity and ran towards where the medics were and kneeled down next to her partner. She knew it was important for the medics to see to him, but she couldn't help herself, she had to be by his side.

She couldn't do anything to help. Her head was pounding with what had happened and what was happening in the moment, so she did all she could and started talking to her unconscious partner. 'It's me Deeks, it's Kensi. Come on, you've got to wake up. You're safe, you, Sam and Michelle. They're ok Deeks, so we just need you to wake up now', she told Deeks, just hoping to hear his voice again. 'Miss, we need to move Detective Deeks and get him to hospital. You can follow us if you wish', the medic told her. It was only then that Kensi looked away from Deeks and faced the medic, 'I don't think so, I'm coming with you', she told him. 'I'm sorry but there wont be any room for you…' the medic trailed off as Kensi lost her patience. 'NO WAY, that man is my partner, he's just been through god know what and there is no way I am leaving his side, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!' Callen who was across the room talking to the LAPD, now that Sam had to the hospital, Michelle by his side, realised what was going on. He walked over to the medic, who he could see was not impressed with Kensi's outburst and approached the junior agent. 'Kens let them get Deeks to the hospital and I'll drive you to the hospital myself and I promise we will be there before the ambulance even gets there', he told her, knowing that the medics would need space to work on Deeks, who was in a bad way, but also just how stubborn Kensi was when it came to Deeks. 'Callen I can't, I have to go with him, I don't want him to be on his own' she explained. 'I know you don't and after this he won't be. Lets get him to the hospital and when he gets there you will be waiting for him, as usual', Callen said knowing that Kensi usually ended up waiting for Deeks. Kensi knew she wouldn't win this one, she had to think of Deeks, hell all she had done was think about him. 'Fine, but if I'm…' she started replying before Callen broke her off, 'we'll be there Kensi, I promise', trying to reassure her. 'Fine but I'm walking with him to the ambulance' getting the last word, as she walked along side her partner, knowing that Callen was close behind.

Knowing they would be separated again, she started talking to Deeks, 'Deeks its me again, they are taking you to the hospital, but they wont let me come with you, so for once behave yourself and I'll be there for when you arrive. If I'm not then blame Callen, he's driving. Just make sure you get there Deeks or else', knowing that if he could hear her right now, he would be taking the mick out of her for being so emotional. And with that the medics loaded Deeks into the ambulance and shut the doors. With that she raced towards and jumped into Callen's car, just as Callen himself put his put his foot on the gas.

End flashback