A/N: this is the final chapter. the cover art was not done by me. her tumblr is riza-hawkeye. Hopefully this is fluffy to you guys, cause it was fluffy for me. HAVE FUN! The dresses the girls wear can be found here: [tmblr. co /ZIV8OtqcvBYq]


The night had come. Riza was all washed up and waiting in her room. Roy was going to stop by to give her the dress he had bought for this occasion. She didn't hold much hope though. However, she waited. Her father knew that she was going to be out for the night and didn't say a word about it. She was still concerned.

There was a knock on the door, and she hesitantly opened it. Roy was standing there all dress up and her dress in hand. His whole face was lighten up in glee as he ushered her into her room and threw the dress in with her.

"Hurry up and get into that and we'll leave. I'll be driving." Roy informed from the other side of the door.

It has a turtle neck and the back is completely covered. Riza sighed a breath of relief. Although she had mentioned her preferences for the dress, she hadn't been sure whether or not he would comply. Apparently he had enough sense to do so. Putting on the dress, she took a deep breath before emerging from the room. Roy was waiting by the door and straightened up when he heard the door open. He took one took at the blonde and smiled largely. With a flash of pride in his eyes, he offered his arm to her. Riza cast her gaze downwards.

This was more embarrassing than she though it'd be. Hooking her hand in the crease of his arm, Roy walked her to the car and helped her in. He went around and started the car and drove to the school. It seemed like the whole senior class was present, or at least the majority of them. As the car pulled up onto the lawn, Riza started to wring her fingers. She was beyond nervous. She had never dressed up like this before and although the dress was beautiful, she wasn't as confident in her own looks.

A hand rest on hers.

"Hey, Riza. You look great, and it doesn't really matter what those people think, does it?" Roy grinned at the blonde who smiled nervously back. He got out of the car first and opened the door for the teacher's daughter. Offering his arm again, he walked her through the door.

Many heads turned and froze that night.

Riza was wearing a beige colored floor length dress that had three quarter sleeves. Only the sleeves were made out of see through material. The dress had a collar neck that only crept up and covered an inch of her neck. Around her waist, the dress adorned a black silk sash. Around her neck and down to her chest area, black flowered lace decorated the dress. The same designed flowed into the skirt from the black sash. Although she had no other accessories on, she was stunning.

The small collar neck helped make her face looks smaller and the contrasting black made her blonde hair stand out more. And since it is a dress, her figure was not hidden but rather accented.

It also helped that her escort was handsome as well. He went more casual than the other males at the party. He wore a white button down shirt underneath a military style jacket with gold buttons. He wore black dress pants, and his hair was combed back for the event.

"Riza!" Ellie shouted from across the room. She can dashing over in a sleeveless blue gown. It flowed to the ground and diamonds studded the majority of the torso. Her brown hair was curled so it cascaded over her shoulders.

"Glad you could make it." Sandra walked up to the other girls and placed her hand on Riza's arm. She was dressed in a less flashy manner. He dress didn't expand out as much as Ellie's dress when she moved. It was more of a lavender and it had a beaded cap sleeve. Sandra's blonde hair was wrapped around her head in a braid.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Ellie grabbed the dolled up Riza's hand. Riza stumbled over her words.

"I d-didn't know I was coming until yesterday."

"And you ended up coming with him." Ellie gave Riza a side glance, teasing her. Laughing happily, Ellie encased both Riza and Sandra in a tight hug. "I'm so glad that we're all here! And we look absolutely gorgeous!" Sandra laughed along and Riza smiled peacefully. She looked over her shoulder and saw Roy talking with her friends' boyfriends. Feeling grateful, she reminded herself to thank the soldier later.

"Let's go dance!" Ellie exclaimed to the two blondes and flitted over to grab her boyfriend to go dance. Sandra was met by her boyfriend and they were off.

A tap came at her shoulder.

"Oh no, I can't dance." She shook her head as she turned to face her escort. But it wasn't Roy. Rather, it was another senior boy.

"Please don't say that. I'll be more than happy to teach you." The man offered his hand to her. When she started to shy away, another boy joined the two.

"Miss, if this guy's bothering you, I'd be honored to show you to the refreshments." And after that, more and more of the partner-less seniors started to flock Riza.

"Boys. You're overwhelming her. Riza, let's go dance." Roy spoke above the group and made his way to where Riza cowered terrified. She nodded quickly and took the older man's hand. Being lead away, she heard the grumbling of many males.

After they were on the dance floor, Roy started to laugh to himself.

"What's so funny?" Riza hissed in his direction, eyes still darting at the spectators on the sidelines.

"Excuse me. Don't be offended. I just thought it was unusual to see you flustered as you were before I came to rescue you." Roy led Riza simply around the dance floor with no exact destination. Just going.

"Well, I have my share of weaknesses." Riza looked away from the dark haired man. Roy smiled to himself as he gripped Riza closer.

"Now don't pout." He teased. Riza refused to acknowledge such naive rebuttal. "Riza..." He lifted her chin up so their eyes met. "Are you having a good time?" He was worried about her health. He had forgotten about her relationship with her father, but returning to the house again, he realized how worse it got. She didn't seem her age nor did she hold the youth of a high school senior. He wanted the other to enjoy herself a bit more. Enjoy her life instead of trying to better another's life. He wanted her to take a break.

Turning slightly red, she nodded. "It's nice being out like this." She murmured. The two of them stopped dancing for a bit, and Riza sat down. Tired from being in dress shoes for too long, Riza rested as Roy offered to grab refreshments.

Although she had her hands folded on her lap, her gaze wasn't down but rather at her escort. He was too kind to do this for her. She knew what he was up to, and she was grateful. She was feeling better, mentally and emotionally. Self esteem did rise significantly but the constant worry about her father was lost in the dim party room. A feeling of relaxation washed over her, and she cherished the moment.

Roy really was too generous to buy a dress and escort her to a dance. He still had not convinced teacher about Flame Alchemy. Riza lightly placed her hand on her own shoulder, slightly touching her back. Her body tensed at memories brought up, and she covered her mouth in grimace. With her breath becoming shallow, Riza tried to calm herself down before Roy returned.

Luckily, when the blonde looked up, he was swamped with girls asking him for a single dance. By the looks of it, it almost looked as though he was flirting with every single one of them. Once again she was reminded of Roy's appeal. He was military man, and what person did not look good in uniform? Not to mention, he was still very young and intelligent. He also had looks. When he smiled genuinely he seemed almost childish, but other expressions illustrated the man in him. Something all women were attracted to.

Riza's face started to feel hot. Watching the dark haired alchemist longer, she felt a wave of pride. None of these girls knew the soldier as she did. She was connected to the man in a way that would be envied. Smiling to herself, she averted her gaze from the man surrounded by girls. Another man, who had spotted Riza, came over and took a hand. Kissing the back of it, the gentleman asked for a dance. Flustered by the gesture, all the blonde could do was open and close her mouth.

"I apologize. Is that man your lover?" The gentleman withdrew. Although he fancied Riza, he wasn't going to take her from another man. Riza shook her head.

"N-No. He's just a pupil of my father," she replied promptly. The man smiled and helped the woman to her feet.

"Then shall we dance?" The man slowly led her to the dance floor. She didn't know why this was any different from when the other seniors asked for a dance. It might have been because this man wasn't in a mob. And that this man was more mature than those drooling seniors boys. Whatever the reason, Riza started to dance with this man. The made their way around the dance floor, one hand gently touching, Riza's hand on his shoulder, his hand on her shoulder blade.

"May I ask for your name? Mine is Richard."

"Riza." She mumbled but he heard her.

"Well then Miss Riza, how about I talk you out for a simple meal and nothing more? Would that be okay with you?" Richard leaned over to whisper in her ear. Feeling uncomfortable, Riza wanted to move away from the man she was dancing with.

"Excuse me." A hand grabbed Richard's shoulder. "If you could please turn over my date." Roy looked slightly irked as he held out his hand to Riza.

"I see. Thank you for the dance." Richard gave a knowing smirk to Roy and kissed her hand before giving her over.

"Thank you." Roy responded curtly before whisking the blonde off to the other side of the room. Riza was confused. What had just happened?

"Are you okay? That man didn't do anything strange?" Roy sat Riza down just in case she did feel bad. But nothing was wrong. She nodded her head confidently.

"He was a gentleman about everything. Is something wrong?" She threw a look over her shoulder to look for Richard. Had there been something strange about him that she missed?

"No, nothing," said Roy. He sighed. Riza was giving his a no-nonsense look. "I was the one to take you out, and I'd like to be the one to take you home. I'd rather not have something happen to you that I could've prevented." The soldier confessed. The blonde smiled in gratitude.

"Thanks for caring so much. You should have kept entertaining those girls; I would have been fine with Richard." She looked down in embarrassment. What she didn't see what Roy's contorted face afterwards. Restructuring his face, it was presentable again.

"But those girls weren't as entertaining as you, Riza." Roy hesitantly touched the other's hands. She didn't look up; she couldn't.

"I think we should go home now. I'm getting a bit tired." Riza stood up and started to walk out the door. Roy caught up to her and stopped her.

"Riza. Are you angry with me?" Roy held onto her hand. She shook her head, and the soldier pulled her in. "Tell me what the matter is." She shook her head again.

Smiling softly, he turned her around and gazed at her bright red face.

"It's really n-nothing." She tried to pull away to hide her face. But this type of teasing was too much fun for Roy. It was a side of this girl he never saw but wished he did more often. He wanted to see her blushing and flustered. And he wanted to be the cause of it.

A shock ran through the male. He stared at the yellow of her hair and the brown of her eyes. Was she always this gorgeous? He had realized that she was grown up significantly, but he was starting to feel attracted to his master's daughter.

Unknowingly, he reached for her cheek and caressed it. Bending down, he pressed their foreheads together.

"Don't lie to me Riza Hawkeye." Then he brought his lips to meet hers. A startled gasp came from the blonde, and Roy felt guilt immediately. "I'm sorry. Was that too sudden?"

"Um...n-no...that's not it." Riza hid her face by resting her head on Roy's chest and looking down. He caressed the back of her neck and hugged her.

"Good. I'm glad." He kissed the top of her head. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his waist. It was comfortable. It was warm. It was peaceful. But it didn't last forever.

That night was the end of a lot of things.

It was the end of a simple childhood relationship.

It was also the end of Master Hawkeye's life.

It was the end of Roy's search for the secret of Flame Alchemy.

It was the end of Roy's stay in the town; he left for the academy shortly.

It was the end of the budding relationship between the two.

However it was a start of many things as well.

Obviously, it was the start of a new relationship of utter trust and faith. A relationship that exceeded one with a lover.

A/N: Argh. This was too difficult to write. Cause it's hard to set it up so that they kiss. I mean really...I know Riza must be really different from the canon. But if you think about it, this was before she enlisted in the war effort. So she's still as innocent as they come. She's just a high school student. Roy's being a total gentleman for once. I guess he really wanted the night to go well for Riza.

Personally, the dance scene was a bit awk. But it ended well so...whatever I guess. How did you guys like it?