Agony was all that registered through Rachel's subconscious as she slowly started to wake up. She moaned in pain before sitting up to see Finn coming into their bedroom with a glass of water in his hand. He silently handed her a pain pill and the water.

"Thank you," she commented before putting the pain pill in her mouth and drinking some of the water. She sat it down on the bedside table so what was left in the glass wouldn't be spilled on their bed.

"No problem babe."

"What time is it?"

"It is about ten in the morning; Shelby is here with Beth, who is being spoiled by Puck. She wanted to make sure that you are okay."

"Can you help me get dressed?"

A wicked gleam came into Finn's eyes at her words before she threw a pillow at him, laughing at her husband.

"Finn, that isn't happening."

Finn grinned at her before responding.

"Sorry babe. I'm a guy, we think about sex especially when we have a sexy wife like you."

He leaned down to softly kiss her and it quickly turned passionate despite the cast on Rachel's hand. It was only when she reached up with her broken hand to touch him on the face and a wave of pain went through her that and a groan of agony that brought them back to reality.

"Let me help you get dressed so we can go downstairs," Finn said as he got up from the bed.

In a small cafe a few blocks from where Rachel and Finn lived, AJ Quartermaine sat across from his brother Jason and waited for him to speak. The younger man had called him and wanted to talk so he wasn't saying anything until Jason said what he needed to.

"I wish I had never helped Carly and Sonny keep you away from Michael."

"What made you change your mind?"

"When I found out how it felt to be kept away from my own son and that he died not knowing that I was his father."

AJ was stunned at his brother's words and listened to the story of how Elizabeth Webber had given birth to Jason's son, Jake and how the two of them and Lucky Spencer had agreed to let everybody think that Jake was Lucky's child so that any rival mobsters wouldn't go after Jason. How the young boy had been hit by a car driven by Luke Spencer and had died from his injuries. That had been nothing compared to finding out that Michael had been shot and had been in a coma for over a year or that his son had went to prison because of Sonny, Carly and Jason reputations even though it had been self-defense when he had killed his stepmother.

"So you experienced having your child kept from you and realized just how shitty it felt? The difference is that you made the choice to stay away from Jake, I wasn't given a choice, and I was hung from a meat hook and threatened until I stupidly signed my rights to Michael away."

Jason, who had known about Sonny hanging AJ from a meat hook, felt a strange sensation of anger at his boss and friend wash over him. Flashes of unknown memories started to go through his head as he started to clutch his head in pain.

At his moan of pain, AJ stood up and knelt by his brother's side, worry filling his eyes.

"Jason, what's wrong?"

"I think the surgery I had last year didn't work, call 911," Jason struggled to say before passing out from the pain.

AJ, guilt filling him for why Jason's surgery had been necessary, quickly grabbed his cell phone and called someone to help his brother.

Rachel and Finn walked down into the living room and smiled at the sight of Beth and Puck sitting on the floor, playing with her dolls. Kurt had his phone aimed at him, grinning like they had never seen him do before.

"This is so going to be used as blackmail material when Puckerman acts stupid," Kurt stated mischievously.

Rachel and Finn smiled at Shelby, who was standing across the room. It was only the sound of several cell phones ringing that interrupted the good humor going on in the room.

Rachel and Shelby both answered their phones and both women went silent as they listened to whoever had called them. Rachel hung up her phone first and shook her head in disbelief before talking to her very concerned husband.

"That was my aunt Hannah. Alyssa found out that Ginger tried to dose you with GHB and flew in from LA this morning and went to the hotel where Ginger was staying. A vicious confrontation started and they are both at the hospital right now getting treated for their injuries. She said that Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Walter are both ready to strangle her for once again doing something like this without thinking of the consequences."

Before Finn could respond, Shelby hung up her phone and started to speak to Puck, who was still playing with Beth.

"Noah, do you mind babysitting Beth for me. AJ is over at the Emergency Room with his brother and he wants me to be there for him when his family and Jason's boss arrives."

Finn helped Rachel out of the apartment while Shelby gave her little girl a kiss goodbye before following her oldest child and son-in-law out the door.

An hour later, Rachel walked into the room where Alyssa was waiting to be seen by a doctor. She had cut lip, a bruised eye that looked like it would be swollen shut before too long and a cut on her cheek. If Alyssa was the instigator and had kicked Ginger's ass, just how badly was she hurt if Alyssa was hurt this bad.

"She got a few good hits in before I stomped her into the floor," Alyssa commented, tossing her dark curly hair over her shoulder, wincing in pain at even moving that much.

"I can't fuss at you because I punched her too after she tried to drug Finn but Lyss, her mother is pitching a fit. She is telling her husband to cancel the deal for mine and Finn's songs and wants assault charges filed against you. Your mom came close to punching her in the head and it was only your dad and all of your uncles grabbing her to stop it from happening."

"Tanya Flanagan has always thought the sun shined of Ginger's ass even after seeing what a selfish bitch her daughter is."

Rachel and Alyssa both turned to see Bonnie standing in the doorway, frowning at her daughter in disapproval.

"That doesn't excuse you from going to her hotel without thinking and attacking her. Your dad is talking to her dad to see if they can talk her mom out of filing charges,"

"Mom, she shouldn't get away with drugging Trevor and trying to do it to Finn because she can't grasp the concept that not every man on the planet wants her."

"She isn't getting away with it," Mark stated as he and Hannah walked into the room. "Trevor filed sexual assault charges against her this morning and Finn Hudson is filing sexual harassment charges here in New York. Ginger will have her own legal trouble and with all of the evidence piling against her, her mother can't get her out of this one. I have talked to your parents and I am releasing you to their custody while everything is figured out on whether or not you will be charged with assault."

Rachel quietly slipped out of the room and into the waiting room to find Finn sitting there talking to Shelby while AJ was on his cellphone, quietly talking to someone.

"How's Alyssa," Finn asked her quietly.

"She's is more pissed off than anything else. I think finding out that Ginger tried to do the same thing to do you that she did to Trevor set her off," Rachel said before turning to look at Shelby. "How is AJ's brother doing?"

"They haven't said anything yet but his wife gave her permission for AJ to sign the paperwork until she can get here in a few hours. It seems we will all be introduced to the entire Quartermaine family as well as Jason's boss and his associates."

"My dad is coming here," Michael asked while standing in the doorway. "I am going to have to hear him and my mom fuss at me for coming down here to see AJ."

"That story sounds familiar," Finn said, softly smiling at his wife, who glanced over at Shelby.

"What does that mean?"

Rachel turned to face Michael and just about collapsed until Finn caught her and sat her down beside him. The other three people in the room, especially Shelby surrounded her to make sure she was okay.

"Are you in pain?"

"No," Rachel said, answering her mother's question. "I think the pain medicine I took this morning is really starting to kick in."

"That's it; I am taking you home so you can sleep."

Finn stood up and picked Rachel up to carry her out of the room when she passed out in his arms.

"Finn, we are taking her to get checked out. She tried to do too much after breaking her hand less than twenty four hours ago," Shelby firmly stated before softly kissing AJ and following her son-in-law out the door.

An awkward tension filled the room as AJ and Michael looked at each other before the younger man started to speak.

"What did Finn mean by what he said about a familiar story?"

"Shelby is Rachel's biological mother but only met her three years ago. She was surrogate for a gay couple who wanted a child of their own. Shelby purposely broke a contract that stated she couldn't see Rachel until she was eighteen and it caused a lot of tension between Rachel's dads and Shelby. Shelby turning her back on Rachel and adopting a baby made things a lot worse with her and Rachel and they are only just now starting to repair the damage she caused to Rachel. So your mom and Sonny not wanting you to come here to see me is a very familiar story to them."

"Why did you kidnap me and my brother and sister when I was a kid?"

AJ turned pale at his son's question before having the most difficult conversation of his life with the most important person that he needed to apologize to for how he had acted.

Not long after, Rachel was lying in a hospital bed, with Finn sitting in a chair beside her and Shelby on her other side. A handsome doctor in his early forties is facing all three of them with a stern look on his face.

"Mrs. Hudson, according to your husband you have had a very stressful couple of days and I am admitting you overnight for rest. I am restricting your visitors to family only and if any of them cause you any stress, I will only allow your husband in here."

Rachel didn't say a word and nodded at the man that she understood before letting her eyes drift closed.

"Good, the sedative I gave her is starting to work. Mr. Hudson, you can give the list of who can see her to the nurse and I will be back to check on her in a few hours."

The doctor left as Shelby reached over to caress Rachel's face before standing up to leave.

"I am going to check on AJ and make sure he is okay. Have you called Hiram and Leroy?"

"Her grandparents did when I called to tell them what was happening. They are on their way over here to check on Alyssa and Rachel."

Shelby quietly left the room as Finn took her hand in his, watching as her eyes opened slightly.

"I really wish we were still on our honeymoon right now, Finn."

"I do too, baby. Maybe we can find somewhere to go for the weekend after your cast comes off."

"How about someplace where we can really be alone without any drama?"

Finn smiled as he watched her go back to sleep, glad that her grandparents had stepped in and helped them. He didn't want to know what would have happened to them if he had gone ahead with the plans he had originally made with her dads.

AN: This chapter is shorter than my usual ones but this felt like a good place to stop. Despite the presence of characters from other shows, this is a Finchel story and I am trying to keep it that way and letting the other characters intersect with Finn and Rachel's lives rather than take over the story.

I had originally planned on starting my version of season four in the next chapter but feel like I should add some more chapters to finish some storylines up before going into the events of season 4 but with a Finchel spin.