
I stared in between the blinds, out into the foggy night sky. Voices blurred behind me. I only made out a bit of the conversation.

"Thanks for this, Ryouji."

"No prob. After all she IS my daughter."

"Right. Take good care of your daughter."

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Flash Back

"I don't want to go!" I cried out at the two boys in front of me. One had orange hair and red eyes, the other with grey hair and purple eyes.

"Haruhi..." purple eyes pleaded with me.

"Don't Yuki! I, I can't leave you guys. Besides, if I leave you Akito will only target Kyo."

"Haruhi, let it go. You are the only thing we agree about. We need to know your safe."

"Kyo... What about you? Huh?"

"He's stronger than you give him credit. Still a stupid cat, but stronger than you think."

"What did you say dam rat?" Yuki shrugged, and I rolled my eyes at their antics. "Never mind. I'm going to move in with Kazuma." I pulled them both into hugs, hoping they wouldn't notice the silent tears running down my cheeks.

"Don't leave me!" I cried.

"We wont," Yuki consoled me, stroking my hair gently.

"We're always here for you. Now go!" Kyo pushed me towards his martial arts master, Kazuma, and my future.

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"Goodbye, Kazuma. Take care of them for me."