A/N: I am so sorry for this late update, I hope you all can forgive me! But summer is here and I will be updating much more regularly. This is an extremely short chapter, but next week will be much longer. Thank you all for your support. I hope I don't disappoint!




Kakashi was a much harsher sensei than Sakura had originally thought. Apparently, he didn't understand the meaning of the words 'tired' or 'sore', and chose to ignore the pretty queen when she employed them as excuses for her poor performance. But after a month of training, Sakura was finding that she had improved greatly in not only her fighting skills, but also her ability to call forth and manipulate chakra. Kakashi had ensured her, that despite the significant dimness of her chakra, she would become a sorceress of great power.

It had been a long month without Sasuke's presence, and Sakura missed her husband dearly. It was a long trip to Konohagakure with an army the size of Oto's, and many of the villages on the road to the kingdom had been ransacked and needed rebuilding before the army could move on. But according to Sasuke's last letter, they would be approaching Konoha soon.

"We will stop here for now Sakura." Sakura sighed in relief as Kakashi disengaged from their spar and bowed lightly before the queen.

Sakura nodded eagerly and rolled her neck to relieve some of the tension in her shoulders. The sun was rising, and she would have to meet with the legislators of Oto to discuss some of her new plans for the kingdom. So far she'd been able to abolish many of the laws that ensured the council's involvement in her marriage, and was now working on legislation that would enable Oto to extend education programs to civilians for better quality medical care.

"How did the council react to yesterday's meeting after I left?" She asked Kakashi as he handed her a canteen of water.

She could see his eye crinkle with a smirk behind his face guard. "They absolutely loathe that they can no longer require visiting or residential noble women to submit to their desires."

Sakura giggled and handed back the canteen. "I know Hyugga-sama and the others are delighted that their daughters will be protected in my court."

Kakashi nodded and reached out to ruffle his student's hair. "You're a great queen Sakura. Just like your mother."

Sakura bit her lip and embraced her sensei. "Thanks Kaka-sensei."




My dearest Sasuke-kun,

You must be settling down to rest for your first night away from Otogakure, and finding my letter in your bag. I miss you already I am sure. Write me soon. Everyday. And ensure me that I will never leave your thoughts.

All of my love,





Sasuke sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he surveyed his troops. The village they were currently rebuilding would take at least until sundown to completely reconstruct, and he was growing impatient along the way. They'd already wasted a month rebuilding villages, Orochimaru could be back to full strength by this point. But they could not leave the villages in disarray. He needed to come up with a back-up plan.





I will be halfway to Konoha by the time you receive my letter. I hope you do not miss me too much. I will do everything within me to save your beloved Konoha, and come back to you as soon as possible.

I cannot sleep without you beside me.





Sakura sighed as she finished Sasuke's letter. Curt as usual. But she had gotten used to his letters by now, it had been another week since Sasuke's departure and she was really beginning to feel the loss of her husband by her side. From what she could tell of Sasuke's letters, they still had a long journey ahead of them before they'd reach Konoha and both the king and queen were beginning to worry. If Sasuke began to get too impatient, he would split his army and go after Orochimaru himself leaving himself vulnerable.

Sakura took in a deep breath and began to write a return letter to her husband. His messenger hawk jumped in through the window and perched himself on her knee. Sakura giggled and gently pet the hawk's head, watching as he leaned into her touch. He'd sent her a different hawk today, but she wasn't surprised. With all of the letters they sent each other, it was no surprise that he'd had to switch out hawks. Soon she'd be learning how to conjure and send her own summoning to send him letters.

She glanced out of the window, checking the height of the sun. Her Aunt Tsunade was on her way from Kirigakure for a visit, and should be there by nightfall. Unfortunately, the sun hadn't positioned to its afternoon height yet.

The door to her study opened, and Sakura stood to greet the visitor. "Kakashi-sensei, what can I do for you?"

Kakashi said nothing as he continued to the queen's desk. He took a deep breath and lifted his head up to look at her. "Sakura, you may want to take a seat for this."

Sakura's brow furrowed and she sank back into her chair as she kept her eyes on her sensei. "Did something happen to my Aunt Tsunade?"

Kakashi shook his head and placed his hands on the desk before him. "No." He reached into his armor and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. "Before I tell you, I'm going to give you this. You can read it when we're done." He placed the letter on her desk, but kept his hand on top of it. "Sasuke has left his army."

Sakura stopped breathing and stared down her mentor, trying to formulate words for what was running through her mind.

Kakashi saved her by holding up a hand and continuing with his news. "He hasn't defected. He told Naruto he was leaving, and under what circumstances. He is heading ahead of his army to Konoha to confront Orochimaru." Kakashi took a moment to assess his student before continuing. "We are unsure of how long he will be there, and under what circumstances he will be welcomed into Konoha."

"You areā€¦ unsure of how long he will be gone?" Sakura spoke quietly and breathlessly, her voice was slowly losing volume and power.

Kakashi nodded and pushed the letter forward. "Naruto will join him as soon as the army is ready, but until then you must be strong."





I apologize for my sudden departure. But I will not be upset if you blame me or are angry with me for leaving. Just know that I do everything for you. Even now. The nobles will call me defective and a co-conspirator. Do not fight for me. Let them think what they must. Just know that I have not left you. I will come home to you. I promise.

I believe Orochimaru is not behind the war, there is someone else pulling his strings. I intend to find out who it is. And if I must become a monster to do so, then I will. Take care of yourself.





It had been hours since Kakashi had left her study. She hadn't moved from her seat behind her desk, and he hands had yet to drop the letter Kakashi had given her that morning. Her eyes stung with the threat of tears, but she refused to let them fall. She was stronger than that now. She would not cry over Sasuke-kun again. She just couldn't begin to construct her emotions. Was she angry? Was she sad? She didn't know anymore.




"How is she holding up?"

"She's been in there since I gave her the news. I haven't heard any movement all day."

"And you haven't checked on her to see if she's still alive?"

"She wouldn't do that."

"How is her chakra control?"

"Impeccable. Better than mine."

Tsunade nodded at Kakashi and pushed the door to Sakura's study open. It was time for her niece to stop wallowing in her study. There was too much to do. This was war, and war left no time for grieving. The busty blonde sorceress surveyed the dark study for a moment. Her niece was sitting in the chair of her desk, her eyes focused on something outside of the large window.

"Sakura." Tsunade called sharply.

Sakura's head rotated slowly to face her aunt. She didn't speak, but she nodded in her direction to acknowledge her presence.

"Stand up Sakura." Sakura pulled the letter more tightly into her body and curled her legs under her body on her seat. Tsunade sighed impatiently. Really, her niece should know better. She did not command her again, instead she stomped angrily over to where the young queen sat and pulled her roughly out of her seat. She took in her appearance for a moment and ripped the letter out of her hand. Sakura immediately reached for it and began to protest, but Tsunade rolled up the letter and placed it into her bustier. She pushed Sakura away from her body and held her at arm's length. "Sakura that is enough of this."

"But Tsun-"

The taller woman cut her off quickly. "I know. I understand." She looked her niece in the eye to remind her of her own past. "But you must move past that. It is time to become a proper queen. And you cannot do that if you are wallowing in your grief."

Sakura nodded and took a deep breath before straightening herself. "Let's get to work."