Title: Lost in your Eyes

Pairing: Dean x Castiel(Some Sebriel)

Rating: M for nudity, mild language, smut, and violence and Mpreg warning

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

A/N: -lays on floor- I just wanna finish this xD

"Mom! I'm home!" Sileas said as she entered the house, Dean behind her. As they entered the living room Sam turned and was shocked to see his brother. Dean bit his lip and nodded to Sam. Who nodded back. The two always had that silent understanding. It's a hunter thing really. Sileas dropped her bag and went to see if her mom was home.

"So... How is everything?" Sam asked.

"Where's the boys?"

"Upstairs." Sam laughed, "You know Asher is so much like you." He smiled and Dean did as well, "Were you..?"

"Hunting? Yeah... I was.. I was tracking the one who killed Delilah."


"Sam.. Seriously it's important.. I found who killed her.." Dean said but before he said anything else he turned to the stairs to see Castiel rushing down the stairs. Dean bit his lip and as Castiel walked closer. He fought the urge to slap Dean across the face. Sileas came down as well and smiled a bit. Dean cleared his throat and took a step to Castiel.

"Hi Cas..."

"Dean.. Where have you been...?" Castiel asked, "No calls.. Prayers... W-What happened..?"



Dean held his hands up defensively, "I found out who.."

"Who what..?! Dean you were gone for a full damn year!"

"I already got an earful from Sileas Cas... I get it.."

"No you don't, Dean.." Castiel teared up a bit, "After you left guess who had to set up a funeral? Who had to handle EVERYTHING... You ran out Dean!"

"Don't you think I know that?! I knew justice had to be done!"

"Fuck that!"

"Guys.." Sam said hesitantly.

"I came back because I knew I needed to! Do you want me gone is that it?!"

"No! I just... Wish you never left.." Castiel looked away and Dean bit his lip.

When the morning came it was a new day. As Dean sat there reading the things he collected and he looked over to see Sileas who was up and making her lunch. Dean was surprised and she made her own breakfast and sat down and started to eat her breakfast. Dean smiled and as he read his information Sileas snagged the paper and placed a bowl of cereal before him.

"Eat." Sileas said and went and sat down and began to eat again. Dean was surprised, she was turning out like him. Smiling he ate anyway as he read. He didn't wanna wast food after all. After a long silence Sileas got up and clean up her dishes and got her bag on. Dean noticed it was a new IRON MAN bag and smiled. Glad her inner nerdism didn't change.

"Want me to drive you to school?" Sileas looked to Dean and blinked a moment, than nodded. As Dean cleaned up he grabbed his keys and the two began to drive to school.

On the way there Dean turned to Sileas, "So... How's school going for you?"

"Alright.." Sileas said simply.

"... Your abilities under control?"

"Meh.. Most of the time." She recalled the time she erased everyone's memories, "I'm glad Browne is gone. I just really hated him.. He's a fucking prick and I wanna see him burn in Hell.." Dean almost slammed his foot on the break. That's something he didn't really wanna hear from Sileas and something he wished she never say.

Sighing Dean spoke, "Sileas... Hell isn't a place even scum like him would deserve."

"Why do you even say THAT?" Sileas sounded offended, "He hated me, he treated us like we're idiots and he admits he hates kids. Than why teach at a school?!"

Dean shrugged, "I don't know his motive.. Just you don't wish like that.."

"Why..?" Sileas asked worriedly, "Why get defensive?"

"Because I was in there once.." He said sighing, Sileas blinked and gave a sad look to Dean, "Most son of a bitches we run into deserve to go to hell. But some.. Some don't." Once he pulled up before the school he looked at Sileas, "If there's any problems with your new teacher remember this; you don't mess with other's minds and you don't start fights. You now Gina would let you visit, in trouble or not."

Sileas nodded and after hugging her father she left the car and went inside. Dean sighed and drove out of the school's parking lot. As she went and sat in the library waiting for class a kid came over to her, she recognized him as some kind of bully? He failed to do so with her though. And strangely they got along.

"So what are you doing in here nerd?" He asked and Sileas shrugged and started to put her stuff away.

"Enjoying my morning before you came in dumb ass." She frowned and the boy huffed and crossed his arms.

"Big talk from a kid your size."

"Please my uncle is five times your size and can devour you." She looked unamused to the boy before here, "What do you want James?"

"Nothin'..." He frowned "Honestly I was gonna ask who that guy who dropped you off."

"That's my dad." She shrugged getting up.

"Really..?" James asked following Sileas as she left the library, "Doesn't seem like it is."

"It is. Kinda. It was his dad's than he gave it to my dad. I might get it when I'm older." As the two entered the room she noticed there was a strange essence in the room. Looking to the desk that once was Browne's was a man who looked kinda raggity. He had curly hair and a face with a beard. She looked to the chalkboard and saw in neat writing 'Mr. M Bogerty'. She rose a brow and looked around. Everyone seemed fine with it. She sighed and sat herself down as Bogerty looked to the class. Staring a bit at Sileas. Once class started he stood and spoke clearly.

"Morning children. I am your new teacher Mr. M Bogerty. As you know your old teacher Mr. Browne wasn't a nice person and the abuse of power he has done caused his termination." He sad as he spoke. Looking at a roster as Sileas rose her hand, "Yes miss... Winchester."

"What does the 'M' stand for?" She asked and he looked to her with a coy smile.

"It means Mathew." He lied and than continued with his speech, "Now when Browne was around he gave you packets and hard assignments. But with me not only you will be learning through reading and packets but more group and interactive assignments." Sileas sat back and nodded slightly to herself. That doesn't sound too bad, "But for today I'd like you guys to take your time working on the last packet you were given. You gotta have it in however by Thursday. Two days from now. If you're done than read or draw quietly." He said as a couple of kids pulled their packets out. At least they get to finish.

A student rose her hand, "Can we use a calculator? Mr. Browne wouldn't let us before.."

"He's not here so go ahead." The new teacher said as he sat back down. Sileas pulled her notebook and a pencil and started to sketch out the teacher. If she knew anything she can do a convincing realistic drawing. It took her till lunch to get the drawing done. When she was in the cafeteria with a couple friends she showed it to the girl next to her.

"Do you know who this is Amalia?" She asked, Amalia was an angel possessing a child she found on the street basically. Weird but was able to live happily. Amalia nodded and looked to Sileas.

"That's Metatron.. Why is he here?"

"He's a teacher apparently. Sileas said putting her notebook away, "I don't know why he's here I'd rather have the king of hell than the voice of God as my teacher.." She sighed. She knew she had the branding on her ribs when she was little to hide her from other angels. But apparently she has a stalker. Not like watching from Heaven or Santa stalker. More of a watching you from a far stalker. Amalia sighed worriedly and looked to Sileas shaking her head.

"You must inform your father. Isn't he looking for Metatron like you told me?"

"Yeah and so is mom. Do you think you can tell mom and I'll tell my dad after school?"

"It's the best.. I'm sure your father would be pleased."


School was over for the day and Sileas picked up her bag once everything she needed was put away. Before she could leave Metatron called for her not looking up from his papers.

"Miss Winchester." Sileas turned around and blinked a bit confused, "Come here for a second." Sileas went over and bit her lip some. Her dad was waiting for her so she kinda had to hurry. When she gotten over to the desk, standing before it Metatron looked to her, "I'm guessing you found out who I am eh?"

"Dad told me a lot about you... And mom..." She said bitterly. Metatron sighed and sat back.

"Is that so. Hope it's good things." He smirked and sat forward again, "Your mom busy isn't he?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because technically I'm your relative." He said shrugging, "We're family can't we be that?"

"Family doesn't kill their kin." She said bitterly and turned to leave.

"Remind your mother about than then." He said and Sileas froze and stared at Metatron, staring at him. If looks could kill that'd get him down. Dean went into the classroom and before he caught his daughter's attention he saw Metatron, "Hello Mr. Winchester. Your daughter is a pleasure to have in class. Quiet and smart." Dean didn't say a word and turned to Sileas.

"Come on Sileas.." Sileas turned to Dean and nodded, once she left Dean turned to Metatron, "If you lay a hand or leave a single hair on-"

"On her I'm dead. I figured as much." Metatron waved him off, "Better go before she leaves. A school is no place to fight." Dean glared and left the classroom with Sileas by his side.

"Metatron as your teacher? SERIOUSLY?!" Dean said angerly as he went to the car. Sileas nodded a bit and held her straps.

"Can I NOT go to school for like... The rest of the year?" She asked and Dean shook his head as the two went into the car, "Why?"

"One; I promised your mom that you'll have a normal education, second, you are NOT gonna have the smarts that Sam and I have."

"Dad..." Sileas frowned once buckled in.

"Come on you gotta have a normal education.." Dean said as well once he was buckled in as well.


"WHAT?" A click was heard in the car and Dean turned to see Crowley in the center and two demons holding guns to their heads.

"Hello darlings."