So Easy I Could Do It In My Sleep

Ketti: This is just a very silly story, something for me to write when my muse doesn't want to cooperate for the longer chapters. I already have the three Kindergarden chapters planned, but first through senior year, have no clue beyond two ideas JuJu gave me. So suggestions are welcome!

Seras Victoria stirred fitfully in her coffin, something torn between a frown and a smile warring on her pale lips as her eyes moved restlessly beneath her lids. She was dreaming, as Midians were want to do during their daylight rest.

Seras looked around curiously at the colorfully decorated room, wide blue eyes seeing, but not quite comprehending, the various shades of red and how they interacted with the rest of the pictures. She was sitting at a small round table with some paper in front of her and a box of crayons to her left. Smiling eagerly, she reached for the box, only for a large white gloved hand to intercept her and pick up the container itself. Blinking solemnly, she looked up, and up, and up at the giant of a man; he wore a lot of red, and she liked his hat, so she smiled at him.

He grinned back at her, teeth sharp and gleaming in the light of the otherwise empty classroom, and slowly crouched down to be at face level with her, "Good morning, childe, it's time for class." His other hand reached out and ruffled her hair while he chuckled, and she liked the noise, so she laughed too, beaming at the nice man. He set the crayon box between them, and reached for the stack of papers to shuffle through them before laying one out in front of her; the stark black lines made an interesting shape, but she wasn't quite sure what it was yet without the color.

The man, her teacher, pulled one of the squat stools over and sat on it, far too big to fit properly, his legs extended far out to the other side of the little table, and she giggled again, hiding her smile behind her hands. His answering grin would have made grown men wet their pants, but cute little five year olds are always immune to such things.

He tapped the outside of the page, and flipped open the lid of the crayon box, "First lesson, childe; anatomy." She blinked at him, knowing, yet not quite understanding what he meant, so she shrugged and nodded. "What color do you think this should be?"

"Uhm…" Tapping her chin and biting her lip in thought, she scrutinized the picture carefully, trying to see what it was. "Blue?" She liked blue.

He laughed again and shook his head, "No, childe, try this one." He corrected, handing her a beige crayon. Eagerly she began to scribble in along the outside of the lines, filling in all the white with happy scribbles. When she was about to color the inside he stopped her, and asked again, tapping the picture, "What color should this be?"

Face screwing up in concentration, she stared hard at the image. It looked… familiar totally alien. "Red?" If blue was wrong, maybe it was supposed to be red!

"Very good, childe." He praised, patting her on the head once more as he handed her a nice bright red crayon. Carefully she began to color in the shape, making sure not to go outside the lines. When she finished, he traded the bright red for a deeper one and tapped the piece inside the bar lines, and she scribbled it in happily.

"Do you know what this is now?" He cooed, and she looked, and looked, but no she didn't. Yes she did, it was…

He laughed and picked her up to perch her on the table as he pointed to the parts left uncolored. "Those are ribs. You have ribs, childe." Demonstrating, he ran his fingers along her sides and she shrieked with laughter, squirming. "This is skin. You have skin, childe." His tickling ran along her arms and she batted at his hands, gasping for breath and giggling. "This is a heart. You have a heart, childe." He poked her lightly in the chest and she looked down solemnly, "I do?"

"Yes," he chuckled, "but you can't see it."

"Oh." She blinked.

Looking at the stack of papers, she grabbed the next one and beamed up at her teacher, "This one next!"

"Alright," he grinned, setting the finished piece of a ripped open chest to the side. "This next one, what color do you think you need?"