*A few days later*

Lin opened his eyes to see someone sitting next to the bed; he forced his tired eyes to focus on them. The figured stood and sat on the bed and brushed some hair out of his face.

"Lin?" It was a female voice; once his eyes focused he saw who it was.


"How are you feeling?"


"That's good to hear, from what I've heard you gave everyone quite a scare these past few days"

"So it would seem"

"Oh , I almost forgot" She said getting a bag from beside the chair "Didn't think that I wouldn't get you anything did you?" She laughed

Lin looked at her and then to the bag. He opened it and found a stuffed Chinese Dragon. He picked the toy up and placed it on his chest as he studied it.

"I made it myself" Madoka grinned.

Lin smiled and began to sit up. Madoka put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. "Hey take it easy, you're still sick" She said looking worried. Lin brushed the comment off and pulled Madoka into a hug.

"Thank you" He said as he hugged her. She was shocked for a moment, before she returned the hug.

"Your welcome" They didn't know how long they were hugging, it could have been a few seconds or minutes. They were interrupted by the door opening to reveal the rest of SPR; they pulled apart and looked at the door to see the grinning group.

"Are we interrupting something?" Monk grinned.

Madoka and Lin looked at each other and smiled. Naru and Mai walked in last, Lin noted Narus arm around Mai's shoulder and held back a chuckle. John walked up to the bed unfazed by the scene before him. "The doctor said you can go home today Lin" John smiled. At that moment a doctor came in to check on Lin, after writing something on a clipboard he smiled at Lin.

"You vitals are good, and you temperature has gone back to normal, I'll go get a wheelchair for you and you can go home" With that the doctor left the room in search of a wheelchair.

Lin frowned at the thought of being in a wheelchair, Madoka saw this and smiled. "It's not that bad Lin, it's just till we get you to the car"

Lin sighed heavily and waited for the doctor to return with the wheelchair. When the doctor came back with the chair, Monk put a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing at the look on Lins face. Madoka and Mai assisted Lin into the wheelchair while John collected the gifts for Lin and put them in a bag before heading to the car to put them in the boot. Naru looked a Madako who stepped to the side of the wheelchair smiling as she did so. Naru grabbed the handles of the wheelchair causing Lin to look at him confused, but then ended up smiling slightly. Naru looked down at Lin and smiled slightly and wheeled Lin out of the hospital and out into the car park. Naru who was assisted by Monk helped Lin into the front of the car, before NAru sat in the back seat while Madoka got in the drivers side. Ayako returned the wheelchair to the main desk of th hospital before walking back to the car park. Mai had got into Madokas car and sat in the back with Naru while Monk, Ayako and John got in Monks car. Lin was looking out the window the whole journey, causing Naru, Mai and Madoka to look at him worried. When the car came to a halt, Lin noticed that they were at his apartment that he shared with Naru. He stumbled out the car still not use to walking due to him being bedridden for a few days. Mai put an arm around Lin to steady him while they waited for Monk and others to turn up. After a few minutes Monk pulled up with his car and got out with the others. Monk came one side of Lin while Naru got the other side as Mai moved out the way. Madoka got the keys from Naru and opened the door to the apartment while the other helped Lin in. Lin ducked his head to avoided hitting the doorframe and let the Monk and Naru half carry him into the building.

"Alright you two, put Lin in his room while me and Mai will fix something up for him" Madoka announced walking into the kitchen.

Naru and Monk did what she said and helped Lin into his room. They sat him on the bed and looked at the thin man for a while. Sensing that someone was staring at him, Lin looked up at Monk and Naru and gave them a questioning look.

Monk scratched his head nervously whiles Naru still wore his everyday mask. Lins eyes narrowed slightly trying to make any of them break and tell him what they were thinking, he knew his best chances were with Monk. After a few minutes Monk couldn't take it anymore. "We're worried about you Lin, what did you do to make you get so ill that you collapsed" Monk said staring into the Chinese mans eyes. Knowing that he wasn't going to get a response Monk sighed and headed for the door. "I'm going to see what Madoka want us to do next" With that Monk left leaving Naru and Lin alone.

"He's right you know" Naru said breaking the silence.


"We were all worried about you, especially Mai; she nearly broke down a few times"

"But why?"

"Lin, why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

Lin shrugged slightly "I didn't think it was this bad"

At that moment Lin heard the door open, he turned and saw Mai who went up to Lin and hugged him. Naru smirked at the sight. Lin unsure of what to do patted her head slightly.

"You really scared me" She sniffed.

Lin looked down at her and then to Naru who nodded as if to say I told you so.

"Why were you so worried Mai?" Lin asked.

"Your like a family member, as is the rest of SPR, I thought I was going to loose you I wouldn't be able cope if I lost someone else" She cried into his chest.

Lin didn't know what to say. She sees me as a member of her family, even after the way I treated her in previous cases He thought.

"She's right Lin, she sees you as a parental/uncle figureā€¦and so do I" Naru said stepping forward, closer to the pair.

Lin looked at the two "Is that true?"

Mai nodded "Yeah"

Madoka came in the room and saw the scene before her and smiled. She had a bowl of soup in her hands and put it on the side of the bed and then helped Lin leaned against the headboard. Madoka got the spoon and held it up to Lin who cringed slightly. Not again He thought.

"Come on Lin don't be awkward" Madoka said smiling. Lin gave up and allowed Madoka to feed him the soup. When the bowl was empty Madoka returned to the kitchen and washed the dishes.

"Are you coming in tomorrow Lin?" Naru asked.

Lin thought for moment before nodding "Yes I will, I don't feel as bad anymore"

Mai frowned "Yeah but Lin, what if you collapse again" She said her voice shaking slightly.

At that moment Madoka came in the room. "Well I'm on Japan for a bit so I can watch him throughout the day"

Mai nodded okay. Lin got up and collected some clothes before heading to the bathroom to get changed. When he came back he got into his bed and went to sleep ignoring the others in the room.


Lin woke up and got changed to be ready for the day. He knocked on Narus door and opened it to tell the teenager to get ready; he saw that Mai was lying beside Naru. Smirking he shook Narus shoulder slightly. Naru opened his eyes and looked up at the Chinese man, before nodding and moving off the bed then shaking Mai awake. Walking into the kitchen Lin prepared breakfast for all three of them, before he heard a knock on the door. Opening the door, he saw Madoka and let her in. After the three of them ate, Lin locked the door and followed Madoka who led them to her car. Once in the car, they headed to the office. Once there they got out the car and opened up the office. Lin went to his office with Madoka and started up the computer. Within a couple of minutes he heard Naru ask for tea. He just had some about five minutes ago. Lin thought. Mai knocked on Lins door and asked if Madoka or Lin wanted a drink. Lin shrugged and said that he would along with Madoka, smiling Mai left the room. The front door opened to reveal the rest of SPR and Masako who said she had a new case for Naru. Smiling slightly Lin thought I guess everything back to normal.

A/N - Well that's the end, I had fun writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, thanks again for all the support and I will hopefully see you in my future stories.