I do not own that Walking Dead or its characters.

Read & Review!


Herschel woke up early. Earlier than usual anyway. Making his way downstairs he realized how quiet the house was. He paused at the foot of the stairs, taking in the confetti that still littered the floor. He remembered Carol, still trying to pick it up, piece by piece last night at 1:30am. He had gripped her by the elbow, hauled her up and ordered her to get to bed. Besides, he had told her, they were having a post wedding brunch the next day. Didn't she need to rest for that?

He started the coffee pot and headed for the fridge, hoping to throw something together for a quick bite before the others woke up. He sighed to himself. Not that there were many others right now. Just him and Carol. His girls weren't here, not today. Glenn and Maggie had gone off to his house, about 2 miles away. Merle and Beth had chosen a honeymoon suite in a hotel in Gainesburough. Herschel chuckled to himself, happy and sad mixing together. Both of his girls were married now, he thought as he added another scoop of coffee to the filter. With a little bit of hopefulness, he thought about how the girls would probably be staying here for the time being. Merles house had been basically shuttered and Glenns house was ok, but small. He only had one bedroom, one bathroom, and no yard.

He sighed as he thought about the wedding presents he had for his girls, tucked up in the dresser in his bedroom. Deeds for Maggie and Beth for a portion of the land he, and they, grew up on to do with as they pleased. He knew what he hoped. He hoped the girls would want to stay, raise their families on this land. He wanted them to be ok with his gift, hoping they wouldn't think he was trying to keep them too close, too smothered.

He had woken up a couple of times during the night, not sure if it was the still quiet or some sort of noise in the house that woke him up. One time he had bolted straight up in bed, sure someone was walking around downstairs. After he had checked the house, satisfied that no one was lurking, he walked the perimeter and found nothing. Going back in, he checked all the rooms, still nothing.

He had knocked gently on Carols door just in case, slipped in, turned off her alarm clock. He pulled the covers up over her shoulders, a bit surprised that Daryl wasn't in there with her. He closed the door, going back to his own room, sleeping soundly the rest of the night.

Now, as he cracked eggs into a buttered skillet, he chided himself. Silly old fool. Hearing things, afraid of your own damn shadow.

After the food was made, he set the table for two, poured two cups of coffee. He had just finished putting the salt and pepper on the table when he heard her. Footsteps clomped down the was a tiny little thing, but you could tell when she was in a hurry.

She ran into the kitchen, robe over her pajamas, hair sticking up every which way. She almost pushed Hershel out of the way, opening the fridge, grabbing the carton of eggs.

"I'm sorry Herschel, my alarm didn't go off. I swear I set it last night."

He took the carton out of her hand and turned her towards the table, sitting her down in a chair. She looked at the table, set, breakfast made.

"Oh. Thank you Herschel, but you didn't have to do this." She looked at the clock on the wall. "Besides, Tyrese will be here in half an hour to help me with brunch. I just don't have time."

She began to get up, but he stood and effectively pushed her back down into her chair. He moved to sit across from her and took a sip of his coffee. "Carol you are going to sit here with me and enjoy breakfast, you hear? You have been running yourself ragged this last month. You need to slow down."

As Carol opened her mouth to argue, he reached out and put his hand over hers.

"Come on Carol, my girls aren't here now. Have breakfast with a lonely old man. Keep me company."

She scowled playfully at him, knowing his game. "Fine Herschel, but only for a bit. I have a lot to do. And don't call yourself old."

He chuckled as they began to eat. "Thank you for breakfast Herschel." She ran a hand through her hair. "I think I may need a new alarm clock though. Mines broken."

Herschel just smiled as he finished his coffee.

Everyone sat around the large table, digging into everything that Carol and Tyrese had made. The newlyweds were there, as well as Sasha, Milton, and Michonne. The only one who hadn't shown up yet was Daryl. Carol stood back, watching everyone, listening to the different conversations going on at the table. Watching the small gestures that passed between all the people gathered was making her heart clench. Merle kissing Beth's hand, the wink Glenn gave Maggie.

She wanted that. She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply. God she was an idiot. She had that. She had that with Daryl and she had blown it, treating him so badly last night. Shaking the sadness off, she knew what she needed to do. She looked nervously at the clock. Daryl should have been here by now. She wandered into the living room, peeking out into the front yard from behind the curtains.

The phone rang and a minute later, Merle came into the living room. "Whatcha looking for?" He asked her, his tone light.

She turned around and stuck her tongue out at him, acting more playful than she felt. "Nothing, Merle, nothing."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Look, I don't know what's goin on between you and Daryl. But that phone call was him."

She nodded, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"Says he's got some work to do, back log at the office. Said to give everyone his apologies."

She sat on the sofa, looking deflated and defeated. "I messed up Merle. I pulled away from him yesterday. He told me he loved me, and I pushed him away."

Merle shook his head. "Don't worry about it too much. If he said he loves you, and I know he does, he won't stay away long. Just needs to soothe his bruised ego a bit, that's all."

She stood, granting him a small smile. "I hope you're right Merle. If he gives me another chance, I'm not going to waste it. I know what I want."

The sound of a car coming up the drive caught her attention and she looked out the window again, hoping Daryl had changed his mind. Merle heard a car door slam, then watched as Carol turned as white as a sheet, turned, and ran upstairs.

He was about to follow her when there was a knock on the door. Opening it Merle found himself face to face with the person who had scared Carol so badly.

Phillip Blake.