A/N: Idea is from a book by James Patterson I saw a gif on tumblr and thought I'd give it a go. The book is called, Sundays at Tiffany's. Might take favorite lines from book but story is all mine. Do not own book or Rizzoli and Isles so no infringement intended there. Hope you guys like it since this is my first story. Would lovah some reviews.

It was a nice summer day in mid July as eight-year-old Maura and Jane walk side by side down the to the park.

"Maura don't be nervous." Jane said trying to alleviate some of Maura's fears.

"How can I not be nervous Jane? You know it is quite distressing for me to converse with people my age," a very anxious Maura replies.

Jane rolls her eyes and tries not to laugh. "Well I'm your age and you 'converse' with me just fine."

"Jane." Maura scoffs. "You do not count and you know that."

"Well, today I'm not going to be the one to ask if you can play." Jane proclaims and Maura stays quite

"Fine, today I will be the one to ask. Just let me practice on you to see how I should start the conversation." Jane's only response is to roll her eyes and smile at Maura.

Jane and Maura are at the park and Maura is proceeding to make every excuse to not go up to the kids playing ball. Anything from, "I have to tie my shoes." to, "Mother doesn't allow me to play a sport like this."

But Jane will not allow any excuses to get in the way. And Maura knows this. She knows Jane is trying to help her make some friends.

"Alright, here I go. You'll be right next to me?" She looks at Jane.

Jane nods, "As long as you need me."

Maura takes a breath and walks over to the kids kicking around a soccer ball. She picks out a boy that looks the nicest.

"Hello, my name is Maura Dorthea Isles."

The boy who looks a little older than her stops running and blankly stares at her but then responds, "I'm a little busy. "

Jane steps forward and says, "Yeah we see that! That's the reason why we are here!"

Maura giggles and the boy looks annoyed and turns to leave.

Maura yells out to stop him, "Sorry for my friend she gets a little rude at times. But like she said we would like to play with all of you."

The boy who turned around to listen to Maura stares at her for a moment. He looks behind her like he is searching for something but then turns around and heads to the rest of the kids but not before he loudly screams, "FREAK!" which turns heads and eyes directly to a dejected Maura.

Tears come to Maura's eyes. She knew this would happen and that she shouldn't cry but that doesn't lessen the pain that comes along with the constant rejection. But she does start crying and not wanting Jane to see she covers her face and runs off.

But Jane doesn't need to see Maura to know she is crying. She wants to yell and pummel the boy but knows he wouldn't hear how his words and rejection hurt her friend. So, Jane runs after Maura screaming for her to stop.

When she catches up to Maura she is sitting on a bench head in her hands.

"Maura?" Jane asks.

"Maura?" she tries again and when Maura looks up her eyes are bright red and she has a trail of tears down her cheeks.

She sits down next to Maura. "I'm really sorry that boy was mean to you. I am even more sorry that I made you ask him if you could play with them." Jane says as she takes Maura's hand and rubs it with her thumb.

Maura looks at Jane and so badly wants to yell at her. To say she hates her for making her ask to play with those kids but she knows it won't be true. She knows that it isn't Jane's fault. That yelling at Jane would only be due to her hurt and the anger she felt from the boy.

So Maura responds like she always does when feeling hurt and crestfallen. "It's okay. I am a slightly weird and by now I should know that this would happen."

"Don't you ever say that Maura!" shrieks Jane. "You are not weird! You aren't a 'freak'. You are awesome AND you are my best friend. The best best friend that I ever had! And I've had thousands of friends." Jane says with a wink. "Plus, do you ever think that I would ever have a weird friend?"

This seems to pick up Maura's spirits just a bit and she smiles at Jane.

"I guess not." She replies.

Jane stands up and reaches out for Maura to take her hand. Maura grabs it and stands up.

Jane smirks and raises her eyebrow. "So, last one home serves the ice cream?" Jane screams as she takes off at full speed.

"If you let me win I will be so mad at you Jane." Maura says as they walk into the kitchen still slightly out of breath.

"What if I just wanted to serve the ice cream so that I could get more ice cream than you?" counters Jane.

Maura pursed her lips and considers Jane's excuse. "Well you know that neither of us can serve the ice cream? Leah has to be the one to do it."

Jane like always rolls her eyes but straightens out her posture and dramatically says, "Yes, how could I forget the help? I must not lift one finger around this house that I am never at."

Maura tries not to laugh knowing full well who Jane is pretending to be. "Mother is extremely busy so the 'help' is also for me." She says to a giggling Jane.

"But you barely ask them for anything Maura." Jane says as she is twirling in her swiveling chair at the kitchen island.

Maura ignores Jane's comment but smiles and gets up from her chair to hug her nanny Leah as she enters the kitchen.

"Back already?" Leah asks eyeing Maura. She suspects that something must have happened for a quick return but knows even if she were to ask Maura wouldn't tell her.

"Yes." Maura curtly responds. Trying to not show her pain, she smiles politely and asks, "May Jane and I have some ice cream?"

" With chocolate syrup and nuts!" exclaims Jane from her seat.

Maura looks over at Jane and smiles, "Chocolate syrup and nuts sound delicious Jane!"

Leah laughs and looks to where Jane is sitting, "Two chocolate Sundaes coming up!"

Jane hoots and whispers to Maura, "I knew I liked her for a reason."

Everyone is still sitting at the island talking and telling stories, ice cream long gone and dishes done. Maura is telling a story of the time Jane walked behind a man, imitating his walk and making funny faces. All the while going unnoticed by said man. Laughing at Jane's antics they did not hear the front door open so when Constance Isles walks down the hall to the kitchen she can hear the story of Jane.

"Hello Mother." Maura says from her chair.

"Hi. Ms. Isles." Jane pipes in.

Not sparing a look in Jane's direction, Constance passes by her and gives each of Maura's cheeks an airy kiss.

"Jeez, thanks for that warm welcome." Jane says feigning hurt from the snub.

Trying to keep down her giggles Maura starts, "We were just having some ice cream and telling stories about Jane."

As Maura finishes explaining what they are doing Leah stands up and busies herself around the kitchen.

Eyeing Leah, Constance speaks to Maura but her words are meant for the "working" Leah. She asks coldly, "Oh, I thought I told you about the talk I had with Leah about her not entertaining this Jane anymore?"

It gets extremely quite and nobody moves not even Leah pretend not to be listening.

Jane gets up and walks over to Maura putting her hand on Maura's shoulder. "It's okay Maura. We know she doesn't understand our friendship but remember that no matter what I will always be your friend." Jane says softly.

"That doesn't make it okay for her to insult what you mean to me." Maura says with tears in her eyes.

"ENOUGH!" Constance shouts. "I have just spent hours on a plane and I demand more respect from my daughter. Whom, I have taught better than to so rudely disobey my wishes, which were for you to forget about Jane. But since you for some reason can not do that I remember asking for her not to be here when I am nor for you to talk about her at all."

Jane grips harder on Maura's shoulder trying to ground her. Knowing either she will burst into tears or get angry. She starts saying, "I can leave it's o-"

But before she can get it out Maura is on her feet. "Jane isn't going anywhere Mother! She is here when you aren't! When there is no one she is the only one there for me!" she screams at her mother.

Constance is only briefly taken back before she yells back to Maura. "No she isn't there for you Maura because Jane isn't real! She is your imaginary friend!"