Okay, this is my first fanfic EVER, so no flames please :) though constructive criticism is appreciated, don't just hate my story for no logical reason. I had this idea for some time, and my beta-reader modified it to make it a thousand times cooler, so i decided to write it. warning: Kyoko won't always be the happy-go-lucky, innocent, fairy loving girl in this fic. i don't think it's reasonable to make her so innocent after everything she's been through.

Beta-read by Katilynchosenisme, who is an awesome Beta author :)



"How could you! I trusted you and this is how you repay me?!" Kyoko hid in her room under the bed as she heard her parents fighting. She heard her mother's irritated voice, "it's not my fault! We were drunk and by the time I found out he was gone and we were married! What did you want me to do, huh?! Hunt him down?" Kyoko quivered under the bed. 'I hope this ends soon. I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight,' she thought, flinching when she heard the front door slam shut. Her parents never had a good relationship to begin with, but lately she heard them fighting a lot more, and it was always father who got mad first.

Quietly she peeked out of her room and saw her mother sitting on the ground with her head in her hands, papers strewn everywhere. Hesitantly, Kyoko walked up to her. "Mother, what's wro-" she became quiet when her mother slapped her hand to the side. She looked up fearfully at her furious mother. "This is all your fault, you brat! You're the reason I'm so miserable! Get out of my sight this instant you twit!"

Kyoko ran out of the house and into the forest, tears running down her face. She ran and ran until she reached a tiny stream. She collapsed on the ground and cried to her heart's content. "w-why does m-m-mother hate me?" she asked herself.

When she came back home, she saw her father walking towards the door with a suitcase in hand. "Daddy, where are you going?" he looked at her and glared.

"I'm not your father." and he stormed out the door. Kyoko stood there confused.

"Daddy? Daddy, please come back. Daddy!" she screamed as she ran behind the taxi her father was in. finally collapsing from the exhaustion, she watched in horror as the car drove away. "Daddy, come back." she whispered, crying in the middle of the street.

-Scene Change-

Slap! Kyoko slammed against the wall, falling on the floor with a thud. She looked up at her mother in fear. "You failure! I gave up everything to raise you, and this failure is what I get? You're the mistake I wish I got rid of years ago!" Kyoko ran out of the house, mortified. "Come back here you brat!" hearing her mother's voice close by, she looked around frantically, trying to find some way to escape. 'The woods,' she thought, running as fast as she could to get as far away from her mother as possible. Branches scraped her bare arms and legs, making them dirty and bloody. She kept running until she collapsed, finally giving in to the aches and pains all over her body. She lay there on the grass, clothes torn and hair messy, and cried. She cried silently at first, and then slowly became louder until she was nearly screaming. "why, mo-ther, wh-at did I do w-wrong?" she quivered, curling herself into a ball as she cried herself to exhaustion.

Finally getting up, she looked at her surroundings. She sat atop a tiny hill that led to a stream and a steep rocky ledge that looked down on the stream from above. She walked down to the stream, splashing her face with water. She looked down at her reflection; messy, tangled black hair in two short pig tails, puffy eyes, and a torn up pink dress that originally came down to her ankles. Her right sleeve was torn off and the bottom was all covered in dirt and leaves, torn sideways so that part of the dress only came down to her knees. Looking at herself in that state, she started crying again. "I'm a failure. Just a plain boring girl that nobody will love."

"What's wrong?" she looked up and saw someone fly in the air. "Don't cry little girl." when the person landed, she saw his shiny gold hair and charming smile. 'Fairy...' she thought, "prince fairy, what's your name?"

He looked a little surprised, but replied. "Um, I'm Kuon. What's your name?"

Kyoko smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you Corn! I'm Kyoko. What is a fairy doing here in the human world?"

"Well, Kyoko-chan, I'm here with my father on vacation."

"Oh, your father must be the king of all fairies! Can you fly for me again?"

Beep! Beep! Beep! Kyoko pounded the alarm, slowly getting up for school. I haven't had that dream in a while, she thought, wiping the tears off her face. It had been 7 years since that fateful day, when her father had left. Even then, the last few months she spent with him were, painful, to say the least. He would look at me with disgust, as if I did something vulgar, she thought, stepping into the bathroom.

Closing her eyes under the shower, she recalled all the things that happened after her father left. Mother, she sighed. She left her mark, on me, and then decided to pack her bags and leave, she thought bitterly. 3 years, I was alone in that house for 3 years, and that woman never even thought about what would happen to me, not that it mattered to her what this failure of a child did.

She came out of the shower in a rather sour mood. After Kyoko's father left, her mother took out all her anger and frustrations on Kyoko. To go as far as scarring your child, she shuddered at the memory, hand subconsciously traveling to her stomach. Still, she continued thinking about everything that happened in the last 7 years. She giggled; I met Corn, the only person who tried to comfort me when I cried. She smiled, feeling lightweight at the thought of her favorite fairy. It's too bad he had to leave, but I understand why he had to go, she continued brushing her hair and looked at the clock. 6:32. I have time, and she hurried down the stairs.

"Good morning Okami-san, Taisho-san," Kyoko bowed to the elderly couple. She looked around. "Where is Sho-chan?"

Okami sighed. "I just woke him up, so he's still in the shower. Come Kyoko, eat some breakfast before you two leave." she smiled at the kind woman, gratefully accepting her plate of food. She sat down at the table to eat, looking around at the maids running about early in the morning.

One day, while Kyoko was working at the inn, she collapsed from starvation. That day, the okami found out that Kyoko had been living alone for 3 years after her mother left, barely able to support herself which led to her collapsing. She offered Kyoko a place in their home, and Kyoko reluctantly accepted. If Okami hadn't let me work in exchange for living here, I would have never taken her up on the offer. I'm almost 13, I can't impose too much on their family, now can I? She ate her food happily, being careful not to drop anything on her clothes. As soon as she finished, she saw Sho come down the stairs grumpily. She giggled. He's always grumpy in the morning, but it looks like he's more irritated than usual. She smiled brightly and walked over to him. "Good morning, Sho-chan!" he looked at her for a split second before looking away just as fast. Kyoko's smile wavered slightly as she turned towards the Okami. "I think I forgot something upstairs. I'll go get it." and happily skipped upstairs. When she was sure no one could see her, she frowned, deep in thought. Sho has been extremely distant lately. I hope I didn't do anything to bother him, she wondered, running to her room to get her tiny purse. Smiling, she opened the purse to reveal a blue stone. Her gaze softened as she recalled how she got the stone in the first place.

"Kyoko-chan, I have to go back home." she looked at Corn with tears in her eyes.

"W-why, Corn? Why are you leaving me like Father did? Will you come back?" Corn looked at her with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry, Kyoko-chan, but I don't think I'll be able to come back. My home is far away and it'll be very hard to come back." he looked at her sadly. "Here, I want you to have this." he took out a blue stone from his pocket and gave it to her.

"What's this?"

"whenever I get sad, I hold this stone up to the light and it magically takes the sadness away." to prove his point, he held it up and Kyoko Gasped as the stone turned from blue to purple.

"Thanks, Corn! I'll never forget you!"

She put the stone back in its purse and took it downstairs. Grabbing her bag, she met Sho at the door and they left for school. While they were walking, Kyoko felt a sudden chill go up her back. I have a feeling something's about to go horribly wrong.

You like? leave a review, it would be greatly appreciated! more reviews=happy me=quicker updates!

I will be posting chapter 1 soon! you have rights to pelt me with tomatoes if it isn't up by next week!

Hope you like it!

-Momo ^_^