A storm was breaking over the sea later that morning, waves cresting over thirty feet and splashing along the deck.

Jack was at the helm, steering the ship while looking at his compass periodically to change the direction he turned the wheel.

Dawn was laughing manically as she was holding on tight to the main mast up a bit higher than even the crow's nest. The black flag was flapping manically in the wind and the rain seemed to be trying to drive needles into her skin, but Dawn didn't care as she seemed to dance above any sort of means of safety.

She could hear Will calling out to Gibbs questioning the sanity of the ship's captain. "How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn't work?"

"Aye, the compass doesn't point north but we're not trying to find north, are we?" Gibbs answered with a wry grin before looking up to where jack was manning the helm and calling out, "We should drop canvas, sir!"

Jack smirked at his compass and the direction they were headed before his eyes looked to the beautiful figure of his lover, "She can hold a bit longer."

"What's in your head that's put you in such a fine mood, Captain?" Gibbs asked as he helped tie down some rope and wiped the spray from his eyes.

Jack gave a grin after looking at his compass and turned the wheel a bit more, "We're catching up."

Dawn smirked as she heard her beau say those words and knew them to be true. Because of this storm and her pulling the ship, they were catching up to the fastest ship of the seas, the Black Pearl.

(Scene Change)

Dawn was swimming right under the ship and so she could hear everything the men were saying but she paid attention to the sharks that were roaming this ship graveyard. She periodically snapped one up and stealthily set it up behind Jack who was still manning the helm so it could eventually be skinned and eaten by the sailors and pirates aboard the ship.

She eavesdropped as Gibbs spoke up to the little landlubber Will, who she had to admit was slowly getting his sea legs. "Puts a chill in the bones how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage."

Dawn could understand as the ship bumped into an underwater mast and the whole ship shuddered even as the waterlogged wood splintered and broke free without any damage to the Interceptor.

"How is it that Jack came by that compass?" Will asked and Dawn assumed it was to Gibbs who the boy stuck by most often.

"Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I met him, back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl." Gibbs answered.

Dawn couldn't help but transform and climb up the side of the ship just so she could see Will's reaction to the fact that Jack was a true pirate and not just someone insane and crazy. They face that Will made nearly had Dawn snickering but she stayed silent as Will replied, "What? He failed to mention that."

"Well, he plays things closer to the vest now. And a hard-learned lesson it was. See three days out on the venture the first mate comes to him and says everything's an equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure, too, so Jack gives up the bearings. That night there was a mutiny. They marooned jack on an island and left him to die but not before he'd gone mad with the heat."

"Ah, so that's the reason for all the…" Dawn watched as Will imitated Jack's odd mannerisms with his arms stretched out oddly and his face set like he was half drunk.

Gibbs gave a little shake of his head, "Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now Will, when a man is marooned he is given a pistol with a single shot- one shot. Well it won't do much good hunting or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starvin' belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly. But Jack – he escaped the island, and he still has that one shot. Oh, but he won't use it, though, save for one man. His mutinous first mate."

Dawn scowled as Will answered, "Barbossa."


"How did Jack get off that island?"

Gibbs began to answer and Dawn watched as Jack released the helm to another sailor to come down the steps to loom over Gibbs and Will.

"Well, I'll tell ye. He waded out into the shallows and there he waited for three days and three nights till all manner of sea creature 'came and acclimated to his presence. And on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together and made a raft."

"He roped a couple of sea turtles?"

Dawn couldn't help but grin at the story and Will's disbelieving face. "Aye, sea turtles."

"What did he use for rope?"

Jack was looming over both Gibbs and Will and answered for his quartermaster. "I used the red mane from a sea dragon." Jack turned to his men and yelled, "Let go of the anchor!"

Dawn crawled up over the railing and gave Jack a quick kiss before running over to the other side of the ship and jumping in again, not really surprising anyone as they had all seen her do this many times already though none had seen her transformation.

"Young Mr. Turner and I are to go ashore."

"Captain! What if the worst should happen?" Gibbs asked to Jack while standing up.

"Keep to the code."

"Aye, the code."

Dawn transformed and swam around the ship until a small rowboat was lowered to the sea which Jack and Will had boarded. A rope was thrown over the side by Jack and she gripped with her mouth and dragged it to the large island that Jack was wanting to enter.

She was careful to stay completely hidden as Jack took over the oars and rowed into a side cave. She didn't enter after her lover, but instead circled the entire island to find the Black Pearl sitting pretty, berthed at a makeshift dock with her sails furled and no one on board.

Dawn and Jack had discussed what she should do if she found the ship so she transformed and stealthily climbed aboard. She caressed the worn wood and carefully walked to the captain's cabin where she climbed out the window to sit on the outside.

As long as she was careful, no one would be able to spot her, and so she relaxed.

There was no use fretting over what was happening to Jack and so she just relaxed while waiting for whatever he was planning to happen.

(Change POV)

"What Code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?" Will asked as the small rowboat entered in a small cave.

"Pirate's Code. Any man that falls behind… is left behind." Jack answered.

Will scoffed, "No heroes amongst thieves, eh?"

Jack gave a little smirk to Will, "You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates you're well on your way to becoming one. Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the Fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga," both men looked down at the gold on the bottom of the small river they were floating on," and you're completely obsessed with treasure."

"That's not true. I am not obsessed with treasure."

Jack gave Will a look as they climbed up a small rise to look in on the gathering of pirates working under Barbossa. "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."

They heard Barbossa speak to the gathering of pirates, "Gentlemen, the time has come! Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near at end."

Will spots Elizabeth standing on a small hill of treasure and her name slips past his lips.

Barbossa calls out again, "Punished, we were. The lot of us – disproportionate to our crimes! Here it is," Barbossa kicks off the lid to a massive chest of gold pieces, "the cursed treasure of Cortes himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned… save for this." He pointed the piece of gold decorating Elizabeth's neck.

Will scrambles forward, upsetting little stacks of gold coins, "Jack!"

Jack pulls the boy back into hiding, "Not yet. We wait for the opportune moment."

"881 we found but despaired of ever finding the last." Barbossa continued speaking to his crew.

Will turned to Jack, "When's that? When it's of greatest profit to you?"

Jack truly, truly wanted to ignore Will but answered anyways. "May I ask you something? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Do us a favor – I know it's difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid."

Jack could hear his mutinous first mate yell out, "And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?"

"Us!" Barbossa's crew yelled.

"And whose blood must yet be paid?"


Barbossa turns to Elizabeth and says, "You know, the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted? Eat a whole bushel of apples." He takes up his knife, "Begun by blood… by blood undone."

Jack wasn't paying attention to Will as he was carefully watching over the whole ritual Barbossa was performing and was knocked unconscious when Will used an oar to hit him with. "Sorry, Jack. I'm not going to be your leverage."

Barbossa cuts Elizabeth's hand and she gives her captor a confused look, "That's it?"

Barbossa just answers, "Waste not." Then drops the coin, and he and his crew wait with anticipation to see if the curse is broken.

One of his crew breaks the silence, "Did it work?"

Ragetti speaks up, "I don't feel no different."

Pintel, standing beside his friend speaks up, "How do we tell?"

Barbossa rolls his eyes and pulls out his gun, then proceeds to shoot Pintel.

The crew member who had spoken first looks at Pintel and says in surprise, "You're not dead!"

Shocked, Pintel agrees, "No." Then turns to his captain pointing angrily, "He shot me!"

Ragetti points out, "It didn't work."

"The curse is still upon us!" calls out the quartermaster of the Pearl.

Maddened, Barbossa turns to Elizabeth, "You, maid! Your father, what was his name? Was your father William Turner?"

Elizabeth glares angrily, "No."

"Where's his child? The child that sailed from England eight years ago, the child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner. Where?" Barbossa angrily backhands her and she is thrown from the pile of treasure to rest at the bottom of the hill.

The quartermaster points to Ragetti and Pintel, "You two! You brought us the wrong person!"

"No! She had the medallion. She's the proper age."

"She said her name was Turner – you heard her!"

At the bottom of the pile of treasure, where Elizabeth had fallen, Will comes out of the water and keeps her from screaming in shock. He gestures for her to follow and they quickly leave underwater, taking the medallion with them.

"You brought us here for nothing!" a crew member points out.

Barbossa sneers and points his weapon at his crew, "I won't take questioning and no second guesses, not from the likes of you, Master Twigg."

"Who's to blame? Every decision you've made has led us from bad to worse!" Another crew member points out angrily.

"It was you who sent Bootstrap to the depths!" One crew member calls out.

The quartermaster also points angrily at the captain, "And it's you who brought us here in the first place!"

"If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak! Hmm?" Barbossa yells out, preparing for what seems to be boiling up as mutiny.

A crew member stops the mutinous thoughts by pointing out, "I say, we cut her throat and spill all her blood, just in case."

Barbossa's monkey points and Barbossa looks to where Elizabeth had fallen, "The medallion! She's taken it! Get after her! You feckless pack of ingrates!"

The pirates scramble to the boats, "No oars here. Where's the oars?"

The quartermaster yells angrily, "The oars have gone missing find them!"

Ragetti scrambles to a side tunnel and spots Jack stumbling out clutching his head, "You!"

Pintel speaks next, "You're supposed to be dead!"

Jack looks down at himself, "Am I not?" He looks up to see a good dozen guns pointed at him, "Oh. Palulay… palu-li-la-la-lulu, parlili… parsnip, parsley, par – partner, partner…"

Ragetti is confused and speaks out, "Parley?"

"Parley! That's the one. Parley!" Jack calls out happily.

"Parley? Down to the depths whatever man that though up 'parley'."

"That would be the French." Jack answers, in his own polite yet obnoxious way.

Barbossa has come up to point his own weapon at Jack, "How the blazes did you get off that island?"

"When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack says with a grin and a mocking bow.

"Ah, well, I won't be making that mistake again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow? Kill him." Barbossa orders and all the weapons cock back ready to fire.

Jack smirks and leans against the oar he had in his hand, "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?"

Barbossa can't help but sigh and roll his eyes to the heavens before turning around, "Hold your fire! You know who blood we need?"

Jack gives a grin, "I know whose blood ye need."