A/N: I'm back;

I dedicate this chapter to Angelwings5952

Jack's eyes started to well up with tears as he gently cupped the girl's face. She flinched a little from his touch, but she didn't back away as she welcomed this strange gesture.

"Y-You're alive…" Jack whimpered, unable to keep the tears away. He gently caressed her cheek with his thumb as he careful examined her face.

"I knew it. I knew it!" his voice rising with every declaration, "You're her. I knew that you were alive this whole time. That you would come home someday!"

Jack pulled the girl in for a tight embrace as tears of joy were splashing down his face. His grip on her was so strong and tight, that the girl thought she was beginning to break. She gently pushed him back and asked him again:

"Who are you?"

Jack just stared at her for a few minutes, which was starting to feel like a few hours, before he finally answered her question.

"I'm your brother, Jack Darby!" he answered as seriously and as calmly as possible.

"Then what's my name?" the girl challenged, staring back at him with her cerulean eyes.

Jack paused as that question caught him off guard. He didn't want to disappoint her, but he couldn't lie to her. The girl started to fidget around, getting impatient to hear his next answer. Jack steeled himself for what's coming up: her heart broken face, again.

"I don't know. I can't remember. I'm sorry." Jack hurriedly explained, wanting her to understand and maybe forgive him before she had another break down. He was getting ready to comfort her but the girl just stood there, with a blank expression on her face. It was starting to creep him out.

"Um…" Jack tried to start.

"Mercy. My name is Mercy. And I know, for a fact, that I don't have a brother. Thank you for returning my mask." The girl interrupted as she took her mask back.

"Wait!" Jack called out, placing a firm grip on her wrist. Mercy stopped but she didn't turn back to look at him.

"You're my sister. That is absolutely true; no doubt about it!"

Jack's eyes were blazing with a fiery determination to get the truth past her thick skull, even if it took forever for her to accept it.

"How do you know? Where's your proof?" Mercy challenged, glaring him in the eye and quickly losing her patience.

"Look, I know I deserve this and you have every right to doubt me; what brother forgets his own twin sister's name? But I never stopped caring about you! I was always thinking about you, especially when-"

Mercy suddenly tackled Jack to the floor, just barely having enough time to dodge the giant fire ball. Mercy let out a frustrated hiss of pain and slumped on Jack. He didn't understand until he saw the scorch marks burning some of her skin, along with part of her suit on her back, revealing her dark tattoos.

"Scrap! We need to get you to a doctor fast!"

Jack pulled Mercy up and wrapped his arm around her. He was pulling her body for three seconds before she pushed him away from her. In which another fire ball came straight at them. The girl took her stance and got ready as their hunter was coming up fast around the corner.


"Scrap!" Jack stumbled back a little as he recognized that screeching. "Why the hell do we have the worst luck?! Come on, we have to go!" Jack desperately pleaded to Mercy, but his words only fell on deaf ears.

Jack was alone, even though the person he was searching for was right next to him. He started digging through the backpack when he noticed black electricity surrounding the girl, and it was coming from the tattoos that were glowing on her back. Jack slowly came closer to get a better look. Her tattoo looked like wings, or more specifically, black feathers bunched up together. The black electricity started to color even more feathers black, and the girl was gritting her teeth even harder the more it happened.

"Look, you're in no condition to fight. You're just going to die! Do you even notice the pain that you're in?!" Jack yelled, desperately trying to get the girl to run.

Mercy tilted her head back and laughed. Her laughter was so uncontrollable and unnatural, Jack took a few steps away from her.

"What the hell! As if that matters anymore." She smirked, having a creepy gleam in her eyes and a twisted smirk on her face.

She's crazy! She's fraggin' lost it.

Was the only thing running through Jack's head while all other noise was blocked. He was desperately trying to think of a way to calm her down, and away from her self – destructive actions. But it was too late.

They were both in Predaking's sights.

"Guys, guys, you're making way too big of a deal out of all of this." Leo causally brushed off with a shrug, and then raising both hands in front of him as the angry glares took a step closer.

He ducked as Arcee shot two gunblasts on him. She was clawing like a raging animal when Bumblebee and Bulkhead were holding her back. Arcee finally calmed down when Optimus was giving her 'the look,' which she huffed in submission.

"Guys, c'mon, I'm sure that Ratchet could fix this whole thing with just some spit and sweat." Leo commented, convinced that it was an easy situation to remedy. They all looked back at Ratchet as he was practically crying over the death of his ground bridge. His optics never stopped twitching as his gaping mouth was hanging in the air; he couldn't stop clenching and unclenching his servos. At that moment, with the dust still swirling around, he wanted to kill someone. He turned around, grabbed the biggest wrench he had, and played Whack-a-mole with Leo McClain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Doc – bot, calm down! This is not as bad as it seems" Leo tried to reason, taking a few careful steps back.

"You SLAUGHTERED my greatest creation! Do you have any idea how long it took to make this sort of advance, complex technological genius with the type of low grade materials I was forced to work with?!" Ratchet yelled, viciously swinging his wrench around. No one was safe from his rampage as they all had to duck.

"Would you stop exaggerating already?!" Leo shouted in frustration. "All of you! Open your God damn optics, for Primus' sake! Sheesh…" Leo scolded, walking away as he shakes his head, as if they messed up and they were just blaming an innocent bystander.

"Leo McClain!" Optimus roared, "Your actions have led to serious consequences that will have terrifying after effects in the long term, especially when the Decepticons discover our disadvantage in immediate transportation."

"Spare me your lectures, Prime. I would never do that to you guys."

"Not unless you get something out of it, right?!" Raf snapped at Leo, still hurt from the betrayal and used like a stupid monkey.

"You are all super sensitive. That is just my nature, and believe it or not, I do consider how my actions affect others on a greater scale despite my greed. I don't want an army of people coming after me for revenge, so I do choose carefully when burning my bridges" Leo explained with a shrug.

"But this bridge you burn was real! And important!" Miko sneered, walking up to the rubble. "How could you do something so stupid and selfish?!" she screeched.

"Wow, could you say 'irony,' this is kinda funny" Leo chuckled. Miko tried to kick him but he saw it coming and gracefully avoided it.

"Ha! You missed!" Leo smugly responded, sticking his tongue out. He then got slapped on the head by Ultra Magnus. Everyone gasped in surprised with their mouths hanging open, while Wheeljack failed to keep back a huge smirk across his face.

"Soldier, you are a disgrace to your commanding officer, and a hindrance to this unit and our mission. If you are required to remain here with us, then you must be discipline" Magnus instructed sternly, narrowing his optics at Leo so he would clearly receive the message.

"What are you suggesting, Magnus?" Leo countered, wanting to challenge him and ruffle his feathers even further.

Again, Ultra Magnus narrowed his optics at him as he approached him. Everyone was silent, and the humans huddling next to each other, as they were sure that energon will be spilled. Leo couldn't stop grinning as his excitement was threatening to spill over, with each pounding step, wanting to see Magnus' reaction. When he was finally face – to – face with Leo McClain, Ultra Magnus gave him one good look before he quickly faced Optimus and announced:

"Optimus, I wish to adopt this delinquent."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shrieked.

Leo wanted to laugh after seeing all their faces, his grin wouldn't stop twitching. But the sternness in his voice and that look on his metal plated face told him all that he needed to know; he is serious and no way in Kaon is he joking.

"What?" Leo squeaked. A bad feeling was starting to grow in the pit of his stomach.

"WHAT IN THE FRAGGIN' PIT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" Jack yelled, almost running out of breath as he barely dodged the incoming fireball. Mercy was right behind him, ready to push him out of the way if those fireballs get too close.

"Ugh, ugh, seriously," Jack heaves, falling on to his knees. Not at all caring if he'll get roasted alive, as long as his lungs can finally rest.

Mercy grabbed his arm and pulled him up, even though he slumped back down again. She had a sudden urge to just dump this weak ass child here, leave him to his fate. But in return she felt a searing pain vibrating throughout her head, like something inside was savagely tearing the inside of her brain.

"Ow! Alright, alright, the boy will live" she muttered to herself.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked, hastily getting up and coming closer to her. She quickly backed away and glared at him with an annoyed grunt.

"If you have the time to worry about others then worry about yourself! You're nothing but baggage and I don't have time to cover you while battling that monster. He's spark is mine!" She declared, with fierce determination.

"W-What?! Why?" Jack questioned, confused by her cryptic declaration.

"It's not rocket science, kid! I just want to kill it."

Mercy pulled out her sword and got into a stance, as if thinking she actually has the strength to stop that monster.

Jack was rubbing his temples with his fingers while letting out a groan. He didn't know who was worse, Leo with his crazy ideas and always getting him involved in them, or this girl that has a suicide wish to die in battle. And even though he's sure that she's his sister, she's completely closed off to him. How can he get through her stubborn, thick skull? And then a silver gleam caught his eye. It was dangling from the front of her neck. The pendant!

Without thinking, Jack tackled the girl down and grabbed her neck, catching Mercy off guard.

"THAT'S IT!You will die NOW!"

Mercy flipped them over and was now on top of him, ready to plunge her sword straight through his face! Ignoring the searing pain that was rising again in her head. Her blade was inches away from his forehead when Jack shoved the open pendant in front of her eyes. Her hand with the blade froze in place and she carefully lifted the other hand to take the open pendant. She saw two, little children smiling with a man and a woman who had similar features to them, but older.

"W-Who are they?" she stuttered, still on top of Jack.

"They're your family" Jack calmly explains, trying to control his breathing since he almost died and a giant Predecon is coming their way.


"How could you have something hanging around your neck this whole time, and not know what's in it?" Jack asked, a little bit annoyed.

"I-I-I didn't know. I don't remember much, except what I can do. The only thing I know how to do, is to kill."

Mercy got off of Jack and slumped to the floor by his side. Jack sat up and sighed. Now is not the time to have a heartfelt conversation. Jack looked at Mercy and saw how forlorn she really looked. Jack sighed and decided, might as well, I'm probably gonna be roasted alive after this. So I'm gonna make it count.

Jack turned Mercy around and said, "I'm sorry."

Mercy eyes widen as she looked into Jack's eyes. They were so sincere and full of regret, like he committed a heinous crime.

"For what?" she whispered quietly.

"I did this to you." Jack answered sadly. "If I didn't abandoned you, back then when we were kids, you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't have to be a slave, and you wouldn't have to go through all this by yourself. I finally realized why I felt so awful the first time you cried. You were in so much pain and there was nothing I could do about it. I was just as useless as last time." By now, Jack turned away from Mercy and knitted his brows together in agony.

"But not this time. Whatever you need from me, I'll do it without question" Jack explained with a serious face. Mercy gasped and stared at him with wide eyes, unable to comprehend how someone can willingly choose to give up his freedom.

"Please don't misunderstand or pity me. I'm doing this because I want to, not because I owe you something" Jack smirked as he was starting to stand up in front of Mercy. That's when he saw the Predacon's head turning the corner greeting them with its murderous glare. Mercy was still on her knees as she looked up, a little bit afraid of what he'll do next.

"What are you so afraid of? Isn't this easier? Maybe I'll be more useful to you dead then I'll ever be alive. Just please, try to remember something of your past? That's all I want in return. I -"

But before Jack could continue with his suicide speech, he got a hard right hook to the face. He was flying across the floor, six feet from where she was standing, before looking up with wide eyes and bringing his hand to his already bruising cheek.

"Who. The hell. Do you think you ARE?!" she yelled, after taking a few deep breaths. She marched towards Jack, pulling him up by the loose collar of his shirt, and having his face close to hers. She was breathing so hard, that Jack was afraid that she'll faint. But then finally registering what actually happened two seconds ago, he pulled himself up and gripping her shoulders with all the strength his anger was giving him.

"I. AM. YOUR. BROTHER!" He screamed, making Mercy flinch away from him. After taking a few deep breaths, and seeing her hugging herself, Jack tried again to explain but was interrupted by the predacon.

"We have to go!" Jack shouted, but Mercy was already pulling him away. More fire balls were coming at them, Mercy was starting to feel dizzy, and Jack felt so lost but that didn't stop him from trying to have a conversation with her.

"Listen!" Jack started.

"Really?! You're gonna start this NOW! When a metal monster is hunting us?! You're more insane than LOKI!" Mercy interrupted.

"You mean Leo? Yeah, well, he's starting to rub off on me, but there's something that I NEED to tell you!" Jack insisted.

Another razor hot fireball was shot near them.

"It can wait LATER!" Mercy emphasized, trying to find an escape as she felt herself getting weaker and weaker.

"Damn, we need to get you out of here" Jack pulled out his cell phone, but Mercy waved off his concern.

"Not yet" she was in a daze, like she was drunk and about to faint.

"I have to get more souls. If I get that overgrown, metal lizard's soul, then I'll be saved for sure" Mercy slurred, hanging off of Jack's arm.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds serious. We need to get you to a doctor" Jack concluded, thinking she was sick from something.

"HA! If only it was that easy, hee hee hee" She giggled, walking away from him, until he pulled her back. Jack was getting frustrated, until he got an idea.

"Okay, okay. Why don't you tell me what's going on? Tell me why it's not that easy?" Jack encouraged, setting Mercy down while checking if any Decepticons were coming any closer. She then smacked him and gave him a disgusted looking glare, while shaking her head.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You think you can take advantage of me, like I'm some sort of drunk lady, and easily get the information out of me, just like that!" She snapped her fingers to emphasize her point. She held up her hand, and gave him a half – assed slap.

"Here! You can have that! Hmph." She was about to walk into clear view when Jack tackled her down and another fireball was flying over their heads.

"Leo is never around when you really need him, scrap!" Jack quickly pulled Mercy up and just kept running.

"What makes you think we need that clown for? I'm handling that overgrown pest no proble-m" Mercy slurred, her eyes getting more and more droopy as she was stumbling behind Jack.

" 'Cause he's the only person I know who can handle girls and crazy people at the same time. Right now you definitely fit the bill." Jack yelled, frantically trying to find a way to escape.

"Oh, you're just begging for a fight. Aren't you, boy?" Mercy muttered, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling.

"NO! Right now, I'm practically praying for a way out of here!" Jack replied, quickly picking different corridors for the escape.

"Do you even have a plan? It looks to me that you're just lost and you're just trying to keep ahead of that monster" Mercy bite out, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was right behind her, but strangely enough there was no one. Almost as if they've given up.

"It's still a better plan than yours! You just want to fight that thing. Well, guess what? You're not Optimus Prime, Megatron, hell you're not even the same SIZE! I'm just trying to find a way to the outside docking bay. If we can get out there, and jump off the ship, then we can escape and go home" Jack explained, still very focused with what was in front of him as he gripped even harder on Mercy's wrist.

"Are you crazy? You can't fly and the impact will kill you!" Mercy slowly explained, as if she was lecturing a ten year old, hopeless child.

"I know! I just think that if we are out of the Decepticons range, we can call Ratchet, ask for a ground bridge, and we'll be gone. Problem solved!"

"Except that your plan is flawed. They can shoot us out of the sky before you have a chance to make that phone call. We might be able to get out, but that's as far as you'll go before you die." Mercy calmly stated.

"Hey, no plan is perfect but try stay optimistic for me, okay?"

Mercy took a deep breath and carried Jack bridal style, making a sharp left turn.

"What are you doing?!"

Jack was flabbergasted. He didn't know if this situation was funny of embarrassing for him. Probably both. But he couldn't help but smile as it seems like she was finally helping him.

"I'm finding the way out. When I killed some of the Vehicons, I looked inside their memories. I saw bits and pieces but I think I can get us close to where you want to go." Mercy explained.

"Why didn't you say that sooner?"

"I was busy with my job but you being here is way too distracting."

At that moment Jack jumped out of her arms and they were both tumbling down.

"What's your problem?!" Mercy snarled, getting grumpy and angry that nothing was getting done.

"Wait, are you telling me that you're not going to escape with me?" Jack softly asked, ignoring her first question.

"AUUUGGHHHH! Like I told you before, KID! If you have time to worry about others, then worry about YOURSELF! You can't have it both ways!" Mercy gripped her hair and then swung her arms up in the air. Her patience was running thin and she was getting crazier by the second. She didn't know how much she can take spending time with this irritable kid.

"Please, you have to come back home with me. We still have a lot to talk about." Jack begged, not even caring about where they were.

"I'm telling you! You have the wrong person but you're not interested in the truth; you just want me to play out whatever delusions you have in your mind. Just LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"HAAAAAAAA, do you humans truly believe you can escape now?"

Jack and Mercy looked up and away from each other, finally noticing the all the corridors are now sealed off and the Decepticons were now in control.

"You pest have done enough damage to the war ship, it's time to have some pay back with a bit of entertainment."

With that last statement, Starscream allowed one of the corridors open, allowing Jack and Mercy to walk forward.

"You know that this is a trap, right?"

"Yeah, but what choice do we have? If anything, we can use this to our advantage and escape."

Jack shrugged as he decided to step forward. Mercy shook her head in annoyance and ran up in front of him.

"You can't go. They will kill you." Mercy stated, blocking his path.

"I don't want to die, but I'm not don't want to be taken prisoner again. I will not let them use me as leverage. Not for a second time" Jack look down in shame as he confessed his fears to her. Mercy raised her eyebrows and then they knitted together in worry. She knew she wasn't they only one carrying scars.

"Jack….. I'm sorry."

He shook his head before making his best effort to offer her comfort.

"No, don't be. I'll be fine and we are human. We'll make do with what we have."

"Since when is that a human trait?"

"What?" Jack asked, startled that she made such an unusual comment like that.

"I don't understand."

"You will. Eventually. You are my brother, after all." Mercy responds, with a soft, gentle whisper that was just screaming out the things that Jack wanted to know.

"Wait, What?!" Jack was about to reach out to Mercy when the doors finally opened and a great rush of wind was released on them.

They both had to stand firm and strong as they got ready to endure Starscream's latest torment. She reached out first. Mercy hesitantly reached out her hand and grabbed Jack's. At first he was startled, but looking at her face he realized what she was trying to say: it doesn't matter. The questions, the answers, the things they've said to one another when they were alone just doesn't matter anymore. They were finally together, side by side, and they felt safe. That was the only thing that mattered between twins, was the last thought Jack had before he heard the thunderous approach of the dragon Predacon coming towards them.

During that same time – Autobot Base unit E

Leo sat crisscrossed on their favorite coach. He was staring out into nothing when his fingers kept fiddling around with his mask.

"Uhhh, what are you doing?" Miko nervously asked, trying to be brave as she approached this strange kid.

"We can never go back, you know?" Leo spoke as he smiled down at his mask.

"Go back where? Home?" Miko crossed her arms and stared at him with her pointed glare. She was a Wrecker and Bulkhead was here. What does she have to be afraid of from a guy like Leo?

"Well, that too but I'm talking about in general. Specifically though, I'm talking about Jack and Mercy."

"What? About that mess you pushed them into? Don't even think like that. Those too are fierce. They'll get out of that Decepticon warship, especially without your help. Those two are survivors!"

Leo smirked at Miko's words. She had no idea just how accurate she truly was about those two.

"You have no idea. When they're together, nothing can stop them. Everything is finally set in place. They can't run or hide from each other any longer" Leo said, laying down on the coach with his mask behind his head.

"Aren't you gonna wear it?" Miko questioned.

"What? The mask? Don't need it anymore. Everything is out in the open."

"What is?!" Miko shouted, getting frustrated with Leo's riddles.

"He may not like the answers, but he'll finally get the truth of what happened. Maybe then he can lay his guilt to rest and live the rest of his life in peace." Leo mumbled, staring way past anything Miko could see. Just as he was about to close his eyes, his phone rang. He sat up and took his time digging his phone out of his pocket.

"Hey, Ratchet!"

"What is it, you thief!" Ratchet scowled, still trying to calculate the amount of damage and repair required to get the ground bridge operational again.

"Oh, relax. If there is anyone you want to get angry at, it's Jack and Mercy." Leo sighed, shaking his head as he stood up to stretch.

"Them? How? They weren't even here!" Arcee questioned, getting fessed up with this kid's confusion and games.

"Because they took too long, and everyone in this damn room is impatient. What an impatient audience we have here. You need to be able to wait for the results will be more enjoyable that way. Every great performance has a time and place, you just got to be ready for it. Then again they did take their sweet time getting this far….." Leo mumbled that last part as he was flipping his ringing phone around, now waiting for Team Prime's response.

"Wait, is that Jack calling?!" Miko shouted, excited to see if her friends made it.

"Yup!" Leo answered simply, still waiting.

"Then why aren't you answering it?!" Raf was anxious to know what happened as well.

"Because we need to activate the ground bridge, then I'll tell them we're ready to save them.

"And how, pray tell, are we supposed to do that?! You destroyed the very essential piece of equipment they need for RESCUE!" Ratchet shouted, gesturing to the broken ground bridge.

Leo rolled his eyes and shook his head, getting tired of all these stupid questions and people wasting his time.

"Okay, that's enough. You guys are just way too gullible. Even for good guys."

With that last comment, Leo snapped his fingers and it was repaired. Just like that. The ground bridge was as perfect as the day Ratchet built it for the base.

"H-How did you do that?" Ratchet asked, completely dumbfounded by the way he was tricked by Leo's illusion.

"Oh, you know, smoke and mirrors. The trick of the light. It's so easy creating illusions. They are so much more believable than the truth could ever be. Now that all of you are impressed and satisfied with what I've done, can we rescue Jack and Mercy now?"

Leo was holding up his cell phone, and it was still ringing with Jack's number on it.

"Well, we're outside."

"Yup. That was easier than I thought it would be. They pretty much gave us what we needed."

"Don't get too cocky. He's coming and he can kill us before we have a chance to call for help."

"Yeah. I guess we'll have to improvise."

"Allow me to go first."

With that final comment Mercy's shadows began to stretched out and surrounded her, like a shield. The predacon immediately sent a huge fire ball directly at her, but she manage to deflect it right at him! Everyone being in complete shock would be an understatement, especially for Starscream as his mouth was hanging open.

"Interesting." Shockwave calmly noted. "Such an act could never be done by a human. I wish to examine and dissect her to discover the source of these….. Peculiarities."

"Yes, Shockwave! That is a marvelous idea but how is that to be done when your primal pet can't even defeat it!" Starscream yelled. Feeling the humiliation that a tiny human is defying him in such an extraordinary way.

"Of course, perhaps this shows that your talents weren't as up to par as you led us to believe, Shockwave. If humans can defeat your creature, then what hope will it have for the Autobots?" Starscream voiced his smug comment. If he was being humiliated then he'll bring someone down with him.

"Or perhaps this demonstrates your poor sense of judgement and your arrogant personality. I see no better example than this. You allow the humans to have the upper hand and a valid chance to escape."

Shockwave was pointing over to Jack, who was squatting next to a Decepticon communications satellite and connected it to his phone to get a signal.

"What?! Soundwave, stop that human!" Starscream screeched, looking a bit nervous.

"Come one, come one. Pick up the phone, pick up the phone. PICK. UP. THE. DAMN. PHONE! Ugh, what the heck is he doing? Getting buried alive? Primus, I hope so." Before Jack could continue his rambling, he noticed a surge of electricity coming right towards him. He disconnected the phone and jumped back before he was electrocuted. When he looked up he saw the Decepticon without a face walking towards him, with one of his tentacles still attached to a control panel. He got up and decided to find Mercy. They would have to go to plan A after all.

"AGGHHHHH!" Mercy screamed, still deflecting the fire balls with her shadows. However, the longer she repeated her actions, the hotter everything was getting. She couldn't take the heat much longer.

She saw the burn mark from the fire ball that grazed her arm earlier. She gripped her arm tight before letting it go and bringing the palm of her hand to her face. She sniffed it and smirked as she looked right into the predacon's eyes.

"Thank you. I didn't even realize that Necro cursed me and yet you freed me. I promise to return the favor one day, only now, I won't kill you and take your soul. It's probably what I need to repay my other debt, but I feel unbelievably happy right now." Mercy just kept grinning that it confused the predacon as it stared at her. Before it could blink, however, she made a sprint towards Jack and grabbed him, taking him over the edge of the hanger bay and they were falling towards solid ground.

"A little warning next time!" Jack screamed, his heart pumping and his head buzzing as he felt the oxygen leaving him. He felt so numb, he didn't realize that Mercy was hugging him tight.

"Did you make the call?" she questioned.

"Yes! But they didn't pick up!" Jack shouted, suddenly realizing how close the ground was getting.


"How the hell should I know? Maybe pray?"

Just then a ground bridge portal opened up right below them. Mercy reacted faster than Jack could blink; as soon as she saw what was happening, she reversed their positions. She made sure that she was below Jack so her back could take most of the impact while she was gripping on to Jack tight. She knew she could protect her brother, but she was still afraid. What the hell will they say to each other after everything calms down?

"I have their coordinates!" Raf shouted, happy that things were finally well and that he has another chance to save his friends.

"Cool, can I see?" Leo asked, inching a step closer towards his computer.

"NO!" Raf yelled, shielding his computer from Leo as he turned away from him.

"Awww, come on. Please?" Leo begged, clasping his hands together, his eyes wide open, and his mouth stretched out into a huge, creepy smile.

Raf just cringed and made a face at him before he stuck his tongue at him. Leo stood up and silently glared at him before Miko started to burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Wow, Raf, look at you! Taking charge, huh! Way to go, big man! Jack would be so proud of you! Wait, wait, wait, both of you hold it, I need to take a picture of this."

"Ahem! Both of you are being rude and stupid. Main priority, remember? Jack and Mercy, rescue operation?" Leo stated in a condescending tone.

"What did you say?! Rude and stupid? Oh, you better get ready for some -"

"So, um, how did you do that?" Smokescreen interrupted, knowing things were getting ugly as Miko was ready to challenge Leo. He knew it would be a good fight, as well as entertaining, but they didn't have time for that. His partner and his friend had to come back home.

"Simple, I'm a genius. I know how to get what I want." Leo answered, with a smug smile plastered on his face, as he leaned back on the couch.

"Well, Mr. Genius, next time miss with your own stuff, not ours!" Arcee scolded, angry that Jack got involved with this jerk and didn't give her any warning about him.

"Hey, hey, don't blame me if your partner keeps secrets from you. As a matter of fact, don't blame me just because we both share a friend. I like Jack and so do you. We might more in common than you would like to admit." Leo smirked with a cat – like smile, staring down Arcee's glare.

"I doubt it." Arcee snarled, angry by the fact that this punk wasn't, at all, intimidated by her. She finally turned her attention away from him when a ground bridge portal was suddenly open.

"Are they coming? Are they here yet?" Smokescreen asked, bouncing a little.

"How am I supposed to know? Raf's the one with my phone" Leo remarked, closing his eyes and putting Mercy's mask on his face.

As Ultra Magnus was about to lecture Leo for his rude attitude and tone, a scream was being quietly heard from a distance. A silence filled the room as they were all concentrated on that sound. Miko laughed first.

"Hee, hee, Jack screams like a little girl," she giggled.

"Pfffftttttt – I know, right?" Leo agreed with a grin on his face. Ratchet sent glares at their direction as they seemed to forget the severity of the situation. Again.

Smokescreen reached out to catch those two. As they both fell through, Smokescreen went down with them. He landed flat face on the ground with his servos slightly bent. As the dust settled, Smokescreen groan but stopped when he felt a ticklish sensation on his servos. He took a closer look and saw these dark tentacle – like things slithering back to Mercy's back. He saw them hid themselves behind her back, and the rest attached themselves to her arms. It was like they transformed and were hiding in plain sight, just like Team Prime was. This girl had many more secrets than he thought, but that didn't bother him. He smirked, he knew that he was curious and that he wasn't the only one, as he watched Jack helping Mercy up.

As the two finally got up, they were tackled down by their friends. Mostly just by Miko and Raf, while the rest just surrounded them. Jack wanted to say something, anything because he thought that he should, but he couldn't. He was just happy to be home. He looked over to Mercy and she began crying as she looked at him. She broke eye contact with him when Leo went up to her, touch her shoulder, and handed her the mask. She took one more glance at Jack before she placed it on her face. She returned and she remembers what she wanted the most in this living world.

"Welcome back." Leo whispered with his signature smirk on his face. His eyes gleamed with mischief and delight when he saw that his friends returned.

This is gonna be so much fun!

Was the last thought in his head as he and Mercy quietly retreated into the shadows and away from the others. He was gonna get an earful from Jack about their little disappearing act.

"This is gonna be amazing!" Leo screamed, as he danced around. Spinning at one spot to the next, twirling faster and faster, until he fell down laughing.

This is it! This is it! This is it! This is it! This is it! This is it! THIS IS IT!

He wouldn't stop laughing until someone threw a rock at his head. He suddenly became silent and stood still, slowly turning his head to glare at his assailant.

"Don't give me that look, boy. You were always a loose cannon, even worse when you lose control of your emotions and you are way too excited right now."

Leo didn't respond right away, he just stared at the ceiling and stared to laugh so uncontrollably that his assailant backed away a bit and reached for another rock.

"DON'T! you dare…" he breathed, as he took in some deep breaths and sighed them out slowly. "You always ruin my fun. You never let me cut loose unless it suits your needs as well as my madness."

"That's because your madness cause nothing but trouble. You need a positive outlet for it and the work I provide you is more than enough. There is no telling the kind of chaos you could unleash if I allow you to do so."

"But that is what makes it so much FUN! So exhilarating! The unknown mysteries of life just taunting us in the face, making us desperate to make that next move forward. Now that is how you live your life, general."

General Roxanne gave him a deathly glare before making a deep sigh. She knew she had to be patient with this boy.

"So, is she ready?" She asked, turning her eyes towards him.

"Yes. She hesitated at first but she regained something very important just now."

"And what is it?" The General questioned, coming closer towards Leo.

"Motivation." Leo simply answered, his head buzzing with so many of the ideas occupying his head. He couldn't wait to explode and unleash his plans to the entire world. And the tools to make his fantasies a reality were now in place. He was ready and nothing was gonna hold him back anymore!

"Don't worry, she won't back out now. She wants to see her mission to the end. It may not turn out the way she first envisioned it, but this is her story and she's going to see it through. We just have to be patient."

"Leo, I'm getting annoyed here. If you tell me to wait any longer…" The General threatened, gnashing her teeth together.

"Trust me, she's the only one who can bring the results we've been craving for and the support system she obtained will be a great asset in the long run." Leo shrugged, while happy about the past events, he was still curious to see what the future will bring at his next chapter.

"And the other girl?"

"Still sleeping. But don't worry, I'll be the one to bring her back. You just make the stage convenient for her us. The story will still continue, no matter what condition she's in. I just want her to be wake and active for it. How can anyone miss this much fun?" Leo announced, basking in the truth of his words.

"What must you always tell everything in such a long, riddle – like monologue? I wish to speak as well." Roxanne complained, tapping her fingers a bit.

"So? What would you like to say for us today?" Leo offered, staring at her to say what's on her mind.

"What I want to say is…. This better be worth it. I am not like Necro, Leo. I didn't pursue this position for my own selfish purposes. I have goals for everyone's benefit, not just my own agenda." Roxanne declared, looking start into Leo's eyes for additional convincing.

"…. If you want to be a better liar, then you have to first believe it yourself. But I understand what you're saying. So no worries, I won't ever doubt your genuinely appreciated assistance in my affairs….mother." Leo stated, smiling as the General looked away from him and decided to return home.

Just wait a little bit. I'll bring you back home for sure this time.


Mercy screeched as her fist went through the wall. She missed but she tried again as she saw the shadow crawling away from her.

"I know what you did. I remembered it! HOW DARE YOU! What gave you the right to do that to me?!"

"ENOUGH! In case you've forgotten, the world isn't fair! And I am still your master, foolish child. Your encounter with your brother is the only kindness you'll receive from this world. The rest will be earned through the souls you're collecting." Necro snarled, showing that he still holds the most power in this relationship, and right now, he doesn't have the patience or the love to pretend otherwise.

"That reminds me," He continued, "you still didn't bring me those alien souls. All that time on that ship and you bring not one to me. What was it that held you back? It's not as though you were a novice again, at the time. Or, perhaps we were distracted, by a boy named Jack.

Mercy's silence confirmed what he already knows, he just wanted her to admit it right in front of him. He twisted his dead lips into a nasty snarl before he struck her!

Mercy's eyes were wide with confusion as she looked back at him. He never did anything like that before, not even when she was complaining or training with him in the past. She opened her mouth to speak against her master, to say anything really, but nothing fell out of her mouth except some intangible noise. It was as if Necro had stolen her ability to speak and replaced her voice with a frog's. As if it was possible, Mercy thought her face felt hot as she hunched her shoulders and shrank away from him.

"Damn it!" Necro yelled, "This is worse than I thought. You're beginning to act HUMAN! That is it. No more distractions."

Mercy looked up with concern and fear in her eyes. She laced her fingers together, as if making a silent prayer. She had feeling she knew what he was going to say next.

"You are going to work for the Decepticons. Once they realize your mission could benefit both of us, they will surely welcome you with open arms. You can take Optimus' spark first, surely that will be more than enough to earn my freedom."

"NO!" Mercy shouted, interrupting anything else Necro was going to say. He snapped his head back to look at her. He was breathing deeply as he clenched his fist tightly. He wasn't going to lose his slave no matter what.

"They're going to die soon!" Mercy yelled, taking a few steps back as Necro came closer to her.

"What did you say?" Necro asked.

"They're going to die soon." Mercy repeated, taking a few deep breaths and trying to steady herself.

"I met their enemy: it was called a Predacon," Mercy continued, carefully watching Necro's reaction.

"That monster will eventually kill the Autobots. If I stay with them, I can continue the work without exposing myself. They didn't really see the powers you gave me. They usually leave the battlefield right away. They don't know what I do, this way, no one can get in the way of the creation of your gate. You won't have to share or put up with any more conditions. The Autobots will remain clueless of your plans and preparation and they won't be offended by anything I do because they'll either not know about it or it would be recognized as self-defense."

"So you would bring me either soul? Whether it be Optimus' or the Predacon's?" Necro calmly questioned, completely concentrated on her words and her steely gaze.

"No matter who dies, you will always win. Siding with the Autobots just makes our work go much faster. They don't obsess over power like Starscream and Megatron does." Mercy stated, never faltering with her speech.

"Are you certain they won't find out about you?" Necro asked, actually considering Mercy's silent request.

"Never. They're too busy with their war and the new threat looming over their heads." Mercy declared, gripping her fingers together hard.

"… Very well. Stay close to them. You can never lie to me anyway. But anything less to our quota or short of my expectations and you will join the other side. I despise bad investments so do not make me regret all the time I've spent on you, Mercy." Necro growled, gnashing his yellow, rotten teeth together.

"I promise, I'll give you exactly what you deserve" Mercy finished, keeping her voice soft and humble.

Necro turned away and dissolved into the shadows, while Mercy was left alone in the dark.

I want to see Jack.

The Last Stand Bar, Nevada (Really late at night)

"You bastard….." Jack sighed, his shoulders hunched over and his eyes downcast.

"Oh my god, you two are definitely twins. No doubt about it, the resemblance is so uncanny that it's scary" Leo stated, staring at Jack in a new light, wondering how much he knows about him now.

"If it was my sister, she would have yelled and kicked you by now. I'm not her."

"Oh good, I don't have to worry about anything. Right?" Leo questioned, shifting his gaze back to Jack.

"Heh." Jack smirked and drank some more milk. They were both at the bar, just listening to music and drinking milk, sitting right next to each other.

"Well, I'm not you either. I'm not interested in ruining Sal's bar. So I'm gonna wait for you to sleep. It'll make things easier for me." Jack said, quietly sipping on his drink.

Leo jumped one seat away from him, before he started to drink again.

"It's not my fault."

"Same old excuse, same old Leo."

"You weren't supposed to be told anyway. What happened between you and Mercy was a miracle! I guess God can be kind after all." Leo shrugged, stealing glances at Jack.

"Leo…." Jack sighed, finally turning his head to look at him. "What happened to her? And where is she now."

"Everything shitty happened to her. Of course, that could just be an exaggeration. I will say this with confidence then: she's changed. And she's waiting."

"For what?" Jack questioned, frustrated that no one is giving him any straight answers, no matter how many times he has repeated himself.

"That should be obvious." Leo smirked, being as vague as he possibly can. With all the commotion and troubles lately, he almost forgot about his favorite pastime: teasing Jack.

Jack heavily sighed, setting his head on the table and pushing his drink away.

"Go home, Jack." Leo commanded, in a stern voice which left no room for argument.

Jack looked up with a questioning face, but before he could speak, Leo interrupted him.

"Arcee didn't bring you here and you should leave her alone. It's a long walk back. Go home. You'll have your answers there."

Jack felt all his angry and frustrations just surging forward as he clenched his fist and narrowed an evil glare at Leo. As he was walking towards Leo from behind, before he could do anything, Leo passively looked back at him and smiled. Jack breathed in deeply and then breathed out, before he bumped his shoulder and walked passed him to go home. Guess he would have to wait a little longer before something exciting happens.

Jack's house (11:59 P.M)

"Where have you been?"

Jack was half expecting this question from his mom, or even from Arcee, but he didn't expect to hear from her this soon. Especially in person.

"You're back." Jack whispered, smiling as he turned to face her. Before he could see her face, she placed the palm of her hand on the middle of his back to stop him.

"No I'm not. Not yet anyway." She whispered back. She took a deep breath before she continued with what she said next

"Even though it's not really okay, is it alright if we have a talk right now." Mercy quietly asked, not looking directly at Jack as her faced was flushed pink.

"Heh, heh, heh, of course! You never have to ask!"

Jack's face had this huge smile plastered on his face, as he went up right next to her and offered her his arm. She took it with a small smile on her face and started to walk with him.

The evening breeze was cool and refreshing, and even under the midnight sky, it was very bright. While it was slowly going away, they both looked up at the crescent moon that light up the way for them.

"It's still so beautiful" Mercy breathed out in reminiscence, staring at all the lights out there. The moon, the stars, the traffic lights and street lamps.

"Well this is Jasper, Nevada. Nothing really changes much out here." Jack smiled.

A/N: I know this is a little late, but Happy New Year 2016!

I'm going to finish this story this year, so I'm planning to update 2x a month.

I don't know if I'll be able to keep that schedule but I feel like myself again so, who knows?

Thank you for waiting so patiently everyone. I was about to give up on my story but your support and words just made me not delete it and I'm finally back with ideas.

I hope that I won't disappoint you guys again.

See you soon! :')