I'm back! I'm trying to get to 1x14, around the point where the tomb vampires get out. From that point on, things are going to be different. Some storylines are going to show up in the story quicker. I like to toss in plot bunnies here and there.

Already Disclaimed.


Chapter Eleven

When I Bring The Party Down

Telling Elena her secret didn't make things any easier. Sure it explained a whole lot, but Elena was still very freaked-out and left quickly. lt was now Friday and the night of Caroline's surprise birthday party. It wasn't much of a surprise, considering Caroline had been dropping hints in favor of a party for weeks now. Things between Andie and her sisters hadn't gotten any better or worse. If anything, they had all gone back to doing their own thing. Carlie enjoyed her cheerleading, Marcy spent a lot of her nights at the office or with David. Andie was too busy planning the party to notice or care. Marcy was told about the party and she approved, surprisingly. By Wednesday, nearly the entire school knew about the party (three guesses on who made that happen), much to Andie's dismay.

Friday morning came and Andie's order of alcohol was delivered swiftly and quietly in front of her door. Andie was off to school with a satisfied smile on her face.

School went by pretty quickly. Nothing much but the obvious excitement about her party for Caroline tonight. Everybody was going to be there, just like Care wanted. She didn't mind the party, really she didn't. It was a welcome distraction from her weird ass visions and vampires with murderous brothers and their freaked out girlfriends. She needed this too much. Carlie promised to behave and help out in exchange for her admission to the party.

All day long, Bonnie and Andie smoothed out the last details while Caroline pretended to be oblivious. Elena promised to stop by later to help set up the house. Other than that, she hadn't heard from her.

"What's up with you and Elena?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" Andie plays aloof.

"Oh come on, don't you think I've noticed that she's avoiding you? Stefan too?" Bonnie looked at me knowingly.

"She found out what happened with Damon's disappearance." She explained carefully.

"You mean his addiction thing?"

"Yeah." Andie agreed quickly. "She didn't like how Stefan handled it. And she also knows that I supported it."

"But Andie, it is kind of messed up." Bonnie agreed.

"You may be right, but it isn't our place to tell Stefan how he should deal with his brother." Andie gave her a pointed look as she walked over to the driver's side of her car.

She unlocked the doors to let Bonnie in and they made the fifteen minute drive back to Andie's house.

"Elena will come around." She assures Bonnie.

"I guess." Bonnie shrugs.


About four hours later, the party was in full swing. The drinking, the awkward drunk dancing, the drunk party games, mingling, and the occasional drama.

After about twenty minutes, Andie decided to make her rounds. Matt and Tyler were drinking closer to the house, surrounded by most of the football team. She smoothly headed over there to be social.

What she didn't expect was for a pair of linebackers to lift her up and deem her the "Party Queen". After briefly enjoying the attention, Andie caught Caroline's unamused stare and her smile dropped.

"Er okay guys! That's enough! The birthday girl is over there!" She points in Caroline's general direction. "Caroline Forbes is over there!" Andie looks to Matt and Tyler for help. Matt is shaking his head while laughing, and Tyler is laughing so hard that he's holding on to his knees for support. When Matt catches her expectant look, he lightly shoves Tyler and comes over to help.

"Hey, Kemble! We're getting Forbes." Matt winks and Heath Kemble with his other buddy that Andie remembered from english class goes into Caroline's direction, and pulling Andie with them.

Within minutes, Caroline and Andie were lifted into the air as the entire party cheered for the people who relieved them of an incredibly boring Friday night. "Show the birthday girl some love!" Andie shouted over the noise. Cheers erupted loudly, causing Caroline to smile and hold her chin up proudly, like a born princess. Andie finally convinced the boys to let her down and upon feeling the ground, she nearly tackled Tyler.

"You asshole!" Andie shoved him as hard as she could. Which wasn't that hard, considering Andie was very tipsy.

He didn't move any more than two feet, much to Andie's annoyance. "I gotta admit, D." Tyler smirks, "This party is awesome."

Andie shrugged, sporting a giant grin. "Never doubt a Jameson, Ty. We have a habit of surprising people." Andie winks. "It's not over yet. Birthday girl has to blow out her cake."

"You bought a cake big enough for the entire student body?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

"No." Andie drawled. "We have a personal cake in the house. It's just for us. Now I gotta go see a Bennett about tequila shots." Andie bumped Matt as she walked away, looking through the party for Bonnie. When she spotted her, she was sporting an annoyed expression.

"What's up, Bon?" Andie stopped next to Bonnie, staring in the direction that she was.

Bonnie furrows her eyebrows before finally looking at Andie. "What do you know about Jason McKittrick?"

"Not enough to believe that he's harmless." Andie answers honestly. Bonnie was the only person that she would honestly answer.

"I thought so." Bonnie said, turning to her and looking like she wanted to say more. As soon as Andie catches her expression, she tries to muster up all the sobriety she can.

"What happened?"

Bonnie shakes her head slowly, "No, it's probably nothing."

"Or it probably is something." Andie pushes.

Bonnie stared at her doubtfully before deciding to spill her guts. "Okay just now, Caroline was getting carried around by the football team. Birthday wish fulfilled. But Jason comes around and she freaks out, asking to put down. She totally spazzed. Now she's following him around like a puppy. Completely unlike her." Bonnie explained. "And ... for some reason—" Bonnie paused, looking perplexed.

"Bonnie, go on." Andie urged.

"I keep getting a feeling from him." Bonnie continues warily, like she expects Andie to call her insane or something. "It's like the feeling I get around Grams, but somehow different. Colder."

Andie nods, the wheels were spinning in her brain. She levels her gaze back to Bonnie, who was looking expectant. "You're not insane, Bonnie."

Bonnie sighed in relief, "Oh my god, I thought it was just me. Are you getting the same feelings?"

Andie shook her head, "Not exactly. Mine are along the lines of suspicion and intuition."

"My Grams says that cold feelings are related to high energy." Bonnie offered.

"Bonnie, I think we need to have a chat with your Grams." Andie told her seriously.

Bonnie looked up from the ground, "I was afraid you'd say that."

"Where's Elena?" Andie suddenly asked, looking through crowd of her classmates.

"She left me to go to the bathroom." Bonnie frowned, checking her watch. "But that was almost a half hour ago."

"We have to find her." Andie says, the effect of the alcohol finally wearing off.

"We should split up." Bonnie suggested. "Your yard is massive and there's no way we'll find her fast enough."

Andie pursed her lips. It wasn't the best idea, but Bonnie was right. "Fine." They would find her faster. Andie hoped that this was just her paranoia again. "I'll take the front. You take the back. Find Matt and get him to help." There was less people in the front. Bonnie was safer searching in the back. "Let me know if you find her.

"Okay." Bonnie went off, deeper into the party.

Bobbing and weaving through her guests, she managed to bump into people. "Watch it, bitch!" Andie cooled her temper as she kept moving. She knew that voice and it would do her best to keep moving. "Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you."

Getting around the side of her house, there was more cars, less people. Andie had no weapons, so she had to be fast.

"I don't know, Stefan." Said a familiar voice. "I can't remember."

"Elena, where were you before you blacked out? Please, it's important." Stefan asked her calmly.

"Stefan, what happened?" Andie made herself visible. Elena seemed to have visibly relaxed after seeing Andie.

"I found Elena in the cemetery. Her eyes were glazed over. It wasn't until I got in her way that she even saw me." Stefan explained.

"Elena?" Andie looked at her.

"I don't remember any of that." Elena denied. "All I remember is telling Bonnie that I was going to the bathroom."

"Could it be compulsion?" I asked Stefan.

"Compulsion?" Elena asked, trying to be a part of the conversation.

Stefan shook his head, "Impossible. She still has the necklace I gave her." It was true, Elena still wore the necklace.

"Did you run into anyone on the way to the bathroom?" Andie asked, putting her theory out there.

Elena frowned, as she tried her best to remember. "Just Caroline. She insisted that I take a sip of some special birthday cocktail." She shook her head, not believing that this was important information. Andie sent Stefan a pointed look. "Why? Is Caroline in trouble?" Elena looked fearful at the two.

"Maybe." Andie said, not breaking her gaze with Stefan.

"Okay, maybe you're right." Stefan finally agrees. "Come on." He told Andie.

"But wait, what's going on?" Elena asked, worrying.

"Just stay with Bonnie, Elena." Andie told her firmly. "We're gonna take care of it." Andie found Bonnie and had her keep an eye on Elena.

"What do you think he's up to?" Stefan asked her.

"Right now? I think he's trying to have Damon freed without raising suspicion." Andie watched the area as she spoke. "But I don't think he's alone."

"What do you mean?" Stefan asked.

"I'm thinking maybe a vampire." Andie looked back at him. "And I don't want anyone else to die to prove that I'm right."

"Ok, how do we go about it?"

"Sheila Bennett." She says. "We need to pay her a visit tomorrow."

"What makes you think she'll talk to us?"

"When I explain, she'll want to talk to me." Andie explained. Stefan started walking and Andie followed. "Where are you going?"

"If there's another vampire in town, this party isn't safe." Stefan declares, and Andie follows his lead, walking the other way.

Andie ran her hands through her hair. "Dammit."

After coming up with nada, Bonnie met up with Andie in front of her cellar doors. The coffee-skinned girl was thoroughly freaked out and confused with Andie's vague answers to her questions. Meanwhile Elena searched the crowd for her younger brother, while staying in the young huntress' sight. It was beginning to drift into the early hours of morning, and the vibrant party thinned out by a lot once the alcohol supply dried out. Small groups of three or four remained, and Andie contemplated calling it a night.

"Elena, have you seen Stefan?" Andie asked the olive-skinned girl. The younger Salvatore had gone to search the perimeter and had yet to return.

"I'm not his keeper." Elena answered with a slight attitude. "Besides, I've been with Bonnie most of the night.

"What about Caroline?" Bonnie piped up with concern. "I haven't seen her since two a.m."

"Shit." Andie hissed. "Elena, call Stefan. Bonnie, shut this entire party down. I'm gonna track Caroline's phone." Andie pulled out her phone and Elena followed as they moved close to the house for cell reception. It didn't take long for Andie to establish a connection to Caroline's location. However, before Andie could follow the trail, Elena came to her side. "He isn't answering. It rang twice, then went straight to voicemail."

"Elena, take Jeremy and Carlie in the house. Don't answer the door unless it's me or Bonnie. Not even if it's Marcy." Andie orders.

Elena nods reluctantly and goes to find their younger siblings. Andie watches her from afar until she turns to Bonnie. Bonnie glares slightly at her. She knew that there was something more going on that Andie hadn't told her just yet.

"You have to give me something. What's going on?" Bonnie demanded.

"I think Caroline and Stefan are in trouble." Andie told her the short version.

"You think Jason did it." Bonnie deduced.

"Probably, I don't know. I don't think he's working alone." Andie again sweetened the truth.

"What do we do?" Bonnie hugs her arms.

"First, I'm gonna track her. Maybe she's fine, but if not and someone took her, I have to come up with a plan."

"Whoa, hold up!" Bonnie put her hand up. "I agree that something is off about Jason, but kidnapping? First off, why would he take Caroline?"

Andie looked at her friend, sizing her up slightly, before answering, "Caroline is most likely a bargaining chip."

"For what? Why?" Bonnie questioned me again.

"Bonnie ... I need you to hold something for me." Andie ignored her question. I take Damon's necklace out of my pocket and drop it in her hand before closing it. "Protect this with your life."

"Tell me what's going on."

Andie sighs. "They want Damon. He's a very dangerous man, and from what I gather, they want him."

Bonnie still looks confused. "Okay, for what?

"I don't know yet, but I have to do something stupid to find out." Andie revealed. She's really not going to like what she has to do.

It wasn't so much that it was dark, it was almost five am. It was what she had to do that was making shivers crawl up her spine. She didn't even want to do it, but there was no way that she was going to be enough to save Caroline. She'd do anything for her, even this. Even with day breaking in the distance, the cemetery was still spooky. But nothing was more creepy than the crypts for the founding families. The ones with vines and leaves grown over them were unkempt, considering the fact that barely anyone visited since the ancestors took up all the plots. The younger generations were nearby to keep everyone together, and that included the empty plot for her father. The very one that she refused to visit, no matter how selfish that made her feel.

Getting out of her thoughts, Andie neared the old Salvatore crypt. It was actually one of the newer crypts, built in the forties when Salvatores first started dropping like flies. Gee, wonder how this happened. As she opened the door, she flicked on her flashlight. Easily enough, there was a brand new coffin in the middle with an old 1920's antique Sargent's lock and chains wrapped around it. She pulled out the keys that she stole from Stefan a few days ago. It was back when she didn't trust Stefan to keep his promise. And here she goes, as the reason that Damon gets free. She picks up one of the keys and fits it in the giant padlock. When she opened the coffin, she was trying not to have second thoughts. She almost felt bad for the man.

He looked terrible. His eyelids were darkened like he hadn't slept in days, when that's all that he had been doing. His lips were crazy dry, like if he smiled they might crack and bleed or something. His skin was paler than usual, now with a bluish tint to them. He was wrapped intensively with the same chains from the top of the coffin. Well damn, Stefan she thought, she should have never doubted that Stefan couldn't be trusted. But this was way too severe, not that Andie was complaining, but Damon must have done a lot more over the years than she originally thought.

She took a deep breath, realizing that she was stalling. She took the vial of her blood from her pocket and opened it. She didn't want too much to spill, so she let go of three drops.

Which was apparently enough to wake him up so that she could get him talking.

The heavy gasp she saw him take nearly startled her. Watching him look so dead made it weird to watch him reanimate like that.

He breathed out, then licked the blood his lips before shifting his head as far as he could to look at her.

"Well Buffy," He started with a breathy tone. "You're the last person I expected to bring me a snack. And you're still young and hot, which leads me to believe that you're about 49 years too early into my sentence to feel bad."

"Get real, because if we had it my way you'd be dead." She raised an eyebrow as she looked down on him. "Well, deader than you look now."

"But I'm not, so you want something. And Stefan's not here, so it must be bad." Damon starts laughing, and then his chuckles turns into awkward coughing. "Well Lara Croft, I'm waiting."

She hated how in his position, he could still get under her skin. "Listen up, I don't usually ask people for help, but it would really inconvenience me if I let the bad guys get what they want. And right now, that's you."

Damon's face turned serious for a moment, considering the fact that she insinuated that she would hand him over to bunch of strangers.

Again, really sorry about the extended absence. It's getting a little hard to write Andie, but I promise I am not done with her.

Next Chapter: An Awkward Pair, Revealed Intentions, New Beginnings

Update: Hopefully I can get it out in a week or two