Hi this is my new story and my first Naruto and Kakashi story. This one isn't a Yoai it will be a parental Kakashi like role instead (I do have plans to make a Naruto/ Kakashi fanfiction I'm planning the plot for that one) I don't know if this story will have any pairings we'll wait and see for now. This time the story will mainly focus on Kakashi and Naruto's relationship.


In the years that Kakashi has known Naruto he notices that the blonde's behaviour begins to change. What's troubling his student and can Kakashi find out before it's too late?

Ok here's the first chapter.

I don't own Naruto or any of the charters, beacuse if I did I would have made Naruto and Sasuke a couple by now, STILL HOPING.


B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump

That was the sound Naruto's heart made as he raced through the tree's trying to get away from the people who were chasing him. The frightened boys mind wasn't thinking about ramen, his next big prank, defeating his rival Sasuke or even becoming Hokage. Instead his only thought was running as fast as possible.

"Have to keep running if I don't who knows what they'll do to me if the catch me." His mind screamed as he surged forward no destination planned. Instead of landing on the next branch his foot met thin air the stunned blonde found himself falling hit the tree's as he fell. He was so preoccupied with getting away that he wasn't looking for the next branch to jump to. Acting fast he made a hand seal trying to catch himself, but before he could summon a clone to cushion the fall his ankle met the ground and took his whole body weight sending a shooting pain up his leg.

Naruto knew he couldn't just lie there on the forest floor no matter how much his foot pained him. Slowly he began to pick himself off the ground, as predicted his throbbing ankle protested and he nearly fell over again. Gritting his teeth, the blonde forced himself back up and limped towards the shade of a tree. Feeling safe he pressed himself against the trunk trying to catch his breath. "I -pant think I lost pant –them." He said out loud to himself, feeling confident he'd given his pursuers the slip.

"You wish kid." A familiar voice called.

The blonde turned around only to see Yamato running towards him and Pakkun sitting at his feet.

Naruto began to scold himself for being so complacent. He wasn't running away from untrained civilians this time, it was highly experienced ninja for god sake. "Fuck, of course Kakashi would summon one of his niknen to track me down. I'm so stupid."

He tried to run from both the pug but the wood from the tree behind him suddenly wrapped itself around his waist keeping him in place. He instantly recognised the wood jutsu straight away. Naruto stopped struggling for a moment when he heard the wood jutsu users voice. "Not so fast, Kakashi wants to talk with you."

A few seconds later his teacher joined them panting heavily."Ma, that's what I call a work out. You sure can run when you have to eh Naruto." He said breathlessly.

"Oh my god I've really screwed up this time." He thought as he tried to break free from his restraints Kakashi looked slightly amused watching him try to get away. Yamato, Pakkun and Kakashi formed a tight circle around him preventing the boy from avoiding their gaze.

His teacher gazed down at him with a blank expression on his face. At that moment the blonde would have given anything to be able to read his teachers thoughts. "Now what am I going to do with you?" The jounin asked lazily not taking his eye off the sixteen year old boy for an instant, he'd managed to give him and Yamato the slip once and that was more than enough.

Naruto turned to look at his sensei but something shined in his eyes hurting his eyes. The blonde noticed that the glint, that was blinding him, came from the sharpened kunai that his sensei held in his hand. Noticing the deadly weapon only heightened the teenager's anxiety, his heart and mind raced fearing the bloody outcome. "He's going to do it this time for sure. There's no going back after what I've done." His already racing heart rate increased. He didn't want to die.

B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump B-thump

"Well are you going to explain yourself? Or do I need to drag it out of you." His teacher asked.

Naruto could feel his legs trembling uncontrollably. If he wasn't being held up by Yamato's wood jutsu, he'd probably fallen to the ground by now. "P-p-please don't K-i-l-l m-e." He stuttered quietly, he figured if he begged hard enough his teacher would show mercy and forgive him for his mistake.

The sliver-haired ninja barely heard his, usually loud, student's whimper. "I didn't quite catch that, did you Yamato?" Kakashi joked playfully leaning in closer to try to hear what his student wanted to say.

"No I didn't hear that ether who knew you could talk so quietly Naruto." The brunet chuckled.

"No, please, I'm so sorry don't ki-l-l m-e!" He pleaded. Both ninja stood there not believing what they'd just heard.

While his boss tried to understand Naruto's actions, Pakkun slowly padded up the terrified boy's leg. "Hey now kid, what's all the fuss about?" For the first time the dog noticed Naruto was avoiding putting weight on his foot. "What happened to your ankle?" He asked concerned.

Kakashi looked at the cowering figure completely speechless. He looked at the Kunai in his hand and then to his baling student. Suddenly he pieced together what Naruto's cries implied. "No, surely not he couldn't think I would even think of-" Swiftly put his knife away and put his hands out so the blonde wouldn't see him as a threat and calm down.

Yamato looked at his superior puzzled. "What on earth is he talking about senpai?" He asked as he continued to watch Naruto sob uncontrollably muttering over and over. "I'm-s-s-sorry. I'm s-s-sorry." He sobbed.

Kakashi didn't answer the ANBU captain's question, instead he told Yamato to release the wood jutsu. "There's no need to worry."

"Are you sure about this senpai what if he runs away again?" The ANBU asked still not sure what was going on.

Pakkun jumped in defending his contractors order and shared his suspicion that Naruto might be injured. "He won't run this time. I don't think he could even if he tried I think he's hurt his ankle." The small dog explained pressing his nose against the boy's injured foot, which caused Naruto to flinch, proving the dogs point.

The usually stern Captain looked at Naruto and could see he was still very distressed, reluctantly Yamato released the wood jutsu. As soon as the blonde felt the wood disappear he slowly slid down the tree and pulled himself into a tight ball, to protect himself.

Slowly Kakashi sat down on the ground in front of his student. Slowly he reached out to touch him only for Naruto to pull further away from his grasp. Not giving up he began to gently rub his short spiky hair in small circles.

"Oh, Naruto are things really that bad between us?" He asked beyond shocked and saddened that one of his precious students was afraid of him.

For the first time in the jounin's life he didn't know what he was going to do.

That's it for now, Mahhaaaaaaa evil aren't I. I'll write the chapter as soon as possible Promise. Review,follow and favorite. The more I get the quicker I'll update.