A/N: Well, here we have our last chapter, folks. It's been a fun ride, and I hope you've enjoyed it. Thank you all so much for the reviews, follows and favorites; it means a lot to me that so many people have enjoyed my story.

Danny sat in his hospital bed with the head raised slightly, eyes closed and an arm draped protectively around his abdomen. It was the first day since he'd been shot that he felt mostly human. Unfortunately, that meant that he'd had time to think, and all he could think about was how he'd treated his friends the last few weeks. He shifted slightly in the bed which elicited a grimace and a moment of breathlessness as he willed down the pain in his chest. He didn't reach for the controls for the pain medication he could administer himself; the pain served as a form of penance for the pain he'd inflicted on his friends. His ohana.

Danny didn't know how long he lay there brooding, but the more he thought about what he'd said to his friends, and how he'd said it, the worse he felt. Yes, there were many times since they'd met that he'd wanted to punch his partner, but he felt bad that he'd actually done it this time around when Steve didn't really deserve it. And even though Kono had been in on it, he felt bad that she'd been forced to lie to the others as well. Eyes still closed, Danny heard the door to his room open. Without looking, he knew it was his ohana.

"He's sleeping," Chin whispered.

"We should let him rest," Kono whispered back.

Steve studied Danny for a moment and somehow even in his combat boots, stepped soundlessly to his bedside. Steve leaned down so he was inches from Danny's face and whispered, "He's not sleeping. Are you, Danno?"

Without moving, Danny replied, "Very good, Steven, now get out of my face."

Steve stepped back and smirked from across the room when Danny finally opened his eyes. He noticed the small crinkles around Danny's eyes and knew his partner was in pain. He frowned, not understanding why he wouldn't press the button for the pain medicine.

"How ya feelin', Brah?" Chin wondered.

Danny offered a small smile, "A little more human today."

"That's good," Kono smiled.

Danny's gaze flickered over his teammates briefly and settled on Steve. Since his initial awakening and brief conversation with Steve which he barely remembered, they'd avoided talking about Danny's undercover assignment. Danny hadn't been up to it, and he knew Steve wouldn't push the issue just yet, but it had hung in the air and lurked in the corners until Danny couldn't stand it anymore.

Steve leaned on the wall at the foot of Danny's bed and watched as Danny came to a decision with himself. Steve nodded at him, knowing they were finally going to discuss the circumstances that had brought them all here in the first place.

Danny cleared his throat and gestured for them all to sit. Steve remained standing while continuing to watch his partner. Chin moved the visitor's chair closer to the bed while Kono perched on the side of Danny's bed down by his feet. Danny looked at them all again before taking as deep a breath as he dared without causing his lung to protest and looked at Kono, "Kono, I'd like to thank you and apologize to you."

Kono shook her head, "You don't have to do that."

Danny nodded, "Yes, I do. First, thank you for standing with me the last several weeks. Without your support, I could not have done this assignment. I've always hated undercover work, but we all know that it's sometimes necessary to get the job done. I'm sorry I had to bring you in on it and made you lie to everyone."

Kono smiled, tears sparkling in her eyes. "I'm glad I could help you even if it wasn't much. And Adam is honored that you trusted him enough to let him help."

"I've already talked to Adam," Danny informed her causing her eyes to widen in surprise. Danny rolled his head to look over at Chin. "You, my friend, are hard to lie to. I'm still not sure how you found me in that bar; I'm convinced you tracked my phone." Danny's eyes narrowed as he noted Chin's enigmatic smile. "I appreciate you being there for me and trying to find out what was bothering me. You have no idea how much it meant to me that you tracked me down and wanted to help. Thank you."

Chin leaned in, elbow on Danny's bed, and clasped his hand in a bro shake. He grinned, "You've been there for me, Brah. I'll be there for you whenever you need, like it or not."

Steve watched as Danny shifted his gaze to him. Part of him wanted to just stop his friend right then and there and not put them both through the pain of talking about what had happened. The bigger part of him knew that words were important to Danny and letting him say what he needed to say would help ease his mind. Danny had been hesitant around him, and he knew they both needed to have this conversation. He waited patiently for Danny to speak his mind. At least with the injured lung Steve was sure Danny's rant would be less forceful than usual.

Danny looked at his partner, best friend and, though they didn't often acknowledge it, boss. He had treated Steve the worst during his undercover stint, and he still hadn't forgiven himself for it. He'd always been good with words, but this time, he wasn't sure that what he was about to say would be anywhere close to adequate, "Steve, I know you'll be surprised to hear this, but I really don't know what to say."

Steve smiled but didn't interrupt, sure that Danny would come up with words anyway.

"Sorry just doesn't cut it, but it's what I have. I'm sorry I did this behind your back. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I kicked you out of my apartment. I'm sorry about what I said and how I said it," Danny allowed himself a small quirk of a smile as he took a breath. "I'm even sorry I punched you... this time."

Steve huffed out a breath and rubbed his jaw at the remembered punch, but his eyes twinkled his forgiveness.

"I really did want to tell you... to tell all of you... what was going on," Danny stated. "I even started to tell you that night at the shrimp truck when you caught me there, but I noticed my tail and didn't want to risk everything should we be overheard. I'm sorry I didn't just ignore Denning and tell you all anyway."

Steve noticed Danny's growing fatigue and pain lines increasing and decided he'd really heard enough anyway. He rocked himself off the wall and came over to stand next to Danny's bed while Chin moved out of his chair and sat on the side of the bed with Kono who leaned forward. Steve looked at them all and leaned down on the side rail just a bit, "We all forgive you, Danny. You don't even really need to ask, but we appreciate it. I'm sorry you felt alone during this, and I hope you remember what I've been trying to get through your thick skull for all these years: you are not as alone on this island as you think you are. I meant what I said when we first formed this task force. We are ohana now, and we look out for each other."

"Ohana," Chin and Kono echoed as Chin took Danny's fist in his hand followed by Kono placing her hand on top of Chin's. Finally, Steve put his hand on top of them all.

Danny smiled at them all, "Thank you."

Steve's serious face and tone turned mischievous in a heartbeat, and he almost laughed at Danny's quizzical look when he saw it happen. Steve leaned down even further, not letting anyone release their hands just yet, "Besides, Danno, you told me yourself why you agreed to do this undercover op for Denning."

"I did?" Danny looked confused. "When did I do that?"

Steve's smile widened, "When you woke up that first time after surgery. You told me that you had to protect our islands. Our, Danno. You've finally admitted that this island is yours, too."

Danny's frown didn't reach his eyes as he looked at them all. He slowly reached for the button on the pain medicine with his other hand, pushed it and allowed his eyes to close as he already felt the relief flooding his system. He swore he could feel their grins. He finally slit open his eyes and shrugged, "Huh... musta been the drugs talking."

The others burst out laughing, relieved that things were already getting back to normal. That feeling increased when Danny muttered, "The real reason I did it was so I'd get to drive my own car. It must have driven you nuts not to drive it for weeks." The continued laughter was music to Danny's ears as he fell asleep.

A/N: Thank you again to Fifilla for planting this idea in my head and helping me work through all the plot points and finer details. You're awesome :-)