"Jon, come eat!" Angel called out from the kitchen.

"Coming, mama."

Angel smiled watching her little boy run into the dining room. She placed his breakfast in front of him and watched him dig in.

"Somebody's hungry this morning." She chuckled.

"I'm a man mommy, us men like to eat." The little boy smirked up at her. Angel's heart fluttered at her little boy.

"You're just like your father, you know that?" She raised a brow and laughed when he flashed her a cheeky grin. "Is your brother up?"

"Yeah, Uncle Seth is helping him get dressed."

Just then Seth came down with her other little boy in his hands. Seth sighed when he put him in his high chair, smiling softly at the pouting young boy.

"Somebody didn't want to get up this morning." He winked at Angel.

"Aw, my poor baby." She leaned over and kissed the little boy, making him giggle. "Are you hungry Colby?"

"Yes, mama." He nodded. Angel smiled and went to fix him a small plate.

It's been four years since her marriage to Dean, Seth, and Roman and the birth of her first born, Jonathan. It's been one hell of a ride, some ups, some downs, but that's what any marriage consists of, or any relationship for that matter. She now had 3 children, of course her first born, Jonathan, was with Dean. Her second born is her two year old son, Colby Tyler Rollins, which she had with Seth. Her third child is her two month old baby girl, Joel'a-Jade Reigns (or J.J), which she had with Roman. Needless to say, Angel didn't want anymore bad ass kids running around here.

"Seth did you want some food?" Angel asked whilst laying the small plate in front of Colby.

Seth shook his head as he gulped his coffee. "No thanks, babe." He sighed looking at his watch. "We're actually running a little late, if Dean and Roman would get their asses down here." He grumbled.

"Oooh, Uncle Seth, you cursed." Jon pointed at him with a mouth full of pancakes. "Mommy's gonna spank you." Colby giggled and pointed at his dad, just like his brother did.

"I think mommy knows better." Seth smirked. "I'm the one that does the spanking around here."

"Seth!" Angel gasped. Seth laughed after receiving a slap in the arm from his wife.

"Something smells fucking good." Dean rasped out in a sing-song voice as he walked into the dining room.

"Oooh daddy, you cursed." Jonathan pointed again. "Mommy's gonna give you a spankin' too."

"Yeah!" Colby agreed. Seth just chuckled at the kids while Dean looked between them and Angel.

Dean chewed on a piece of bacon. "I think mommy knows who does the spankings around here, and it ain't her."

"Dean!" Angel shrieked. By now, Seth is barking with laughter and Dean is just eating his bacon and smirking at his wife.

"What babe?" He shrugged casually. "You know I'm just messin' with ya.. kind of."

Angel sent him a glare and he smiled, kissing her cheek. Suddenly they heard some crying noises and they all turned to see Roman walking into the room with Joel'a cradled in his big arms. Roman was very protective of his baby girl. Hell, half the time, he won't let anyone come near her, but Angel had to put a stop to that. As far as she was concerned, that baby came out of her body, so she automatically had unlimited access to her child- Roman better recognize.

Joel'a cooed against his muscular frame, gripping his navy blue polo shirt in her small hands as she held on to him for dear life. She was definitely a daddy's girl.

"Is she ok?" Angel asked softly.

Roman smiled down at his daughter and sighed. "Yeah, she's just tired." Joel 'a's soft coo's filled the air before she turned her head and spotted her mommy. The baby smiled, revealing a set of deep dimples –that all her children had, along with Angel's green eyes; it ran in her family.

"Are you hungry J.J.?" Angel smiled when her daughter mewled softly. Roman smirked and handed Angel the baby so she could go breast feed her.

"You guys ready?" He asked.

Seth nodded as he finished up his coffee and grabbed his bag. "Yeah, let's go."

Dean grabbed Jonathan's plate and placed it in the dish washer. "Alright kiddo, time for school."

"Aw, dad." The little boy whined as he grabbed his backpack. "Why can't you just give me a job at the shop?" Roman and Seth chuckled at the charming little boy, Dean looked down at his son in amusement.

"You wouldn't last a day in the shop, kid." He smirked.

"You know, you're probably right daddy." Jon huffed, making the three men laugh. Angel met them at the front door with Joel 'a fast asleep in her arms and Colby right on her tail.

"You guys on your way?"

"Yup." Seth answered. "We'll be home by dinner time, babe." Seth kissed Angel softly, then Joel'a and ruffled Colby's hair and placing a kiss on his dimpled cheek as well.

"Ok." Angel sighed.

"Bye mama." Dean lifted Jon up so he could kiss his mother's cheek then ran out the house after Seth.

Roman chuckled at the hyper boy. "He is your son." He said looking at Dean, laughing when Dean flipped him off.

"And I'm proud of it, Reigns." He said proudly.

Roman just shook his head and kissed his wife and daughter, then Colby. "I'll see you tonight, baby."

"Have a good day." Angel smiled and kissed him once more. Roman left the house which left Angel and Dean.

"You behave yourself today." Angel scolded knowingly.

Dean smirked and nodded, placing a soft kiss on her lips, then kissing J.J's head. "I will." He kissed Colby's cheek, then pulled Angel in for a slow breathtaking kiss. Angel moaned into his mouth as she felt his tongue caressing hers. Dean nipped her bottom lip and pulled away, caressing her soft red tresses.

"I'll have those papers faxed to you by this afternoon, Miss CO-CEO." He rasped out.

That's right, Dean appointed her as his CO-CEO of the 'Shield Auto-Shop' franchise. They had opened a chain of shops throughout Florida, California, and New York. To say they were doing well would be an understatement. Life was good for the Ambrose/Rollin/Reigns family.

Angel nodded at Dean. "I'll be waiting for them, Mr. Ambrose." He winked at her and pecked her lips one last time then walked out to the car, meeting Seth, Roman, and Jonathan. Angel stood at the door and watched her boys get into the car.

"I love you." She called out to them. They waved and then pulled off down the road from their large beach house. Angel walked back into the house, nothing but happiness and contentment filling her heart.

Reached over 100 reviews, thank you guys for that.

I also wanna thank you guys for reading and being so into the story. I honestly didn't think this story would get so much love, but I'm glad it did. I will be writing another story eventually so that should be up soon. :)