(Zexia POV)

All I saw was darkness that surrounded me, the same darkness I had used to protect Zexion. I felt blood-red handcuffs forming around me, Axel's blood that I had shed by choice. Cold blue chains formed around my ankles, Xion's tears from when she discovered Axel was dead. I've been wandering this realm for so long now, I don't know how many years it has been. I was sitting on the shore this time and two lone bottles were drifting in the sea, I wanted to read the messages, but I was trapped I couldn't move and finally, the darkness swallowed me completely.

(Aqua POV)

I saw this girl I haven't seen here before ever since I sacrificed my life in the Realm of Light for Terra, but to see the darkness take her completely and disappear? That was unbelievable, until I saw the two bottles in the water. Reaching down I picked them both up, and uncorked them to read the messages inside.

If I could be reborn, I would like to be with my brother and play with him.


I was still confused as I read the other message; both of them had Zexia in it. I then looked back at the spot the girl had disappeared…could she…have been…Zexia?

(Zexion POV)

I was a part of this new life, as a Nobody known as Zexion. I still retained some memories of when I lost my sister. Soon, Xemnas had this new plan for the Replica Project, everyone had to sacrifice a strand of hair, to create replica of everyone, an invincible one. I knew Xemnas wouldn't accept the fact if I used the strands of my sister's hair that I've kept, but I never found her Nobody, this was the only one way I could bring back my sister.

Then the replica had taken form, I had left a slip of paper and my sister's pale blue rose pendant next to the tube saying:

Number IV,

I saw the replica take form, this necklace is for her. I have already been calling her Zexia for it suits her well.

~Number VI, Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer

We were called in for the meeting, about the replica. She came in, perfect, it was a girl. She removed her hood, black eyes and long black hair. But I did notice one thing, she wore the pendant. I could at least be certain that she was in there, somewhere.

She was introduced Zexia, Number XV, the Rose of the Prince. Her powers were over a mix of everyone in the organization. She wielded a Keyblade, the Sacrifice for the Prince. There was a red glow surrounding the entire blade like Xemnas' Etheral Blades. The part of the blade above the key was a cross between Xigbar's Arrowguns and Larxene's Kunais. The shaft of the blade was a cross between the shafts of Xaldin's lances, the blade of Saix's claymore, and had the strings like Demyx's sitar on it. The bottom half of the guard was like the top rim of Vexen's shield with the bottom point on it and the top half was like half of one of Axel's Chakrams. The handle of the blade was like the handle of Lexaeus' tomahawk. The Key was a cross between Luxord's cards, Marluxia's scythe and Roxas' Oathkeeper and Oblivion. The Keychain was what really touched me; it was a smaller version of my own Lexicon.

I was assigned to watch her; I knew I would have to protect her as she had for me. To make up her sacrifice to me.

"So Zexia, that was the entire castle except the Corridor of Rest," I said, giving her the tour, "and here's your room."

"Thank you," she said, that wasn't usually like her, she talked in a monotone-tone, she used to show emotions when she talked. I was about to leave when she asked, "Zexion, why did you give this back to me?"

"What do you remember about my past?" I asked, "Who do you think would have the same name as you Zexia? Someone by my side to help me…even… if she chose to do it out of her will. You do know that you were given at least a strand of hair from ever member of the organization, which is the reason of you Keyblade's uniqueness, but let's just say a few extra strands from an unknown person was given from someone I held dear to. Who do you think that person was?"

"You tell me, my mind is filled with everyone's memories of their lives," Zexia said, "How would I know?"

"Come with me, I need to show you something," I said taking her to a hidden room behind the Library of Lifeless Learning.

I knew that if there was some way I could bring her back, this would. I remember her, always singing a song, her voice was so beautiful and melodious, something far greater than Demyx's musical talent, his was forceful, but hers was pure talent, a gift.

"Here," I said handing her some lyric sheets, I began to finger her pendant making sure that both halves were together which she did as well, "I remember someone with a beautiful voice, just sing this, I'll sing along to, and maybe you will finally understand."

(Bold is Zexion, Italics are Zexia and bold/italics are both and just so we're clear I had tweaked the lyrics for it to work between the two of them.)

You are my prince, and I am your servant
Destiny divided these helpless twins
I will become one with darkness, only to protect you

We were born under high expectations
The bells of the light rang for our arrival
But by everyone else's selfish reasons
Our futures were split into two separate ones
Even if all of the worlds
becomes your greatest enemy
I will protect you with all of my life
So just be there somewhere reading

You are my prince, and I am your servantI am your prince and you are my servant
Destiny divided these pitiful twins
I will become one with darkness, only to protect you

When I visited the neighboring world
I happened to see a fiery boy in the city
With his kind voice and smiling face
I fell in love at first sight
However if the prince wishes for that boy to cease to exist
I will answer to that wish
I wonder why my tears won't ever stop falling

You are my prince, and I am your servant I am your prince and you are my servant
Destiny divided these lovely twins
"Today's snack is sea-salt ice cream"
You laugh, a laugh that was ever so innocent

Before long the residents of our world
Will probably want to cease our existence
Even if we so rightly deserve this fate
Despite that, I will still defy theirs
"Here, I will lend you my clothes"
"Wear them and escape immediately"
"It'll be alright, you'll be safe, we are twins after all, no one will notice the difference"

I'm now the prince, and you're the fugitive You're now the prince and I'm the fugitive
Destiny divided these maddened twins
If you are proclaimed tainted with darkness
Then I have the same tainted blood in my veins

Once a long time ago
Evil people lived in a world's kingdom
And there ruling over all at the throne was
My very sweet sibling
Even if all the worlds becomes your greatest enemy
Now soon the time has come, for you to take my penalty
I will protect you with all my life
The bells will ring as you cease to exist
So just be there somewhere smiling
You smiled and said my favorite phrase.

You are my prince, and I am your servantI am your prince and you are my servant
Destiny divided these sorrowful twins
I had given myself to the darkness, only to protect you

If I could tell a wish deep within my heart,

I would like to exist and be with you.

(Zexia POV)

I remembered all of it. As we sang, I felt memories of me and Zexion together, twins. Now I remember everything.

(Zexion POV)

When I opened my eyes, I finally saw I had reawaken Zexia, she had her sapphire eyes and her now slate-blue hair was like how it was before we had switched places, with a golden clip with a silver Nobody symbol on it.

She opened her eyes, I showed her a mirror, and she saw that she was back.

"Now do you remember sis?" I asked

"Oh Zexion I do remember now," Zexia said hugging me, "my brother."

I hugged her back. Finally after all these years, I was able to bring my own sister back.