Author's space: Hello everybody! This is the first time I wrote my very own fanfiction even though I had been reading lots of fanfictions for years! I'm excited and at the same time nervous, because my first fanfiction might be bad. But I really do hope everyone will read this story and tell me what do you guys think! My first fanfiction is about Kyo Kara Maoh simply because it is one of my favourites! Please read on and have a nice day!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyo Kara Maoh and any of the characters in it.

Chapter 1: The Maou is Back to the Demon Kingdom!

Tik tok tik tok...

"Can't time just fly already? I wanna go home..." Yuuri whispered that softly, making sure the grumpy, and extremely boring, history teacher won't hear.

The clock at the classroom showed 2.55PM. The last 5 minutes before dismissal time sure feels like years for Yuuri.

"Alright," the history teacher suddenly raised his voice. "Since today is the last day before the two months summer holidays, I will dismiss everyone 5 minutes earlier. So have a nice summer holiday everyone."

It didn't even take one second before everyone rushes out of the classroom. Everyone, including Yuuri, said goodbye to one another and hurry up outside the class to begin their two months summer holiday!

Yuuri was already outside the school preparing to go home when someone suddenly called out to him.

"Hey, Yuuri!"

A bit surprised, Yuuri jumped a little and turn around, only to find a grinning Murata Ken, looking extremely happy and it is obviously because it is the start of holidays.

"Hey, Murata! Oh, before I forget. My mom asked me to invite you home tonight. She said she is making pasta tonight and would like you to try. Do you have time right now?"

"Wow, pasta! I love pasta! Of course I have time. Let's go then!"

Yuuri gave Murata a smile and the two headed back home, ready to have some delicious pasta made by Yuuri's cheerful and friendly mother.

Yuuri opened the front door to his home and called out to his mother, "Mom, I'm back with Murata."

Miko, in her energetic and cheerful attitude, ran to Murata from the kitchen and welcomed him.

"Murata-chan! Welcome! I'm so glad you came! Welcome home too, Yuuri!"

"Thanks for inviting me, Mama!"

"You don't have to thank me. Come on in! Oh, why don't you and Yuuri take a bath first before dinner. I probably need around two more hours before dinner is ready and we still need to wait for Shori and Shoma to come back."

"Okay then!" The two boys said and both went to prepare for a bath.

The warm water fogged up the whole bathtub and definitely made both of them relaxed.

"This is so comfortable. I almost felt like I'm back at the Demon Kingdom's great bathtub." Yuuri said as he daydreamed about the moments he spent at the bathtub at the castle back at Shin Makoku.

Suddenly, Yuuri felt as if something under the water is pulling him in. He know this feeling too well to not know what this means.

"Woah! Here it goes!" The two disappeared under the water, prepared to be welcomed back to their other home, Shin Makoku.


Yuuri and Murata both went up to the surface of the water and found themselves at the huge bathtub Yuuri was talking about earlier on.

Footsteps are heard and it didn't take long before the Demon King and Great Sage saw Conrad and Günter approach them, both holding a towel each and gave it to the two who are only on their underwear.

"Your Majesty! It's been for like almost 3 months since you went back to Earth! My heart feels very empty and lonely without your presence here at our great Demon Kingdom!" Günter said out loud as he approached the Demon King with a towel.

"Well, I'm sure you did a great job managing the country during my absence, Günter. I missed everyone here!"

"Welcome back, Your Majesty and Great Sage."

"Conrad, you're my godfather. Just call me Yuuri!" Conrad replied Yuuri with one of his usual charming and warm smiles.

Yuuri and Murata changed into the usual black clothes they wear whenever they are in Shin Makoku.

The four of them were on their way to Gwendal's office while talking about the Demon Kingdom's current situation.

"One of the human countries seems to be getting ready to declare war with us." Günter reported. "They sent a message to the castle earlier on today, stating that if we don't return the magic wand back to them, they will start a war with us."

"What magic wand?" Yuuri asked, slightly confused.

Seeing Yuuri looking confused, Conrad explained to him the situation. "One of our soldiers found a magic wand on the deserts of the country of Qazari during one of Gwendal's visit to the human lands to discuss some issues with the human countries who are on the same side as us."

"After we bring back the magic wand to Shin Makoku, Qazari had been experiencing quite a lot of earthquakes, causing the country to be in a mess right now." Günter continued.

"Let me guess. They are now blaming all these disasters on us, saying it all happened because we took the magic wand from their country." Murata said, facing Conrad and Günter who are walking behind him and Yuuri.

"Exactly." Günter said. "That is why they demand the magic wand back."

"Why don't we just return it back to them then? Since it doesn't belong to us too, right?" Yuuri asked, feeling that war is unnecessary, especially on this case. Even though some of the human countries are now on the same side as us, there are still quite a lot of human countries that are still regarding the Demon Kingdom as their enemy.

"Because that magic wand originally does belong to us."

The four of them turned around as someone suddenly joined in their conversation. It didn't take long to realize the owner of the voice everyone is so familiar with.

"Gwendal!" Yuuri called out as he walked slowly to the man in his usual green uniform. "How are you? It's been a long time since I met you."

"Not so good. I've been doing a lot of your work during your absence. You better be ready to do the rest soon."

Yuuri gulped and gave off a nervous laugh before assuring Gwendal he will do his work soon.

"But before that," Gwendal said. "You may want to fix the problem with Qazari first."

Yuuri, Murata, Conrad, Günter and Gwendal are at Gwendal's office, discussing about the problem with Qazari.

"The magic wand, after some research, is proven to be one of Shin Makoku's magical weapons. It must have been lost during one of the wars many years ago and end up in human lands." Gwendal explained as he gets hold of the magic wand from one of the soldiers and dismissed him.

"What can it do?" Yuuri asked curiously as he looks at the magic wand. It looks like a normal grey stick, about 20cm long and definitely doesn't look as "magical" as he thought it'll be.

"It works like any other magic wand. The only difference about this one is that it could be used by anybody who says the magic spells, even those without any magical abilities. Other magic wands could only be used by people with magic powers." Gwendal explained. He then put down the magic wand on the desk.

"What should we do now? The magic wand turns out to be ours but they demand it back, saying that its absence caused their country to be a mess." Yuuri said, getting worried and confused at the same time.

"How about we find a way to help Qazari, instead of returning the magic wand? I doubt the recent earthquakes have anything to do with the absence of the magic wand from their country." Murata suggested, sounding as wise and smart as always.

"That will be a good idea! Looks like we need to take a trip to Qazari and see what we can do!" Yuuri said that, full of energy and excitement in his eyes.

"Looks like we need to get ready for a mission to the human lands." Conrad chuckle a bit after saying that.

Everyone was discussing about the mission when the door suddenly opened loudly without a knock before it, causing Yuuri to be surprised.

Everyone's attention went to the door, where the Demon King's fiancee stood, looking slightly unhappy.

"Why didn't anybody inform me that Yuuri's back?!"

"Wolfram!" Yuuri called out, looking glad to meet the blonde again after quite a long time.

Author's space: That's the end of the first chapter! Hope everyone liked it! Please review too! Let me know what you guys think about it! Thanks everyone! The next chapter is coming up soon!