Chapter 46 Epilogue

Dark Pit gathered up all the nearby souls and guided them towards the nearest portal to the Underworld. He passed by the guards, who by now, knew he was working for Hermes and opened the portal for him. Pittoo led the souls towards the only white area of the underworld. Some of the soul gatherers looked his way but didn't attack him. Hermes had given him another amulet to protect him from the creatures that so desperately wanted his soul. Once the lost spirits entered the City of Souls, the white creatures took over and guided them to where they would be safe from the monsters that wanted them.

It had been three months since Pit's death. After he gave Pit's body to Palutena, he sped off to report to Hermes so he could start his servitude. By then, the god knew what had happened to Palutena's champion. Hermes was a little surprised with how eager the dark angel wanted to start working.

"I know we made a deal but you just lost Pit. I know how much you lo-"

"I just want to start, okay?" Dark Pit snapped.

Hermes wasn't a cruel god. Sure, he played tricks on people when he had the chance but losing someone you loved wasn't easy. He would know. That's how he felt with Pandora. He knew that the darker Pit should take some time to mourn but that's why he was here. He didn't know how to handle the loss and that was why he wanted to start working. The sooner he started, the sooner he could escape from the pain. That wasn't the way to deal with grieving but no matter how many times the god offered him some time before starting, Dark Pit rejected it. So, the god allowed him to start.

Pittoo shook his head and rolled his eyes as he made his way towards the portal out. It seemed this cycle was never going to end and it probably never would. This was going to be his life now. He lost his freedom to Hermes in exchange to get to Link and Zelda's world to bring Pit home but he failed that. He failed to protect the stupid noble boy he loved. In the end, Pit had sacrificed his soul to save Link from ever having to endure Ghirahim again. The desire to end his friend's suffering and torment was higher than protecting his own self. However, because of that strong bond he shared with Link, Pit's soul was stronger than Ghirahim's. Pit was able to put an end to the demon lord and force him into his sword form and back into the Master Sword. He saved Link from ever having to deal with Ghirahim again. He saved both humans from the risk of having the Demon King return. But he destroyed Pittoo's heart completely. Pittoo had never been one to ever show his emotions, let alone cry but he did then. He had truly lost Pit forever and the only thing he had left of him was the amulet he used to wear in Skyloft.

Pittoo sighed and retrieved the necklace from beneath his clothes. His heart thumped in pain as he glanced at the amethyst jewel. The memories of him giving the jewel to Pit revived and he had to fight back the tears that were stinging from behind his eyes. He gave the jewel a tight squeeze before he hid it again.

Dark Pit sighed again as he made his way towards the nearest portal. He pushed back the painful memories and tears as he left the Underworld. He started to fly towards his next destination when one of the guards stopped him.

"Dark Pit, you missed one."

Pittoo stopped and glanced over at the guard. "What?"

The guard pointed behind the angel. Pittoo turned around and saw a soul lingering around him. Dark Pit rolled his eyes and flew back through the portal into the Underworld to drop off the soul. He flew back to the City of Souls and waited for the thing to fly off. However; the soul never left. It just hovered around him and waited beside him. Pittoo growled and tried to shoo the thing away but it wouldn't leave. It just flew around him in a playful manner, not allowing Pittoo to catch it.

"Why is everything in this stupid world attracted to me? The damn monsters, the soul gatherers and now souls!" Pittoo snapped. He grabbed the soul and held it in his hands. "Why are you things attracted to me?"

The soul stayed in his grasp before it flew out and nuzzled against him. Pittoo groaned. This was the third soul this week that wouldn't leave him alone. He flew towards the nearest soul gatherer and pointed at the soul snuggling up against him.

"Take this thing, will yea?"

The soul gatherer approached Pittoo and tried to grab the soul but the thing wouldn't let it. Every time it tried to snatch it, it would move to a new spot then hide behind Pittoo.

"Great! Now it won't let these things take it." Pittoo groaned. "Guess I'll have to have Hermes do it."

As if on cue the god appeared. He appeared to be smiling as he clapped his hands together like he just finished a big project. He turned and saw Pittoo hovering there.

"Oh, hey Squirt! Good news! I managed to fix the portal to that other world."

"You did? I thought you were taking the day off." Pittoo frowned and crossed his arms.

"I was but then I decided that I would take care of that thing. You've been a big help so, I thought I'd fix it for you."

"Thanks." Dark Pit grumbled and folded his arms.

"Oh, I can feel your gratitude." Hermes laughed. He then noticed the little soul nuzzling up against Pittoo's neck. "Wow, another one, eh?"

Pittoo nodded. "Third one this week. These damn things won't leave me alone! Now this one won't even let a gatherer take it."

"Hmmm, let me see it." Hermes hovered closer and grabbed the soul. After several silent minutes of studying it, the god smiled and whispered "There you are." He looked at Pittoo and smirked.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hermes kept his grin on and glanced down at the soul in his grasp. "Souls are wonderful things, aren't they? They are what makes a person. They are the seat of feelings and sentiments." He glanced up and met Pittoo's bored expression. "My favorite thing about souls are the love they hold. When two people share true love, it stays within the spirit. Which is why they call it soul-mates."

Pittoo's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. He glanced at the soul in Hermes' grasp that seemed to struggling to return to Pittoo. "A-are you saying that that is-"

Hermes's nodded and released the soul. It zipped right back to Pittoo and nuzzled him.

"Even in death, souls look for their mates. Whether they are both dead or one is alive." Hermes gave him a sincere smile. "It looks like yours found you."

Pittoo felt his heart stop. He glanced at the soul and gently picked it up and brought it to his face.

"Pit?" His voice broke. Without even caring, tears fell from his eyes as he hugged the soul. "How is this possible? His soul was eaten in another world!"

"From what Palutena told me, Pit's soul was stronger than the one who tried to eat him. Which means that Pit's soul was able to be released while the other guy turned back into a sword. Pit's soul couldn't rest in the other world because it didn't belong there. I guess his soul has been trying to get back home for months now and was finally able to when the portal was nearly fixed."

"He was the soul that's been pestering me." Pittoo gasped in disbelief. "The whole time it was him!" Pittoo looked up at Hermes. "If this is Pit's soul then we can take it to Palutena and put it back in his body right?"

Hermes smiled and nodded. "Yup."

Dark Pit couldn't believe it. He was going to get Pit back!

"Take good care of him, Squirt. Don't lose him a third time."

"Wait a minute!" Dark Pit glanced back at Hermes. His expression was a mixture of confusion and accusation. "Did you know the whole time that Pit's soul was trapped?"

Hermes smirked and shrugged. "When Palutena told me that Pit defeated the demon guy, I may or may not have thought that it was a possibility. And I may or may not have fixed the portal so Pit's soul could return home and find you."

Dark Pit smiled. "Thanks Hermes."

"Sure thing, Squirt. Now, I know we made a deal but I'm gonna have to break it since Daddy-Zeus has some plans for the Underworld. So, I won't be needing you anymore." Hermes winked. "Better get going."

"Thanks Hermes, seriously...thank you."

"Dark Pit thanking me? Wow! I should feel honored." Hermes teased.

Dark Pit rolled his eyes. He glanced down at the soul in his arms and hugged it. He turned towards the nearest portal and flew out of the Underworld.

When Dark Pit made it to Skyworld, he flew straight for Palutena's temple. He didn't bother knocking (not that he ever did) and burst through the doors. He ran through the temple, calling out for the goddess. He didn't care how desperate he looked and probably sounded. He was desperate. He had Pit's soul! He could get his lover back but he needed Palutena to help. She was the only one who could remove the spell on Pit's body.

He burst through the room he knew she would be in. Palutena was overlooking her fountain, having a meeting with some god.

"Palutena!" Dark Pit shouted.

Palutena turned towards Pittoo stared.

"Pittoo? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in months! I thought you left Skyworld for good?" She said in confusion.

"None of that is important right now! We need to go to the tomb Pit's body is in!" He instructed and held up the soul in his hands. "I have Pit's soul!"

Palutena gasped. "I-is that really it? How do you know? I thought his soul was eaten?"

"It was but when Ghirahim turned back into a sword, Pit's soul was released and it's been trapped in Link and Zelda's world because of the portal! Hermes fixed it and Pit's soul found me because, uh," His face began to blush.

"Because you two are soul-mates? His soul was attracted to yours." Palutena finished his sentence and smiled. She turned back to the fountain with the gods awaiting her. "I'm sorry everyone but I have to go!" She turned back towards Pittoo and grinned. "This way!"

Dark Pit ran after her before the goddess broke into a sprint and let him towards the nearest hallway. They ran down the hallway, out the temple and into a garden in the middle of the building. A statue of Pit was in the center of the garden with his body lying in front of it on an alter. The two approached Pit's body. He was no longer in his Skyloft clothes. He was back in his original attire. If it wasn't for how pale he was, you would think he was sleeping.

Palutena approached the alter and raised her staff over Pit's body. She hovered it along Pit's body for several seconds before she placed it down and looked over at Pittoo.

"Guide his soul back, Pittoo." She instructed him.

Dark Pit nodded and approached Pit's body. Pit's soul followed him and hovered beside him. Dark Pit pointed at Pit's body. "Pit, return to your body." His voice lowered as he whispered to himself. "Return to me."

Pit's soul hovered there, not sure what to do but slowly it obeyed. It flew towards his body and hovered above before it sank into it. Pit's body glowed as the soul entered the body.

Palutena and Dark Pit watched and held their breath as they watched Pit's body glow. His pale skin immediately soaked in color. His light skin color returned as well as the blood flow to his face, giving him his rosey cheeks. His chest moved as he took a deep breath. His eyes moved behind his lids and then fluttered opened. He glanced around and then peered to his side and saw Palutena and Pittoo looking at him.

"Pittoo? L-lady Palutena? Is this a dream?" Pit croaked.

"Oh Pit!" Palutena cried and embraced him in a tight hug. Her tears fell into his hair as she squeezed him. "I was so scared I lost you!"

"Lady Palutena!" Pit hugged her back. Tears fell from his own eyes as he nuzzled against her skin. "If this is a dream than it's a good dream! I've miss you so much Lady Palutena!"

"It's no dream Pit. You're alive. You're here! You're back home with me in Skyworld, where you belong." She wept and cradled him close. She stroked his hair and cooed. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Lady Palutena but I thought you would be mad at me. I disobeyed your direct orders!"

"Pit, I couldn't be mad at you. It was my fault for pushing you to run. I shouldn't have had you on lock down but I was so afraid that the demon was going to take you from me" She sighed. "but it happened either way. I'm so sorry Pit. Can you ever forgive me?"

Pit nodded. "Of course I can Lady Palutena." He pulled away just enough to look up at her with furrowed brows. "But, I don't understand how I'm alive? I gave up my soul to save Link. Did I fail?"

Palutena smiled and shook her head. "No, Pit. Your soul was stronger than the demon's. From my understanding, the bond you shared with your friend overpowered his and you forced him back into his sword form. You saved your friend, Pit."

"I had to." Pit said, seriously. "Lady Palutena, Ghirahim was crazy obsessed with him. I had to save Link. I had to make sure he was free from him. I didn't know what else to do. Link gave me what I wanted most of all: To fly by myself. So I did the same. I freed him of Ghirahim."

"Pit" Palutena gasped. "You can fly on your own?"

Pit smiled and nodded. "Yep!"

More tears fell from the goddess's eyes. "Oh Pit! I can't believe this! I'm going to miss flying you around though." She chuckled. "But I'm glad you can finally fly." She hugged him tighter. "You deserve it."

"Thank you Lady Palutena but I still don't know how I'm here. Shouldn't I be dead?"

Palutena peered down at Pit and grinned. "Why don't you ask Pittoo?" She stepped aside to allow Pit to see Pittoo.

The dark angel's arms were crossed and his head was bowed. Pit's face lit up as he saw the other, unaware of the tears or his body shaking. He ran to Pittoo to embrace him in a hug but before he could, Dark Pit slammed his foot into Pit's gut. Pit grunted and and whirled down to the ground.

"Pittoo!" Palutena gasped

Dark Pit marched towards Pit and yanked him to his feet by his scarf. "I need to talk to Pit privately!" He snarled and dragged Pit into a secluded part of the garden. He slammed Pit into the nearest wall. He kept his face hidden from the other. His body was shaking. His hands trembled as he held Pit.

"You fucking idiot." Dark Pit snarled. "I told you not to do anything noble and stupid and what did you do? . ! You gave yourself to that clown to save a human!"

"P-pittoo, it was the only way! If I hadn't-"

"I'm not talking about that!" Pittoo screeched. His grip on Pit tightened. "You gave yourself up to save some human you only knew for over a month! You didn't think twice about what you were doing! You only thought about him! You never once thought about me. You never thought about what your stupid act would do to me, did you? It was him. It was always him! You two even shared a special bond that made you two stronger. I should've known I never stood a chance. You don't care about me the way you care about him. You will never care about me that much. It's clear now. You love him. You love him more than you claimed for me. It was nothing but lies."

"That's not it at all Pittoo." Pit's tone was soft. "You're right about the not thinking about you thing. I didn't think about you and I'm sorry. I was just so desperate to help Link and when I saw the chance to finally free him, I took it. I'm a hero though and heroes have to do what they have to do to defeat the villain. It wasn't just about saving Link but everyone. Ghirahim was going to kill you too and I couldn't let that happen." He brought his hand to Pittoo's chin and gently tilted his head up. Tears were streaming down Pittoo's cheeks. Pit had never seen Pittoo cry before and it tugged at his heart strings. He brought his other hand to the one Pittoo was gripping and gently removed it then held it in his hands. "Pittoo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I do love Link but only as a friend but it's different with you." He leaned in closer and brought their foreheads together. "I am in love with you. You're the only person I want to be with, I mean, I want to be with Lady Palutena too but I mean kissing and uh, other stuff, with you and only you." Pit smiled and blushed. "We were meant for each other, right?"

Dark Pit bore into his blue eyes for so long Pit thought he didn't hear a word he said. To his surprise, Pittoo crushed their lips together. Pit's eyes widened at the suddenness but relaxed into the kiss. He smiled and snaked his arms around Pittoo's neck and kissed back. Pittoo broke the kiss and looked back into Pit's eyes.

"And don't you forget it." He sighed and pulled Pit into a hug. He wrapped a hand around his waist and brought the other to the back of Pit's head and gently stroked his hair. "I thought I lost you for good."

"How am I here Pittoo? No one seems to want to answer this question."

"Hermes fixed the portal and your soul found me. It's just what you said, 'we were meant for each other.'" Dark Pit pulled away and smiled.

"So we're soul-mates?" Pit's eyes lit up.

Pittoo nodded. "You belong to me, baby."

Pit giggled and nuzzled against Pittoo until he realized something. "Wait!" He pulled away and stared at Pittoo. "The portal is fixed?!"

Dark Pit smiled and nodded. He knew where this was headed. "Shall we go pay them a visit then?"

Pit grinned and nodded. He grabbed Pittoo's hand and the two of them made for the sky.

Link and Zelda walked out of the bazaar, hand-in-hand after finishing lunch. Zelda glanced at her left hand, admiring the promise ring she had just received from Link. She glanced up at him and kissed his cheek as they made their way towards the plaza. They stood in front of the running platform gazing at the sky before Link pulled Zelda in for a kiss. The kiss lasted a brief minute as something hit Link in the face. He retracted the thing and pulled away from Zelda to take a good look at it.

He gasped at what was in his hand: a white feather. Zelda and Link both looked at each other then glanced up at the sky to see a pair of black and white wings flying their way.

The End

A/n: I really hope you all enjoyed this story! This is my first long fic that I actually finished! Yay! I want to thank everyone for reading and sticking with this story through it's yucky chapters and such. Thank you for all the reviews and favs and everything! I really hope this story was worth the read! And if anyone got into pitcest at all in the story, feel free to read my other works 8D Thank you again!