I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did he actually say that? When I had heard him say that he was thinking about where we were going I thought he was going to break up with me. I didn't think that he'd forgive me for keeping this secret. We both agreed we wanted more, but where I was in my life, I expected our inability to have more would lead to a breakup.

"…Will you marry me?"

I could feel my heart fluttering, my breathing was heavy and panicked, but I liked the question. I wanted to say yes, so why wasn't I?

"I love you. You said whatever I decide. If I take that job in DC how would we make this work?"

He was still down on one knee; he was still waiting for my answer. "Kate, we will."

I smiled weakly. "How?"

"We love each other. That's enough."

I let myself smile. "Yes." He stood up and slid the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed trying to forget that this moment couldn't last forever.

It wasn't until the next day until we really came out of the moment. We laid in bed, the ring glinting on my hand. Rick grabbed my hand and spun the ring around a few times. We were both thinking it but not saying it. We propped ourselves up on our elbows and stared into each other's eyes. The blue depths of his were perfect.

"I'm taking the job Rick."

He still had a hold of my hand. He wouldn't look into my eyes. His thumb moved clockwise against the back of my hand and he looked up smiling. "You deserve that job, you deserve it all Kate."

"So do you."

"We have forever." I smiled and I leaned in and kissed him.

We got dressed and he made coffee. I stood in the kitchen. He was sitting at the counter staring at me.

"You're staring."

"I will be for awhile."

"I told you it was creepy."

"The ring keeps catching the light, I keep remembering you said yes."

"Why do you need reminding?"

"I keep checking to make sure I'm not dreaming."

"Like I told you a year ago, you were definitely not dreaming."

As we started to make out Alexis walked in. She cleared her throat and we didn't notice. "Hello, guys."

I looked over at her from behind her dad. I took a couple steps away from him.

"Alexis, what are you doing home?" He said.

This was the first time she'd walked in on us. It was so awkward. Alexis and I were close, we talked and she asked me for advice. We went out for coffee. We even complained about how annoying her dad was from time to time. She knew I was practically living with Rick so why did it feel like we'd been caught.

"What's going on guys?" She lifted her eyebrows accusingly.

I grabbed my coffee cup and started twisting it in my palm. It was a nervous habit.

Her smile was how you might describe a kid's at Christmas. "You're engaged?" She asked when she saw the ring.

She ran up to me so fast I didn't see it coming. She hugged me tighter than I ever thought possible.

"This is so awesome!"

I wrapped one arm around her trying to hold the hot coffee away from her. Rick took the mug from me and set it on the counter. I let my arms fall around her. It was a bit odd, but it felt right.

Rick pouted and looked at Alexis. "I'm engaged too."

She held out one arm and Rick joined the hug. It was so natural and so new for me. I couldn't help but think that they weren't over thinking this and I was. We must of looked so picture perfect.

"How about we go out to breakfast?"

I smiled and nodded.

We talked about how her classes were going and she asked about the proposal. Rick mentioned the job.

"Are you going to take it?" She asked looking hurt.

I didn't have much more than a small friendship with Alexis, but I felt like I was abandoning her. I nodded.


"It's an amazing opportunity, it's the FBI."

"Are you going to come back?" She sounded so innocent when she asked and I saw the little girl from the photos Rick always showed me.

I looked over at Rick and tried to smile. I realized he didn't know my intentions either.

"I'll have to come back. The two of you are here."

They both smiled.

"I'm taking the job in DC and we're going to see a lot less of each other, but hopefully once I get trained I could get transferred here."

"Hopefully?" She looked sad.

"Right now I really want this, but I hope that you're there for me whether I fail or succeed."


"Here." I confirmed