Author note: This is my fisrt OUAT fanfiction, so I hope you'll like it :D please tell me if I make some mistakes, cause I'm not English :)

Disclaimer : I do not own any of those characters... Can't imagine what I'd do if I owned them

Chapter 1:

Snow looked at her daughter while she was packing her bag, a worried look on her face.

"You're really sure you want to go with him?" she asked for the thousandth time.

"Mary-Margaret" the twenty-eight-year-old-blond sighed "You are better placed than I to know that you can't break a deal with Gold. Besides, even if I didn't want to, I have no choice."

"If you didn't want to? Do you mean you want to go?"

"I know what it feels like. Wanting to be close to your son no matter what. Plus, see the good side of it, at least he will not blame Storybrooke for losing Belle."

Resigned, the young queen nodded her glare still on her daughter who closed her bag and put it on her shoulder.

"Well… I'm going, it's better not making him wait." she announced, looking the brunette in the eyes.

"Yep, you're right… Come back fast Emma"

She smiled and passed the door, waving her mother.

Emma walked in the streets of Storybrooke, this town was now her home, the place she finally found her family – even if she doesn't quite realize the fact her parents are about the same age as she. On those thoughts, she knocked on Mr Gold's door, better known under the name of Rumplestiltskin now.

"Come on in Miss Swan" he said as the young woman entered the shop which started to look familiar

"You're ready?" she asked using her casual tone.

"It's been twenty eight years since I'm ready Miss Swan. The question is: are you ready?" he questioned, pointing her.

Emma glared at him, sceptical, wondering why such a question.

"You'll think about it during the trip. Let's go now. Faster we get there, faster I can see my son again."

At the same time, the young Henry got out of the school bus and ran into his granddad.

"So, how was your day kid?" Charming asked.

"Not so good… Emma left?"

"Yes, just two minutes ago, I saw her driving Gold's car."

"I hope she'll come back soon" the boy sighed.

"So do we Henry. What about a chocolate at Granny's?" as soon as the question left his lips, he was granted by Henry's smile which found his way back on his face and got pulled by his grandson to the inn.

"Are you sure you want to do this Miss Swan?" Rumple interrogated her in a mischievous voice.

"I am hundred percent sure. If I wasn't, I don't have a choice anyway."

"You always have the choice!"

"Not when it comes to you." she said leaving Storybrooke behind.