Back to original one-shots for now guys. Enjoy.

Alec's P.O.V

"Gaah!" Isabelle slammed her dagger into the neck of the demon. We all watched as it shrivelled up, before evaporating into the air.

"Done. No more demons roaming Brooklyn streets."

"For now." I pointed out.

"When they do come back, we will get rid of them." Isabelle said, trying to stop an inevitable argument between my adopted brother Jace, and I.

"Alright, well, I'm heading off. I'm doing training with Clary."

Jace sauntered with an air of arrogance. We waved him goodbye, and Isabelle turned to me.

"I'm meeting Simon for coffee, would you like to come?"

"Ah, thanks for the offer, but I was thinking of visiting Magnus."

"Ooooh la la!"

I punched her arm lightly, but unfortunately the movement caused me to cry out in pain.

"Alec! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess the scratch I got from the demon was more than a scratch. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Please, promise me you will get Magnus to check it out."

"I promise." I said, as I crossed my fingers behind my back.

"Okay, I'll see you later. Bye." Isabelle looked a bit sceptical, but she headed off none the less.

I found my way to Magnus' house, climbing up the landing, and ringing the doorbell.


"I know, Chairman, I heard it. I'll go get the door, there's no need for you to run to the door. Unless, does this mean that…"

He opened the door, and I was instantly muffled by his obnoxiously colourful clothes.

"Alec, darling! I missed you so much!"

"We only saw each other this morning, Magnus."

"I know, but it was such a hard, trying day without you."

"Over doing the over dramatics, Magnus."

"I'm sorry, I just really love you and I really missed you."

"I know, I missed you to. And I can confirm I love you more."

He pulled away.

"No way, boyfriend." He looked me up and down, distaste crossing his face.

"Fighting demons again, I see."

"Only the really bad ones."

"That's fine. But you are covered in blood, grime, and demon guts. Time to clean you up."

He gently took a hold of my hand and led me to the lounge room. He sat me down on the shrug-covered couch.

"Stay still. It may sting."

With a flick of his fingers, he produced antiseptic cream, bandages, a damp cloth, and Band-Aids.

"What's all this for?"

"To clean you up, of course."

"But you're a warlock!"

"Yeah. I know. But, this is more close, sweet and intimate." He whispered the last part in my ear, shudders running through me. I don't understand the power he has over me, but I like it. It's different, and strange, and I understand none of it. It's perfect.

"O…okay." I stuttered.

Magnus smiled, before wiping the cuts on my arms and face, dabbing cream on them, before he wrapped up my wrists.

"There are a lot of cuts on your wrists…" Magnus said.

"Yeah, the demon had quite sharp and long claws. But it's okay, I'll be fine. I have had worse."

Magnus grimaced a bit, and I touched his forearm.


"I was just remembering. All those times you got hurt, and I helped you. Those times I thought you had…"

"Shh." I said, leaning up to kiss him. I pulled away shortly, and sat back, looking up carefully at Magnus' face.

"I'm okay, Magnus. You don't need to worry."

"I know. It's just, I can't stand losing you." Silent tears rolled down Magnus' face. Only a few, but enough to make my heart break and my eyes threaten to release tears at any moment.

"Enough off this sadness and crying. You're here and okay and that's all that matters." Magnus said.

I smiled, my smile transforming into a grin as he leant down and connected his lips with mine. He gently pushed me down onto the couch, I tried to concentrate on kissing Magnus, and not the searing pain in my shoulder. Unfortunately, Magnus notices everything. I blame Arthur Conan Doyle. Magnus met him when he was writing about Sherlock Holmes.

"Alec? Did I hurt you? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine…Arrggghhh!" I tried stifling and ignoring the pain, but it only got worse.

"You are certainly not fine! Where are you hurt?"

I gave up on hiding it from him.

"My, my shoulder. Underneath my shirt. I…I got scratched my one of its claws."

"Alec!" Magnus exclaimed after he had lifted up my shirt sleeve.

"This…why didn't you tell me?" Magnus sounded extremely hurt, and tears not from the demon leaked from my eyes.

"I didn't want to worry you. I didn't think it was too bad."

"It's more than just 'too bad' love. It's okay, I can fix this. You just stay still, and I'll try not to hurt you too much."

Magnus gently and slowly lifting my shirt off of my head, stopping every now and then to make sure I was okay, and freezing whenever I whimpered or cried. Once he had removed it, he threw it away, and turned to me.

"Be brave."

"I'll try." I said, and faked a sniffle. He smiled softly as he placed his hands on my shoulder, his trademark blue sparks flying from his fingers. I gritted my teeth to stop from crying out in pain. Tears pricked my eyes. Magnus was crying, mumbling 'im so sorry' over and over again. The pain started to subside, and I calmed down.

"There you go…all…fixed." Magnus' voice broke, and I wrapped my arms around him, his arms wrapping around me. His tears were running down my back, but I wasn't concentrating on that. All that mattered to me was that Magnus was upset and I wanted to fix that.

"Hey, Shh. It's okay, I'm fine."

"But you were in pain. I can't stand it when I know you are in pain."

"I'm better now. Thanks to you."

He pulled away, his hands grasping for mine. Once my hands were settled nicely in his, he leant towards me and joined his lips with mine. The kiss was sweet, gentle, familiar but strange at the same time.

"Are you busy tonight?"

"No, I was hoping to stay here with you. Why?"

"I was thinking we could have a night in. Order take away and some movies, and just snuggle up on the couch."

"You mean steal food and movies?"

"No, I will leave money there. I just make them appear here. I have a feeling we will be a tad busy…" Magnus winked, his sexy and cute smirk appearing.

"Is that so?" I ask, before pushing him back onto the couch, straddling and kissing him. I had had a tough day, and a night spent alone with Magnus is just what I needed.