3. Forgiveness

"What's taking her so long? That girly had better be knocking some sense into him, it's bad enough we lost his sister at this hour!" Grunkle Stan bellowed, stringently veering into the upstairs that led both to the Pines twins' rooms and showers.

"Ssshhh, I think I'm getting a signal" replied Soos, on the phone as a girlish hello replied.

"Yo, Mabelangelo, how'd it go?" Said Soos, initiating the conversation between Mabel.

"I did it, Soos, I'm a definite on this one!"

"Aw sweet! Does that mean you'll let him live for once?"

"Teehee, aw no Soos…I didn't opt for the clean chests of my brother's bullies this time"

Soos' expected smile flipped as he confusingly scratched his noggin. He was completely in on most deeds Mabel pursued, legal or not, but this was new

"Come again?" asked Soos, only begging for more clues to a red herring.

"But rest assured, thanks to Pacifica…my masterpiece is no longer behind me" replied Mabel, more gaudily than she should be.

"Uh…I see, but if not her chest, where exactly do you mean? Just curious"

"I'll email you a pic soon, Soosy, right after I bring her back home"

"Well okay, but hurry right up, Stan's worried sick"

"Yeah, that her parents will kill me if they know she's not back past curfew!" said Grunkle Stan, shaking his cane at the phone.

"All righty then, I'll be back faster than you can say intramuscular injection!" said Mabel, a lighthearted tone decorated her menace.

"Intrawhat who?"asked Soos.

"Kiss kiss!" she said before hanging up.

"She's on her way as we speak, sir!" said Soos.

"Good, now if only Corduroy and Dip would hurry up and get over themselves!" retaliated Grunkle Stan, looking into the room where Wendy and Dipper currently shared a bath together.

The water was soothing them both as Dipper sighed a long relief. Wendy caught that and replied with her own measure.

"So Dipper, how's it hanging out for you?" she asked, awakening Dipper's conscious glare, even if it was only to look down every few seconds.

"Eh, a little more now, I guess"said Dipper, never once looking away from her naked body. Her polished breasts dripped with the leftovers of foamy water, only enough to cover one of her nipples.

To wonder if Mabel's would grow that much once her age accompanied.

"*Giggles* If you HAVE to guess, my best bet is that you're ready" Wendy chortled, blushing at Dipper's presumed mindset. By now, he had long forgotten about his grudge for Wendy, let alone how to blink.

"Ready? As in better?"

"I wouldn't go for better just yet" she replied in a high pitch, grabbing hold of a loofa "Dipper, can you do something for me regardless of what it depends?"

Dipper's was wet from head to toe, yet his skin still tingled at the thought. The thing that Wendy had in mind for him in this situation had to be startling. He never tried to look away from him, the last thing he needed was to delve deeper in her point on revenge.

"Like what?" he asked nervously

"It's simple" she instructed, reviving the serious side Wendy teased Dipper with "I want you to stand up and turn around"

Now the rosiness of Wendy's temporary embarrassment transferred itself completely onto Dipper's face, multiplied many times. He nevertheless stood up, covering his nether regions by guilty impulse.

"Wait…what are you going to do?" he asked, watching as Wendy still beat him by an inch when she stood on her knees and approached him. The water ran down her stomach, washing all the bubbles from her pale flesh, gleaming even more towards Dipper's eyesight.

"Whatever it takes to make you quit staring at my tits, man" she said with that same mocking tone, never once giving Dipper to catch a breath. He was afraid to keep his eyes open any longer after his awkwardness was justified, yet the mere phrase uttered by Wendy sounded nothing normal, causing two positive ions to collide.

Dipper immediately focused all her attention on Wendy's command.

"OH! I'M SORRY! Sorry!" Dipper now felt like this was punishment, covering his eyes as he nearly felt as if this rare moment wasn't his anymore.

"Just turn around, dude" she emphasized, ceasing her motion until Dipper at long last obeyed "If I'm dirty from the deeds, you're probably the same, and we can't have that, can we?"

That's when it occurred. It started with a few slow strokes of the loofa's foamy surface across Dipper's fragile torso, rubbing him down in a spiraling motion for every inch she made lower. The feel of Wendy's assured strength empowered his dread as much as excite his stance. Each scratch could tell she wanted Dipper to have not a single residue of dust left.

It was when she moved down the waist that reminded Dipper just how naked he was now that she was feeling him this way. Dipper's dread released through a painful squeak once Wendy's hand kneaded his hindquarters. The thought of her looking there was already making him tremble. Only when his thighs and ankles got their turn did Dipper succumb to this sensation.

"Really Wendy…I…this is awkward" he said, nevertheless treating it like she had done it before. Once Wendy finished her grope at his ankles, she took more soap and lathered away.

"It's happening anyway, Dip, just tag along" she said, biting her upper lip at what she knew came next.

"Okay, and thanks for not-" Dipper mumfed at the disgusting taste of the soap once Wendy inserted it into the remainder of his sentence.

"Psaw! No one's here to buy the polite act, dude, so quit being ironic" she said, in undecidedly mock austerity.

"PUU! Ironic? How am I being ironic?"he replied, spitting the soap out and turning around to face Wendy after she finished and handed him the loofa.

"Easy, Dippy" she began before he surprised him with a pose that was enough to make him sweat if the water didn't hide it "All that dirt…pretty much took shelter on me after I touched your big boy body to get rid of it"

Dipper saw it without believing: Wendy bent over, protruding the dampness of her butt out as she knelt on all fours like a cat doing aerobics.

"So what's ironic is…now it's your turn"

It took Dipper the same amount of time he would've used in counting the freckles on that area to reply back.

"You mean…I have to clean YOU?"

"Let me put it this way, Dipper" she began firmly, placing a seductive hand on one of her cheeks so as to tempt Dipper's tongue-tied psyche.

"We can both be dirty, or we can both take a bath. Right now, only you're spotless thanks to me, and unless you have plans that don't involve scrubbing me head to toe, I'd very much like be squeaky clean too."

Dipper found an unshakable side to Wendy that he could agree on, at least until he began midway. Looking at the loofa and Wendy's pose confused him as to what she was trying to say or imply.

"Wait, before we do this, you mentioned other plans" Dipper emphasized.

"Yup" she replied.

"…Like what? I don't know what else you'd want me-"

Wendy assumed Dipper was as defiantly heady as every single guy she tried to change. She tried so many times that it was clear she couldn't just change the guys she liked, but in general. In hopes it would teach Dipper not to go down that road, she gave him the alternative all her ex's combined would only dream of.

"Sheesh, Dipper, is my English really that hard to translate?" she asked, groping her own rear cheeks like silly putty to emphasize the opportunity Dipper remained hesitant towards.

"My. Body. Is. Yours. ALL YOURS! And judging by the looks you've been throwing me since I joined you, only the good lord high up knows what you'd want to do with me OTHER than help me clean not just my dirty conscience."

The idea opened Dipper more than before. Now was his chance to prove his maturity, stripping his former ideals for a new way to understand Wendy past her skin.

But even so, he never knew how much this opportunity enticed him deep down.

"You always saw right through me Wendy, a lot, it's true…" he replied, smacking his extended palm on the cheek her hand wasn't fondling to his irritation. Wendy's eyes shot open at the light sting this brought down her back. She gasped at Dipper's surprising yet predictable choice.

"…Which is why I'm done seeing through you"

Before she could protest, Wendy felt the oily grasp of thick soap Dipper's hand revealed as he began to mimic her circles. It massaged her bottom a few times before Dipper moved to her upper back, soaping Wendy's already pale skin to an unrecognizable pallor. What was thought to be the hand of karma was just Dipper putting her trust to perfect use.

For once, the ginger girl sighed with relief at the kid's true intentions.

"Aw, thanks Dipper" she said with the honest sincerity Dipper always merited himself.

"Don't thank me yet. I'm not as tall as you, so no wonder you went easy on me" he replied, getting a chuckle from Wendy.

The satiated lumberjack no longer minded where Dipper's hand went, he was at long last cleansing her of both their guilt. If anything, it felt relaxing.

Cute even.

"But we can agree on one thing" she added playfully, finally cherishing Dipper's assured grip.

"It beats going skinny dipping"

Glad that's over, I just decided to rush on this chappie.