Finnick barely looked when Silver and Blade fought. In fact, he couldn't look. He couldn't watch the girl he loved die. He took a glimpse every now and again and with every glance, Silver was more bloody and beaten.

Finnick exhaled and gently closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

'Finn.' Johanna said quietly.

'Finnick, look!' Johanna said again when Finnick didn't open his eyes. On the screen he could see Blade, looking confused and Silver looking horrified. There was an arrow stick deeply inside Blade's stomach.

'She did it.' Finnick breathed in shock.

'Well she didn't get that 10 for doing nothing.' Johanna replied.

'But…' Finnick paused as he watched Silver throw up behind a bush. He remembered how he felt when he killed someone for the first time. The little girl from District 3. Finnick felt so sick that he wanted to kill himself out of guilt. He just hoped Silver kept a level head.

'Are you entertained Capitol?' She said.

'I said are you entertained?!' She shouted and I held my breath. Words like that were extremely dangerous.

'She's certainly got courage…or stupidity. ' Johanna commented. Silver cried and Finnick desperately wanted to be there with her to tell her that it was all going to be okay. He wanted to make it better for her.

Then she started taking her clothes off. Unable to stop the embarrassment from showing in his cheeks he looked away.

'Now this is entertainment.' One of the game makers laughed at the back of the room. Anger flared up in Finnick's chest and he stormed over to the smug looking game maker and held him by the collar of his shirt.

'You want to say that again?!' Finnick said slowly.

'Odair! Let him go!' Johanna demanded, pulling Finnick away. 'You're better than this.' She said forcing him away from the startled game maker.

Finnick excused himself and ran to the bathroom. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he could understand why the game maker was terrified of him. He was terrified of himself. His skin was deathly pale from watching Silver almost get killed, his eyes were blood shot from the lack of sleep and his expression was…well it was the expression of a killer. Finnick ran the tap to splash water on his face and stood and waited in there until his breathing had calmed down.

Once he reluctantly came back to the viewing room, he saw that Silver was dressed and sitting under a tree, behind a bush. She looked different. Her face was not scared or anxious; it was just the picture of acceptance. She no longer looked pretty and delicate. The cuts on her skin and her hard expression made her look beautifully brave and strong. Not like the Silver he used to know. He fingered were binding together twigs from grass and she was tying them together with nodded reeds from the river.

It took Finnick a while before he realised what she was doing but the bundle of twigs soon started taking the shape of a human; a little twig doll.

'You're tribute needs to eat.' Johanna said.

'I know.'

'She hasn't even attempted hunting yet.'

'I doubt she ever will.' Finnick shrugged. He knew Silver was stubborn and if she said she wasn't going to eat meat, then she probably wouldn't.

The day after Silver became a murder, Silver woke up starving. She hadn't eaten in two days and was starting to get a little dizzy.

'Morning.' She said and then frowned as she thought about who she was talking too.

'Shut up Silver, you're talking to a pile of twigs.' Silver thought. She looked down at the little twig doll that had taken her a whole afternoon to make. Silver smiled at a crazy thought about her twig doll saying good morning back.

'I'm going crazy.' Silver muttered.

'I guess that's punishment. You're a murder Silver. Look down at your hands. They're red with blood. It's not your blood though.' A horrible voice in her head said.

'I had to do it! Don't you understand?! I was going to die! It's not my fault!' Silver shouted back at the horrible voice.

'Remember the empty look in his eyes after he realised you stabbed him. It's that same empty look in Reed's eyes after the spear pierced through him.' The voice hissed again.

'Shut up! Just shut up and leave me alone!' Silver begged.

'I'll never leave you alone…You'll be a murder for the rest of your life.' The voice laughed maliciously.

Silver picked up the twig doll and held it to her chest. It was hard to cuddle but it soothed her just a tiny bit.

'You understand don't you?' Silver murmured softly to the doll. 'You know what? I think I'll call you Hatta.' Silver said. As she thought, the doll didn't reply but it felt good to talk to someone anyway.

Finnick watched Silver all morning, chatting away to herself and her doll and wondered whether she had actually gone mad.

'Odair…You should probably send your tribute some food. Look at her; she's going crazy with hunger.' Johanna said.

'Maybe she just needs a friend.' Finnick shrugged although he sent some food anyway. He promised he would help her at all costs. He sent her some more bread rolls although this time he left a note.

'Please eat, Sweetheart.'

Silver gratefully tucked into the bread roll that Finnick had sent. She was far too hungry to ration it again. Besides, her days were limited. Even after the bread was all gone, she was starving hungry. The kind of hunger where it actually hurts to move and since she had nothing to preoccupy her, all Silver could think about was food. She reminisced about the Capitol cakes and treats and…sugar cubes.

Suddenly, Silver a small yelp of an animal and the snapping of something metallic. Her head snapped up so her eyes could follow where the sound came from. She stood up, her legs a little shaky from the lack of food and sleep. A small rabbit was lying very still on the ground but it was missing a leg. It looked like his leg had been caught in a snare of some kind. It wasn't a human being but the look in the rabbit's eyes was very human indeed. Those big shiny black eyes were looking up at her for help but Silver knew it was no use. The rabbit was about to die. Silver wondered where the rabbit would go to when it died. Maybe it was a better place than being stuck in the hunger games.

'You should take it. Eat it. You're starving.' That horrible voice in Silver's head spoke again.

'But it's a living creature.' Silver objected.

'A living creature that's already dead. You need to survive too Silver.' The voice hissed.

Without stopping to think about what she was doing, Silver picked up the blood soaked rabbit and ran back to her bush which had now become her home. Her legs nearly crumbled with the sudden movement but she no longer had control over her limbs. Her hands frantically rubbed two bits of wood together, like she learnt in the training, to make a fire. Somewhere inside of her head she knew there was a voice screaming at her too stop and look at what she was doing but she was far too hungry to listen.

30 minutes later and the rabbit was some-what cooked and smelt delicious, just like dinner-times in the Capitol with Finnick and Nesta. And Reed, but Silver couldn't bring herself to think about him. Her shaky hands tore off a bit of meat and forced it into her mouth with she quickly chewed and swallowed. Silver couldn't stop eating until she noticed Hatta next to her.

'Silver stop…The Hunger Games, they're changing you.' Silver thought Hatta said although she was pretty sure she was hallucinating.

'Silver, look what you're doing.' Hatta said again and Silver stared down at her bloody hand and burst out into tears.

'I'm so sorry.' Silver cried to the dead rabbit. 'I didn't mean too…I was so hungry.' She said even though the rabbit would neither hear her nor understand.

'Finn…Finnick where are you?' Silver wept and didn't stop crying until there was suddenly a loud snap of twigs as someone stumbled towards her.