A/N: Hey, thank you for all your lovely reviews, I took a lot of them on board and have rewritten this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it :D A special thanks to Emm4life, I rewrote the first half for you! Also please note this is not a one shot and shall be continuing soon!

So this is love chapter 1

"But you see I have the other slipper" I said taking the sipper out of my apron pocket where it was hiding. The Dukes face lit up like a Christmas tree as he took the slipper from me.

"It fits!" he said as he slipped it onto my foot.

"IT FITS?" Drizella bellowed, my stepsisters huddled together on the other side of the room collapsed into a fit of rage. My stepmother deadly silent frozen to her spot, her knuckles going white on her cane, composure slipping as my stepsisters continued to have a shouting conversation with each other in astonishment "SHE DANCED WITH THE PRINCE!?" "HOW COULD SHE HAVE SHE WASN'T THERE!?" I couldn't help but feel a little smug that I had done something they wanted to.

"Did you dance with the prince that night young lady?" The Duke asked me, jurisdiction flittering across his previously ecstatic face. My sisters silenced, all three family members watching, waiting for me to confirm their worst fears. The question didn't make sense to me, why was he asking me if I had danced with the prince, obviously I had! I mean, the slipper fit.

"I'm just asking as precaution," he continued kneeling down so his head was level with mine "despite the evidence it is essential you answer this next question correctly, ok?"

"Ok." I said looking strait into his brown eyes with the confidence I was nowhere close to feeling.

"On the night of the ball, what was the excuse you gave the prince for leaving so early?" he asked, his voice steady eyes never leaving mine. You could've heard a pin drop.

My mind was taken back to the wonderful night the prince and I spent together. I inwardly laughed at myself remembering what I had said, he must have thought me the oddest person in the world. "I said," finally addressing the Duke "'I had to leave because I hadn't even met the prince yet" unable to stop from giggling at myself now.

The Duke broke into another huge grin. "You have no idea how much the Prince has wanted to see you! Please let me escort to the palace right away."

"Wait." My stepmother said her voice brimming with unleashed anger. The room turned to look at her. "What if I were to refuse? Cinderella is not to leave my house, I give her no permission nor blessing to marry the Prince; she is to stay here and continue to be my house maid!"

My heart sank.

I immediately felt tears threating to brim over my eyes.

'I should have known this was all too wonderful to be true.'

Gently shaking my arm from the Dukes hand, I turned to face his shocked unbelieving face, all the happy energy previously in the room sinking far far away.

I curtsied.

I slowly turned to face my stepmother, her head held high with malicious power, in the corner of my eye I watched my stepsisters sicker quietly.

I curtsied.

And started to make my way up the stairs, distraught engulfing me, my beautiful adventure closing leaving me exactly as it had begun. How it should have been.

"uhm, young lady?" The Duke called and as fast as lighting I whipped around hope surging through my body. "How old are you exactly?"

Once again I was confused by his question, I had heard it was rude for a gentleman to ask a lady her age. Hope once again slowly diminishing, I told him that I was indeed eighteen years of age.

Another smile crossed his features. "Well young lady, by law you are considered to be an adult and are able to acquit your family and your job if you feel the need."

From the side of the room my stepmother spoke up again this time however with much less control and more angered reverence "I will not have it! She will not leave you hear" she was bashing her cane on the ground to match every word.

The duke smiled at me, who like my stepsisters still sitting to the side looked extremely confused. "It means madam you are free to do as you wish."

"Oh thank you sir!" I gushed running back down the stairs. "Please, I'd like to go with you!"

"Well than we best be off." He replied. "Good day to you madam, ladies." He addressed my now - I suppose - old family, who were seething with rage.

I waved goodbye and turned to leave the house, happy to – even though it held my childhood and my father - let it go.

"Now you wait here and I will bring his highness." The Duke announced becoming his formal self again.

We had entered the palace, it looked almost exactly as it had the last I was here. Extremely massive and almost magically enchanting.

The Duke had left down an extremely long corridor and disappeared through an excessively massive door that reached the high palace ceiling.

Opposite me at the end of a long red carpet sat two immense gold thrones so big the looked as if the were looming justice upon you.

Looking around the titanic room helped me realise I was in no way ready for all this. Whatever this in fact was.

I was a dish maid for heavens sake, how was it that I was even allowed in this room. My job was to clean for people like the prince.

That would never change.

Not for anything.

The prince was going to see me in these miserable clothes full of tatters and rags and decide not to bother wasting his time to even meet me. He'd leave and I'd be sent home where my stepmother would be waiting with a suitable punishment.

There was some scuffing behind the towering door the Duke had acquitted.

Why was this taking so long?

What was going on behind that door?

My path of panicked thoughts only becoming fiercer.

What if the prince had decided to change his mind, he wasn't even going to look at me. I couldn't go back to my fathers house, I couldn't live a single day more with my stepfamily, they were only going to kill me slowly!

There was more scuffing behind the door.

Who was I kidding the prince was not coming out to see me.

I was worthless, a nothing.

I started to thinking of other options besides going back.

'Maybe I'd just go to the docks board a boat and run away, find a new town and marry a baker?'

'Yes that's what I would do, marry a baker, have a simple life and leave this one leave it as what never was to be. A happy, impossible fantasy.

Just as I was turning to leave the large doors on the opposite side of the room reopened.

I whipped around in complete and utter surprise, becoming more shocked to see that it was none other than the Prince.

My Prince.

Running towards me.

Despite my previous panicking and resolutions, I found myself running towards him too.

I felt all my worries slipping away with each step and I saw only his eyes, his gorgeous brown eyes.

The moment we met in the middle of the room the prince lifted me off my feet and spun me around in circles his eyes never leaving mine, his simile so wide it was as if he won first price at the fair.

I realised in that moment that running away on a boat and marring a baker was never an option. I was eternally and irrevocably in love with the Prince and I knew that nothing else would ever make me happy.

The prince set me back down on the ground, caressing my face with his large hand "Are you ok?" he asked a semi confused face replacing the ecstatic one. I was sad to see the beautiful smile from before go.

"Um… yes… I guess I am?" I answered confused, because honestly the question didn't make sense, of all the question he could have asked why…

"Oh no" the prince continued seeing my confused face "I was asking because you left so suddenly on the night of the ball, I thought maybe I did something wrong?"

He thought he did something wrong, the Prince? "No. No I'm sorry it wasn't you, I'm sorry I had to be somewhere… it's, it's a long story…"

His beautiful smile returned. "Well" he breathed, "we have a lot of time." His expression suddenly because Thoughtful, I marveled at the speed his expressions changed, intrigued to find out exactly how many different expressions he owned. Each I had seen was different however completely genuine. "I have one more question…"

"And what's that?"

"What's your name?"

"Oh" I giggled at the ridiculous fact that I loved him and I was pretty sure he loved me and he didn't even know my name. "My name is Cinderella"

"I'm Prince Daniel" he replied; only making me giggle more.

"I know." I told him, causing him to smile cheekily at me.

"Well Cinderella" he said, moving in closer "you forgot this" his lips met mine and I kissed him back, yes I was pretty sure he loved me back.

AN: Hello and welcome to my fist fanfic. I chose to do it on Cinderella because she is my all time favorite princess (which is pretty tough to achieve since I love them all) when I was young I used to watch it every single day without fail and when my uncle came over (which was often) I'd watch it again and force him to watch it too, poor guy! Anyways sorry for the background story I hope you enjoy this story! Quick Disclaimer: Walt Disney created the blocks of this story and has however allowed us the privilege to play with them.