A/N: Thank you all that have joined me on yet another journey with our favorite boys. It has been quite an adventure, and I have enjoyed it immensely. As much as I always hate saying goodbye to them in a story, that time always comes, and I think we leave them in a good place. I hope you enjoy the ending. Thanks for reading! Comments are greatly appreciated! :)


***Six Months Later***

"Brian and Justin, as you have consented together in lawful wedlock and thereto have pledged your faith to each other, and have declared the same by joining hands and giving and receiving of rings, by the powers vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you are now married! If you wish to seal this marriage with a kiss, now would be the time to do so."

Looking at the judge he had handpicked to perform their ceremony, Brian quirked a brow, deciding he had never heard a more idiotic statement in his life. If he wished to seal the marriage with a kiss? The very question was ludicrous. There wasn't ever, and without a doubt, he meant - ever - come an occasion that he didn't want to claim the most luscious, and in his opinion, the most perfect lips in all of existence. None could compare. His eyes were warm, and filled with a night and lifetime of promises, when he took Justin into his arms. Brian could hear the not so hushed gasps from their friends, at this moment glad that Justin had wanted a quiet ceremony. It hadn't mattered to him either way. For his part, he wanted to celebrate and proudly display the man that had changed his life; however, what he wanted most was to make Justin happy. It took a moment for him to realize he was standing in an apparent limbo; Ben began clearing his throat behind him, all in an obvious effort to move things along.

Justin flushed under the heat in Brian's gaze, breathless at the intensity he found in Brian's eyes. It wasn't the look on unbridled lust, although that did factor in; no, it was so much more. Love and a deep respect was clearly evident on Brian's face. It transformed Brian into a more beautiful man than he already was to him. In every way, Brian Kinney was perfect to him - for him - and now, they were married. His eyes darting to see the amusement on the judge's face, Justin whispered tremulously, "B-Brian... are you going to k-kiss me - or just look at me all day?"

Those that were near enough to hear Justin's words let out a sigh, and light laugh at the end of the spoken words; no one could look away from the desire and adoration in either of their eyes. Brian reached out to lightly cup the side of Justin's face, his eyes committing every exquisite detail to memory. His voice was husky, when he spoke, "Not very romantic on our wedding day, are you, Taylor? However, I am more than eager to comply..."

Sniffling, Justin reminded, "Mr. Taylor-Kinney... if you please."

"I like the sound of that..." Brian responded in a low purr, his hand sliding from Justin's cheek to cup the back of his neck, slowly bringing him closer for an initially tender kiss, after a moment, one escalating into longing for both of them. It was always like that, Brian thought to himself. No matter how a kiss started between them, it always left him quaking with desire. Brian moaned into Justin's mouth, several thoughts running through his mind... ones that he would discuss in detail with his beautiful blond husband when the opportunity best presented itself.

Completely ignorant of Michael standing behind him urging him along, or of Ben doing the same for Brian, Justin had a glowing smile on his face... one that he hoped never lessened. As long as he was the light, and love of Brian's life, he knew it wouldn't. "I love you, Brian. So damned much..."

Brian pressed his forehead against Justin's, his eyes closed as he breathed in the unique scent of his husband, Brian answered in a slightly gruff voice, "Well, you'd better. After all, I just made an honest man of you."

As they turned to greet their guests, with smiles and joined hands, Justin whispered back, "C'mon then, husband. Let's get this part of the celebration over, so we can move onto a more special one of our own."

"That's my boy..." Brian growled. Desire rekindled in Brian's eyes. He knew exactly what that would mean. Although, with their plane reservations in mind, he wouldn't have that particular pleasure for awhile; however, the reward they both received at the end of the day would be worth any temporary inconvenience and sacrifice. He was glad that Justin had elected to forego the more traditional lengthy wedding reception; although, he would have readily agreed to anything Justin wanted. The adorable little blond had the formerly renowned hard-ass wrapped around his finger. He didn't plan on advertising that to the world, though, or his cunning husband. Truth be known, Justin knew the power he exerted over him; it was to his credit that he didn't abuse that. Just a couple more hours, then they would be jetting off to their honeymoon. It was a moment he had agonized over for the past six months. Finally, they would be together without any barriers between them. There wasn't anything he had ever wanted more than that.

"The Caribbean? This is what you wanted?" Brian asked, looking around speculatively at the tourist filled resort. "I told you the expense was inconsequential. I'm just surprised you settled on this."

"What's wrong with the Caribbean?" Justin countered defensively. He had paid for this trip with his own money... a matter that hadn't been pleasing to his over controlling husband, but, he had won the battle. Shortly after they had returned to New York, he had told Brian about his inheritance, and his wish to gift him with their honeymoon as his wedding present. He didn't know what else to give him. Brian have every luxury a man could possibly have; giving him something unique, and worth having wasn't an easy feat. "I thought you would like the nude beaches..."

Brian quirked a brow. "Not if they are filled with breeders as well." Shrugging his shoulders, and advancing to enclose his hot-headed husband in his arms, Brian needlessly told him, "You are the only one on this island - male or female - that I want to see naked." Rolling his lips under, Brian's eyes swept hungrily over him. "I am hoping to be seeing that very soon."

"Poor Brian..." Justin shook his head in mock sympathy. "It's been such a long day for you. The wedding... then, the long flight after finally separating from our friends." Justin pulled a bit back and gave his new husband a considering look. "Perhaps you're overtired after such a trying day. Maybe we should just sleep tonight, and pick up again tomorrow..."

Without a word, Brian began to shed his clothing; his eyes bored into Justin as he completed the process. "If I were you, dear husband, I would be undressed and in the bed - before I am finished. I've waited six, long months for this; I won't be slowing down for anything..."

Justin groaned, his hands beginning to pull away the clothes that now seemed to bind him more than anything else. That primitive, out of control look that Brian could get in his eyes was irresistible to him. Even back at the time when he'd deliberately sought to tease Brian; times when he had gotten so hard just by pushing Brian to the brink, only to tease him more before relenting - still he couldn't resist complete surrender. This wasn't one of those times. Any sort of token resistance wasn't what either of them wanted or needed tonight. Their marriage in itself was a dream come true; however, the connection they were now safe to share was only icing on the cake. He wanted this moment just as fiercely as his only slightly tamed savage.

Brian watched with lust eaten eyes as Justin turned his back on him, his footsteps taking him into their bedroom. Following at a close distance, Brian growled when Justin looked back over his shoulder, not to see if he was being followed, but, to give him that sultry come hither look. He couldn't wait to sink his uncovered dick into Justin's hot, and still tight little ass. Fuck, it was all he'd been thinking about for the past several months. Finally, it was his for the taking.

His own mouth watering at the beautiful display Brian made - fully aroused and ready to pounce - Justin reached down, beginning to stroke his painfully erect cock, his voice barely audible when he spoke, "You look extremely hungry, Mr. Kinney. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen you so much so."

"That's because I haven't been..." The statement was astounding to him. Each time he had ever had Justin, it had been amazing, but, more than that - like a fever that couldn't be assuaged. His desire was increased tonight. He knew it could be the fact that they were now married, or it could be about this being the first time they would fuck without any barriers between them. Perhaps it was a little bit of both; the only thing he knew right now for certain - he needed his husband... right fucking now! "I need you so much, Justin. I can't begin to tell you how much-"

Justin stretched out on the bed, thankful that the covers had conveniently already been turned down by the resort staff, his hand lifting to beckon his eager lover. He was momentarily speechless by the need on Brian's face. It was so much more than lust; of course, it was never that simple between them. In truth, it hadn't been even at the very beginning. Such deep passion bespoke of more than simply satisfying a basic urge. Justin knew it was even more escalated now. "There's no need to wait, then. I'm all yours now." Justin smiled at his new husband lovingly, adoration, and desire mixing within his blue eyes. "In fact, I've always been yours."

Brian stretched out on the bed, taking care to lay on his side; right now, his cock wasn't looking to have pressure applied to it. That was, not until it was in the act of moving into the heat that was its most desired destination. He smiled as he looked into Justin's eyes, as always unable to believe that this hauntingly beautiful, and sensitive man could ever love him to such a degree. "I love you, Justin. You've changed my life so much; I can't even begin to tell you. Perhaps, given time, I will be able to do that, though."

Turning on his side, Justin smiled at Brian, unable to still the heavy beating of his heart at hearing those much coveted three little words. He knew such sentiment wasn't typical for Brian, nor easy for him to express; that considered, hearing them made them mean all the more. "You've changed my life too." His smile deepened. "On all levels, you became my hero. Hard to imagine after where we started."

"It is." Brian had to agree with that. He leaned closer, his mouth closing softly over Justin's. Despite the urgency in his desire to possess Justin, another part of him wanted to show this special man that he wasn't a mere object of lust - he had become so much more. This was the man he wanted to share every moment of his life with... both the good and the bad. No matter what the days, months, even years ahead brought him, Brian knew that Justin would be by his side. That in itself made for a perfect life. Framing Justin's face in his hands, he slowly moved his lips over his husband's, knowing nothing could feel more right.

"Fuck me, Brian..." Justin whispered, once their lips finally separated, knowing he couldn't want anything more than the feel of Brian pulsing inside of him. "I need to feel you."

Brian rolled Justin beneath him, his mouth sliding down Justin's chest, his eyes staring into Justin's, love and desire reflected in them. "Soon... but, with a bit of a modification."

"Modification?" Justin asked in confusion. He groaned as he worried there would be yet another delay. He wanted Brian now. This was not the night for Brian's games he sometimes liked to play in the bedroom. "If that is a lead up to another prolonged encounter, how about we just get on with it?"

Laughing, Brian's teeth began to nip at Justin's skin, his mouth moving back up to lick and suck on his beautiful blond's neck. He uncapped the lube, slathering a generous amount on his cock, before he raised Justin's legs to rest atop his shoulders, his lubed fingers moving to slip into the tight heat that painfully beckoned him. "No delays, my impatient husband. Only, this isn't simply defined by fucking. I've fucked so many others... this is more than that."

"What are you saying?" Justin asked, unable to believe his often brash brunet was going to speak of this moment in more romantic of terms... but, that seemed exactly where this was heading.

Brian's fingers began to move inside his lover's ass, deftly, and carefully preparing him for the urgency of his possession. He wasn't sure how it would feel being inside him without the condom between them, he only knew it would feel amazing. The moment he had never thought he would want with another man was upon him now... he couldn't wait to experience every moment of this new intimacy. "I'm saying this - sure we fuck often. We'll do it again and again, most likely every day, but tonight is a celebration of our improbable union." Brian slowly slid his dick into Justin, his eyes watching Justin's every response. He found it difficult to focus on the words he was trying to speak as the velvety tightness gripped down on him. "Tonight, I'm making love to my husband." He pushed in further, his eyes rolling back as pure bliss greeted him. Barely able to speak further, Brian rasped, "Tomorrow, though, I'll probably be fucking the living hell out of you..."

Justin couldn't stop the moan that ripped from deeply within him. He wasn't sure if it was the words Brian spoke, the man himself, or the incredible feel of Brian's bare cock rocking into him. In actuality, it didn't really matter. This entire day and night had been pure perfection. What overwhelmed him most of all was the knowledge that this was their life here on out. He couldn't think of anything that could be better than that.

Some time later, each of them resurfaced to a more coherent reality. How they both could become so wrapped up in each other, and the bliss they found was just another factor they had in common. Brian pulled completely free of his sated husband, knowing a shower would be in their not so distant future. They were each a combined sweaty mess, but, the knowledge that part of him was left in his husband made him happier than he could have ever imagined. Rolling to his side, Brian turned his head on the pillow to look at Justin, a smile of the deepest contentment on his lips. "So... this is what life is now, Mr. Taylor-Kinney."

A happy sigh passed through his lips. "Sounds like a good one to me."

Brian leaned closer, kissing Justin with all the love and feeling he could muster. Pulling back, he stared intently into the adoring eyes of the man he loved. "Only the best... now and forever."

Justin snuggled closer into Brian's arms, unable to believe how much had happened in the past year. He had somewhat reconciled with his mother - only time could fully heal those wounds, his evil father and Gary Sapperstein were permanently removed from his life... then, the best of all - Brian. From the onset, he'd known that Brian's offer would change his life. What had been the result had been beyond his wildest dreams. He had a real family now. One that he not only loved, but trusted as well. Life was rich and full now. For the first time, in more years than he cared to count, the future was filled with promise. He didn't doubt that the reality would more than surpass his dreams. As he looked into Brian's loving, and protective eyes, Justin was convinced of exactly that.