
I had the idea and couldn't resist the temptation. So... As I type this out on my phone, I would like to let y'all know, thank you all for all those reviews, and follows. I've mentioned my gratitude in my other stories. But I can't seem to want to stop saying it. I'm just overwhelmed and happy. Nonetheless, I want y'all to enjoy!

This will be very different. I will warn you about that. Plenty Pepperony, but in a different way. You'll understand:)

Disclaimer: I'm having second thoughts about handing over the papers, but whoops I just did.

Pepper was screaming. Her mind was emptied of every emotion and thought as she sprinted down the street. She had to get away. SHE HAD TO!

She tripped on her own foot. Regaining her balance, she continued running. The wind cut through her bare arms, but that was the least of her problems.

She had no idea what started his obsession! One day he was normal, and the next he was chasing her down to keep her. She didn't know what would kill her first. Her fear? Or Tony?


"I love you. I love you so much." Tony murmured against her neck. It was a typical make out session. Pepper was saying her good bye that night. They enjoyed a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant and were ending the night with a wonderful goodnight kiss.

"I love you too Tony." She said. She had her eyes closed, and was waiting as Tony finished kissing her and let go.

"Goodnight, Angel." He said. He tucked his hands into his pockets and watched her walk away towards her small apartment.

Pepper waved back in goodbye.

She really had enjoyed the night. The candle light diner was breathtaking and nonetheless romantic. Tony also went the extra way to order some fancy dessert from the finest chef in the restaurant.

She was so lucky to have him as her boyfriend, and lucky to know that he loved her as she loved him.

She sighed.

As Pepper walked into her room, she acknowledged the fact that her father wasn't home. She didn't seem surprised, it was normal. He probably left when she was out on her date.

Pepper, absentmindedly, stripped down and pulled on some pajama pants and a matching tank top. She walked into her living room, plopped down on the couch, and turned on the TV.

Five minutes later, she heard a knock on her door. Pepper glanced at the clock. It read 10:11 pm.. Who would come by at this hour?

Pepper launched herself out of her couch and made her way to the door. She unlocked the bottom lock, but made sure to keep the chain bolted at the top. She opened the door wide enough to see the guest.

She gasped.

"Tony?" He stood at the entrance, his hands in his pockets. He was wearing jeans and his regular red shirt. But something was different. His eyes were gleaming evilly, that was not like him.

"Hey, Angel." He said. He stepped towards the door, hoping to open it to walk in, but Pepper pushed the door against him.

"What are you doing here? It's ten at night, Tony." She didn't bother hiding the agitation in her voice.

"What? Am I not supposed to see you now?" He asked coolly. He resembled a lay back teenager who was bored in a history class. And the way he said it, it sent a shiver down Pepper's back.

Something was wrong.

"No. You can see me tomorrow. Go back home, Tony." She said forcefully. She attempted to shut the door in his face, something that didn't faze her, but Tony stuck his foot out at the last second.

The door failed to its one job. It failed to close.

"Tony? What the heck? What's wrong with you?" Pepper yelled, unable to keep the fear out of her voice. Tony smirked. He reached towards her and slipped the chain off the door.

When he saw that he was free to come in, he walked in as casually as he could.

Pepper couldn't believe her eyes. The boy he loved was invading her apartment and totally going past the restrictions of dating! He was acting so weird! But she would not give up so easily.

"Tony, get out. Now." She made sure to put as much anger as she could into each word.

Tony looked at her, notching each eyebrow in the process. "Excuse me?" He said.

"You heard me. Get out." Pepper repeated. She felt more confident.

"Or what?" Tony tried.

"I'll break up with you." She responded as easily as she could bite into a chocolate bar. But the instant she said that, she regretted her choice of words.

Tony gave her a venomous look. It broke her the only confidence she had in two.

In two strides, he came up to her and pushed her up against her kitchen wall. He leaned in, so close Pepper could feel his heart beat against her own.

"You break up with me, I swear I'll make you regret it. You'll wish you never broke up with me. You're mine Pepper. Just mine, and only mine. I see you with other guys, I will hurt you." Tony said it with so much venom, that Pepper couldn't help but gasp.

Tony laughed at her reaction. "Let's play a game shall we, Angel?" He didn't seem to care for an answer. He took a handful other hair and thrust her towards her front door. "Let's see how fast you can run, and how fast I can catch you. I catch you, you're mine forever. I loose you? You can break up with me, and I'll never mess with your life again."

Pepper couldn't believe her eyes or ears. This was the Tony Stark she fell in love with? No. No it can't be. The one she dated two years ago gave her space and affection without ever pushing her limits. This Tony was ruthless and looked as though he thought she was his possession.

"Three." Tony started to count. He unbuttoned the first button. Pepper backed up one step.

"Two." No he was counting down! He had removed three more buttons, exposing his well toned chest. Pepper threw herself at the door and fled down the stairs.

Tony smirked. "One."


Pepper resumed her screaming. She was barefoot, but she didn't care. She could hear Tony's laughter and footsteps closing in on her. She would have to run to the armory, or Rhodey, just someplace away from Tony. But at the rate she was running and at the rate he was catching up to her, she doubted she would get that far.

"Don't slow down, Angel!" Tony teased from behind her. "I'm almost there! Pepper, you better not give up yet!" He let out a laugh.

Pepper chocked on her tears and gave her body another push for a burst of speed. She jumped over a stone on the sidewalk and continued her run.

Her heart and lungs burned from the sudden exercise. They wanted her to stop. Oh no you don't, Pepper thought to her body. It's either you or my life... It made no sense to her, because her life did depend on her lungs and heart. But once again, she knew that wasn't her major problem.

Pepper didn't dare look behind her. She knew that in a couple more minutes, Tony would have her. She didn't even want to think about the effects of being in Tony's arms, in the wrong way.

At last, Rhodey's house came into view. His window was luckily lit, meaning he was still awake. And hopefully aware of his environment.

She ran towards his window and pounded her fists on it so hard, she thought the glass would shatter.

"RHODEY! RHODEY! IT'S PEPPER!" She screamed. The window flung open and Rhodey, who was completely surprised, looked down at her.

"Pepper? What-"

"HELP ME UP!" She screamed hysterically. "HELP ME UP!" Rhodey quickly grabbed a hold of her forearms and hauled her up into his room.

The moment Pepper landed in his room, she smacked the window shut and shut the blinds. She panted heavily, her heart wanting to burst out of her chest.

"Pepper? What's wrong? What happened?" Rhodey was at her side. He held her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

She looked into them. "To-To-Tony!" She yelled. She shook horribly from fear and her eyes blurred with heavy tears. They fell from her eyes, but Pepper didn't care. "Tony chased me!" She gasped for breath, but she couldn't. She felt as though she was scarred for life. This night traumatized her.

Rhodey looked at her in shock and confusion. "Pepper. Hey. It's okay." He drew her into his chest and held her. She was like a little sister to him. He wanted to know what was wrong. But nevertheless he was confused.

She sobbed into his chest, shaking as though she had hypothermia. "Tony! He-he..." She couldn't bring herself to say that her boyfriend did this to her.

"Pepper." Rhodey said to her softly. "Tony was here all night." Pepper shook her head in disapproval. Rhodey didn't know what was wrong with her, didn't see believe him?

"No! N-n-no! He was at my apartment!" She stammered. Rhodey didn't say a word. He took her warmly by her shoulders and led her to the living room.

Sitting in the couch, was a boy in his red pajamas. He had black hair, and resembled much to Pepper's boyfriend. And to Pepper's disbelief, it was him.

Tony hadn't left the whole night.

Dun! Dun! Dun! I had so much fun writing this. I have no idea why, but holy cow I loved writing this! I hope you guys like it too! PLEASE REVIEW! :D