Harry Potter: King of the Amazons

Chapter 37


Sneering as he hid within some bushes, Yaxley watched as the carriage escorting the Potter brat's date to the castle came closer and closer to the bridge. It was so simple, a vanishing charm on the bridge, vicious imported creatures placed in the river below it, and Potter would be morning his little albino whore. "My Lord will reward me greatly for this." Yaxley was all but salivating at the prospect of being in his lord's good graces so.

Pointing his wand at the stone, he gathered his magic "Evanes-" he never finished the banishing spell as he felt an arm go around his throat, squeezing while a hand was clamped over his mouth. A second person moved just as fast and cut off his hand that held a wand, his screams of agony muffled by the hand and sudden lack of oxygen.

"Attempting to murder an Amazonian Queen and her guards." Another of those whores that Potter insisted were warriors spoke to him coldly, still holding the bloody sword she'd severed her hand with during their ambush, "the punishment is death." He felt a jerk from the person holding him in a choke hold before his neck was shattered and he knew nothing else.


Sitting under his invisibility cloak, Amycus watched his sister lay prone on the road the carriage was supposed to take to get to the castle. It was so easy! Use these idiots' gullibility against them. He'd heard how obsessed they were over putting women above me so he just had to have his siter pretend to be hurt and unconscious in the road, bait them into stopping, and suddenly he and Alecto would attack. Yaxley had been obsessed with the glory, Amycus was sure that was why the man had insisted that everyone keep their plans hidden from each other rather than work together.

"Well fine by me Yaxley." Amycus giggled to himself as he worked to contain his eager bloodlust, "All the glory will go to house Carrow today." Glancing back at his sister his eyes widened when he saw that she was gone. "What in the-?" he sudden felt a rock hit him as he experienced the familiar experience of portkey transportation.

"Amycus?" looking over at his sister, Amycus groaned, both of them pushing themselves to their feet, Amycus feeling something sticky on his hands.

"Yeah, it's me Alecto." He took off the cloak, "Where are we though?"

"I bumped into a tree a minute ago, but I can't see. Hold on." he heard her rummage about before his sister commanded "Lumos!" as the light filled the area, he saw the familiar trees that made up the Hogwarts forbidden forest, the portkey likely having sent them out beyond the wards. Then he noticed the spiderwebs, filling the trees everywhere. Massive glistening webs.

Hearing a scream, he spun around "Alecto!" he looked on in horror as he saw a spider the size of a small dog atop his sister, her wand knocked out of her hand meaning she couldn't get away or fight back. Before he could help her, he felt a massive hairy leg slam into his back as more spiders poured into the clearing.

"So," an ancient wizened voice came from the source of whatever was pinning him to the ground, "the King Potter did indeed send failed assassins to us to feast upon." The ancient acromantula, now that Amycus had finally placed these things, chuckled out "I'm pleased indeed I let him go all those years ago. Come my children, it is time to eat." Amycus and Alecto's screams were lost in the dark depths of the forest.


Seeing the carriage, Avery took a few deep breaths, focusing his magic as he prepared to fly like smoke. He would burst into the carriage and fire a killing curse at the bitch inside. It was simple and while there was a chance of him getting caught, there was also less that could go wrong than with some overly complicated attempt at a chess like plan. A simple spell confirmed that there was only one human in the carriage and exactly where so he knew he couldn't miss.

Taking a running star, Avery shot towards the carriage, using his smoke form to shoot through the window as he reformed, "Avada Kedavera!" he shouted, before he even got a chance to look about the compartment. The emerald flash hit true, illuminating, not the face of the intended target, but the Death Eater Pyrites, a man Avery knew was held in high confidence of their Lord. As the emerald flash faded, Avery noticed the bindings on the now dead and limp Pyrites, heard the sound of the windows and locks on the carriage being sealed to trap him in, and the angry hissing of the now disturbed snakes that filled the carriage. His screams never left the suddenly violently shaking carriage.


Smiling, Harry offered Propheta his arm as they finished preparing at some quarters in the castle, having used the floo to come over earlier in the day. "Are you ready my love?" he smiled at the woman, pleased he was able to give her a nice night like this and trusting his guards and forces to take care of any assassins that might make another attempt after Greyback.

"I am." Propheta smiled at him gently as they walked out, heading down to the great hall where the students were waiting for the ball. If things went well, he might just make the ball a yearly event regardless of the tournament.


Eyes narrowed in concentration, Pettigrew worked to keep the scrying mirror stable as he and his master observed the Yule ball through the small scrying stone placed on a piece of jewelry belonging to a Death Eater child attending the festivities. He could practically feel his master's furious disgust as Potter entered the great hall, his albino wife on an arm and neither of them having a scratch anywhere on them.

"I see Yaxley and the others failed." Voldemort spat, some of the phlegm landing on the back of Peter's neck even as he forced himself not to react to it, "I'll be sure to reprimand them most…severely." Nagini hissed something the Dark Lord causing a chuckle, "True, that is assuming they even survived." As the students and faculty began eating their dinner before the dancing began, Peter felt his lord's growing impatience.

"And when exactly is your plan meant to come to fruition Wormtail?" Voldemort demanded, his cold tone making it pointedly clear that the answer had best please him should Peter want to avoid a cruciatus session that evening.

"O-once the dancing start M-my Lord." Peter stammered, feeling cold sweat bead his brow as he worked to keep the scrying mirror going, "The poison was slipped into a batch of other perfumes being sent to the castle from student orders. I sent antidotes to the children of your loyal followers so they would not be affected. All we need the Rowle heir and his date to get close enough for him to ask Potter's wife for a dance. Even if Potter and his woman say no, the exposure should be enough to at the very least make her drastically ill."

As Peter explained the exact details of the plan to his lord, something Voldemort hadn't cared about before, likely thinking one of the others would succeed long before Peter himself got a chance, the music began to play as everyone watched the champions dancing. As soon as the first dance ended, the scrying mirror shook as Rowle and his date, the Carrow Heiress if Peter remembered correctly, approached Potter and his wife to ask for a dance. The duo had been keeping away from everyone else the entire evening to avoid the poison affecting someone else before it could reach its target but now it was finally time.

"Champion Potter," Rowle put on his most endearing voice, the Carrow heiress hanging on his arm and therefore getting more of the poison spread to improve the chances of the plot working "I was wondering if I could steal your date for a dance this evening?"

"I'm sorry but no." the woman shook her head, her expression showing displeasure at Rowle asking Harry if he could dance with the albino woman rather than said woman herself "But I'm not interested in dancing with anyone but my…but…" whatever else she intended to say was cut off as she doubled over, hurling violently as Potter dropped to her side, eyes frantic and healers ran over.

"Enough Wormtail." Voldemort chuckled amused as Peter finally was able to end the feed, panting at the long use of magic, "The brat's wife will likely survive but now, now he remembers who is after him. Now he knows he isn't untouchable."

AN: Five chapters left of the story