A/N: This was a piece that was written by myself and my roommate, prompted by a group of my friends. Originally this was my roommates story, until she needed some help. So I jumped in and semi-took over. This is the first fanfiction we're posting. Please read and review.

Disclaimer: Neither myself or my roommate own Smallville or the Power Rangers. Trust me. They would NOT fit in our apartment.

Smallville, KS- Kent Farmhouse

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Clark groaned, rolling over and fumbling around for his alarm clock.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

He finally found it and slammed his hand down on it, smashing it to pieces.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The ringing wasn't stopping, so Clark rolled over again and sat up, then realized it was his phone ringing, not his newly demolished alarm clock. He grabbed the phone and put it up to his ear without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" he mumbled.

"Clark?" Chloe yelled through the receiver.

He could her loud noises in the background. It sounded like something was exploding. Clark sat up and put his feet on the floor.

"Chloe? What's going on? Where are you?"

"Downtown Metropolis. Some kind of creature is rampaging through the streets. They're everywhere and Green Arrow isn't doing so hot."

Clark started moving. There was a mixture of panic and threat in Chloe's voice that told him something serious was going on.

"If you don't get up and get over here right now," she continued, "them I'm calling Bart and sending him over there with a bucket of ice water."

"I'll be right there."

Metropolis, KS- Watchtower

Chloe hung up the phone and turned around as Clark zoomed into Watchtower. He looked around seeing that the fight with the creature was plastered over all of the screens. The strange looking creatures were getting the best of Green Arrow. Clark counted about four of them, and arrows seemed to be having very little effect. The creatures were really giving Green Arrow a beating.

"What are those things?"

"What took you so long?" she demanded. "You need to get down there before Green Arrow gets completely crushed. Everyone else is out of town on other missions, so you are the only backup we have right now. Now get down there before those things kill him."

Clark didn't need to be told twice. He rushed out and got to Green Arrow just in time to stop one of the creatures from hitting the masked hero with a strange looking sword. It wasn't prepared for Clark's sudden appearance and went flying backwards on impact.

"About time you got here," Green Arrow groaned, climbing back to his feet with Clark's helping hand. "I was beginning to think you were gonna leave all the fun for me."

"Sorry, long night. I was passed out when Watchtower called. So what's the deal with these things?"

The creatures were regrouping. They looked like some kind of lizard men, complete with scales. Clark and Green Arrow stood back to back as the creatures surrounded them.

"Well, they broke out of a storage facility and have been causing havoc since. None of my arrows have even slowed them down. And they're strong. Scary strong. If I don't have any broken ribs I'll be shocked."

"I guess I'll have to try a direct approach, then," said Clark.

With that, Clark charged at the creatures. He quickly found that brute force wasn't going to work as well as he hoped. The creatures were fast and strong, matching him almost blow for blow. And they were actually fighting, not just pounding on him like most of the things he fought did. Green Arrow was struggling just to stay a step ahead of getting flattened. Clark tried heat vision as well, to little affect. Nothing seemed to be working.

"What do you have left?" Clark called to Green Arrow.

"Just this," he responded, whipping out his last arrow.

"But that's just an EMP. What's that going to do?"

Green Arrow didn't get a chance to answer because it was fire the arrow or be taken out by the creature that suddenly appeared in front of him. He loosed the arrow and struck the creature square in the face. It fell down unmoving.

"It worked," Green Arrow said in shock. "It actually worked."

"What do you mean it worked?" Clark yelled whipping around to look. "How could that have possibly worked?"

"I don't know, but I'm not going to question it. Green Arrow to Watchtower. Come in Watchtower."

"Go ahead Green Arrow," replied Watchtower over the headset.

"Send out a massive EMP wave. My boxing glove arrow took out one of those things."

"What?! How?"

"I don't know how! Just do it!"

"Ok! Ok! Incoming!"

Clark and Green Arrow both jumped as major feedback blared in their ears before the earpieces went dead. The remaining three creatures fell over and didn't move again. The two heroes looked around for a moment, studying the scene before them.

"Guess we'd better take at least one of these things back with us," Green Arrow said after a moment. "Watchtower won't be happy if we don't."

Clark shrugged and walked forward. He threw one over his shoulder and grabbed one in each hand. Green Arrow grabbed the other one and they headed back to Watchtower.

"We brought you some presents Chloe," Clark called as he walked into the command center of Watchtower. "Figured you'd want to take a closer look."

Chloe just raised an eyebrow as Clark dropped his three in the middle of the room. Green Arrow trudged in behind and added his to the pile.

"You're not planning on leaving those there, are you?" Chloe asked.

"Well, don't you want to look at them?" Green Arrow asked.

"Yes," she said. "But I only need one and they don't do my any good down there. Put one on the table over there and get the rest out of here."

Clark quickly did as Chloe asked while Green Arrow just stood in the center of the room. When he came back, Clark was dressed in jeans and a blue t-shirt instead of his Blur outfit. He snagged a bottle of water before joining Chloe by the computer.

"Oh, and Green Arrow, you should probably go change," Chloe said, when he started up the stairs. "That outfit has about had it."

Green Arrow looked down at himself. There were quite a few tears in his clothes and he was definitely bloodier than he had been in a while. Green Arrow just shrugged.

"Aw come on Chloe," he said. "A little blood never hurt anything."

"A little blood in my carpet is going to hurt you a whole lot. So either go change or go home, Green Arrow," Chloe retorted. "I'm NOT going to clean up after you."

Green Arrow just grinned and turned to saunter out of the room. But after a couple of steps his saunter turned into a limp and Chloe rolled her eyes before turning to examine the creature on the table.

"So why didn't anyone call me?" a new voice called from the elevator. "Everyone at the Planet is talking about the attack and I didn't even get a text."

"Hey Lois," Chloe answered. "We didn't call you because we were a little preoccupied with the problem at hand. Besides, my EMP wave just crashed all of the computers over at the Planet, and any cameras that were in the area, so if you hurry you can beat everyone else to the story. Go ahead and use that laptop over there. Just don't bug me while I'm working. Clark and Oliver are free game though. I'll pull some pictures from my cameras for you too when I have a moment."

"Thanks Chlo!" Lois said with a grin as she planted herself in front of the computer and started interrogating Clark.

While Lois was typing away, Oliver came back in the room. He was in casual clothes now, his various injuries cleaned and bandaged. Walking up the stairs, he plopped down in a chair next to Clark and Lois. The latter immediately started firing questions at him as she continued typing her story.

As the trio worked on the story, Chloe started searching for leads on the strange new creatures. She took a closer look at the one she and was surprised to find that it was a mixture of technology and biology.

"Wow," she said. "These things are amazing. Super-advanced technology fused with biology. There can't be a lot of people around with the ability to make these. Someone is missing these things, and I don't think they mean well with them."

"So someone made a supercomputer out of a lizard?" Oliver asked. "Seems like a silly thing to do."

"No, Oliver. Someone was trying to make living creatures," Chloe responded. "Can you imagine what we could do with this technology? We could bring extinct species back to life, at least to a semblance of life. And think of the medical implications. If you could hardwire that technology to a human brain, we could replace entire limbs with functioning replacements. It's really quite amazing. Actually, I think I remember hearing something about some similar research a while back. I'm gonna look into while you guys are busy with Lois."

"Not necessary," came the response. "I'm all done. Just need a few of those shots from you and I'm off to the Planet to deliver the next front page story."

"Already transferred them on to your thumb-drive," Chloe laughed. "Go file that story before someone gets their computer back up."

"Wait a minute, Lois," Clark interrupted. "Let me read that first. Otherwise you're gonna have to spend hours fixing your spelling once you're back at the Planet and someone else is going to hand their story in."

"Have at it, Smallville," she said, rolling her eyes and scooting out of the way.

Clark read through the article at superspeed, fixing Lois' many spelling and grammatical errors. He quickly deemed it presentable and hit print.

"Thanks again!" Lois called as she grabbed it off the printer and ran to the elevator, disappearing behind its closing doors.

Chloe was bending over her keyboard studying information as it flew across the computer screen. Clark and Oliver scooted their chairs closer, waiting to hear what she was finding. Different stories started popping up on the various smaller screens around the main one.

"I'm finding a lot of similar stories centered around Reefside in California. Looks like they have quite the problem with these electronic lizard-men. Oh! And there's some kind of network scanner that is periodically running scans over the entire city. If I can hack into that, maybe I can some more definitive info."

She started typing furiously, trying to hack into the scanner's network so she could access the data it had collected. After a few minutes though, Chloe hadn't made any progress and Clark and Oliver could see she was getting more and more frustrated.

"How are they blocking me?" she muttered, frowning. "They can't possibly be blocking me. There has got to be hole somewhere."

Suddenly computer monitors started flickering. Pictures and information of all kind started flying across screens all over the room. Chloe whipped her head about looking around in panic. She started running from computer to computer, hitting keys and talking to herself.

"No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. This CANNOT be happening. No, no, no, no no."

"Chloe, what's going on?" Oliver asked, trying to catch her attention as she continued running from monitor to monitor. "Chloe?"

She didn't answer him, ducking around him when he tried to get in the way.

"This isn't happening," she kept muttering to herself.

Suddenly, a message appeared on the main monitor.


Then all the screens went dark and the power went out. For a moment they all just stood frozen in the dark.

"What happened?" Oliver asked in shock.

"They just hacked me," Chloe replied in disbelief. "Whoever is running that network over in Reefside just hacked Watchtower."

"They what!" Oliver exclaimed. "But you said Watchtower was unhackable. Totally safe."

"I thought it was," she said slowly. "I don't really know what just happened."

The lights slowly started coming back on, flickering to life. The computers stayed off.

"How much did they get?" Clark asked.

Chloe didn't answer right away, she just kept looking at the monitor where the message had appeared.

"Chloe," Clark said insistently. "How much did they get?"

"Everything Clark," she answered finally. "They got everything."

"So they know who we are. They know who all of us are."

"Unfortunately, yes. But give me a few minutes to get the computers back up and see if I can salvage any traces of the hack."

Chloe started running from computer to computer again, rebooting them and trying to pull up anything she could find. Clark and Oliver watched her become more and more frustrated. Finally, she just sat down in front of the main computer and put her head in her hands.

"It's gone. It's all gone," she muttered. "How can it all be gone?"

"What's gone?" Clark asked.

"Everything," she replied, looking up at him. "All of my hard drives have been erased. They even got the backups. And what's worse, they went through everything first. Whoever hacked Watchtower knows exactly who we are now."

"Do you have any idea who they were?" Oliver asked.

"No," she said shaking her head. "They were too fast. But I know it was the same person running the scan over Reefside, so it has to originate from there. Let me see if I can find any other connections before we make our move."

So Chloe pulled up the internet and started doing searches, trying to find out anything else she could about the attacks in Reefside and the lizard-men. Oliver and Clark watched for a few minutes without interruption.

"Chloe, we'd better get going," Clark said impatiently, finally interrupting. "We can't afford to have that information get out into public hands. It'll jeopardize everything we've been working toward."

"I know Clark, but I think I've got something. I found some connections between the lizard-men and a secret research project that went dormant years ago. And one of the researchers just so happens to have a permanent address in Reefside."

"I guess his work isn't so dormant after all," Oliver said. "And if there are more of those things out there, they could cause a lot of problems. We've got to get to the bottom of this before it gets out of control."

"So who is he, Chloe?" Clark asked.

"His name is Dr. Thomas Oliver."