Disclaimer: Finally! I can get this story started, sorry if it's really bumpy. Haven't published anything in ages! I do not own anything but the plot to this story. Please R&R. - HQ

Chapter One

The cool wind blew her long ebony hair back from her creamy shoulders, she closed her eyes, her long dark lashes made her complexion in the moonlight stand out even more, she was wearing a strapless black dress, her heels had been left at the door. She had her hands resting on the balcony railing, she let out a content sigh. She smiled softly. Her opal eyes fluttered open when she felt his presence next to her. Hinata Hyuga tilted her head to the side admiring the tall man next to her, he was wearing a black suit pants with a black dress shirt and a bright red tie, his dark hair was messy, his onyx eyes met hers.

"I apologize." Sasuke Uchiha said quietly not looking away from the lights glowing in the distance, "I did not know there was anyone out here."

"O-oh, you're fine." Hinata said blushing madly, she knew of Sasuke Uchiha, he was the love of her life's best friend, Naruto Uzumaki and the Uchiha had gone to school together as children. It wasn't a surprise that he was here. It was after all Naruto's wedding, she had come to support both him and Sakura both. They looked happy together, even though it killed her to know he never gave her the chance she wanted so badly.

"Hn." Sasuke replied, she turned away from him and closed her eyes again, the crisp autumn air felt nice against her skin, her mind was racing on what she would say to Naruto when she finally got the nerve to talk to him. She opened her eyes again, he was still there quietly watching the city. She looked away nervously blushing, she wasn't sure why he was still here.

Sasuke glanced at the young girl next to him, Hinata Hyuga, he had known her in school when they were kids. He never actually spoke to her, he knew she had always had a thing for Naruto just by the way she simply blushed whenever the obnoxious blonde would look her way. Sasuke had to admit she was gorgeous, her hair was long and silky, her eyes wide and curious, she had soft looking skin, he was almost tempted to reach out and touch her shoulders. Feeling uncomfortable with those thoughts he looked back at the city.

Hinata felt uncomfortable with the silence, should she say something? She knew the Uchihas weren't popular with talking, her father Hiashi Hyuga had done business with Sasuke's father before and noted this afterward to his family. She inhaled deeply, the air smelled of fallen leaves and wet earth, it was a heavenly scent.

"I've always loved this time of year." Sasuke said next to her, she jumped slightly, she hadn't expected him to talk much to her.

"Me too..." Hinata said quietly, she bit her lip, she hoped she hadn't sounded like another girl. Only agreeing with him because he was Sasuke Uchiha, he glanced at her for a moment before staring ahead.

"Odd, you always struck me as someone who enjoyed the spring." He replied.

"I-I like both I guess." Hinata said with a slight laugh, she felt ridiculous, she was stuttering, she was positive she had that problem solved.

"Hn." Was his only response. Hinata turned her back to the city, she had left both balcony doors wide open, the only furniture in the partially empty room was a table, an overly stuffed couch and two high back sitting chairs. Hinata looked at the man next to her, she was feeling uncomfortable by the silence again.

"They looked happy together..." She said mostly to herself, he turned his back to the city and leaned against the railing, her pale eyes were staring off into space. Sasuke sensed a sadness in her voice, why wouldn't she be sad? The man she had obviously cared deeply and possibly loved just married another woman in front of her. Judging just by her voice he could tell how much she loved the dobe.

"I'm sorry." Sasuke said, it was all he could think of.

"For?" Hinata asked, she tilted her chin up so she could look at him, the moonlight was the only light illuminating them, she observed his handsome features, his eyes were the most fascinating part about him, they were so mysterious.

"I... don't know." Sasuke said, his eyes swept over her beautiful features, her lips were so tantalizing, they were a pale pink and looked tempting to kiss. He shook his head slightly looking off to his right away from her. He wondered briefly if the effects of the champagne he had drank was affecting him. He looked to her again. She was biting her lip nervously, fuck it was tempting to kiss her!

"Sit with me?" Hinata finally asked him, she motioned to the chairs, Sasuke considered it before nodding. It's not like he had anything else planned, the party was still going full swing downstairs and everyone knew that Sasuke Uchiha wasn't a party boy. She made a motion to move toward the chairs but was stopped when she felt a hand on her wrist.

"I'd rather stand." Sasuke said taking a step toward her. Hinata bit her lip again, her heart started racing in her chest, she had always pictured something like this but with Naruto, not Sasuke.

"O-okay." Hinata said blushing, Sasuke found this cute he reached out with his other hand and stroked her cheek softly.

"He's an idiot you know?" He whispered softly, Hinata locked eyes with him.

"W-what?" She asked, she felt like she could pass out at any moment.

"Naruto, oblivious to an angel on earth. How could someone not notice you?" Sasuke said leaning closer, his mind was all jumbled, this wasn't like him. He was Sasuke freaking Uchiha, he wasn't romantic or caring, he had his share of girls in his day, but none of them made him feel so light and content.

"O-oh, I'm n-not that pretty, not like Sakura-chan." Hinata said softly. Sasuke studied her face, he ran his thumb across her jawline.

"Shh." He said, and with that he leaned in and captured her lips, his left hand was on the back of her neck and his right hand was stroking her jawline, Hinata's heart skipped a beat, she felt him gently lick her bottom lip begging for entrance. She nervously parted her lips allowing his tongue to explore her mouth. She so badly wanted to push him away, to tell him it was wrong, he was Naruto's best friend! But instead she tangled her fingers in his black hair, oh screw it, she returned his curious kisses earning a soft moan from the man.

He pulled away, both of them were panting, he rested his forehead against hers, their eyes locked in an intense staring contest.

"You truly are an angel." Sasuke said to her, "my tenshi."

Yes! It felt great to actually put it out there, I got the inspiration from listening to "18th Floor Balcony" by Blue October, if you haven't heard the song I would suggest you listen to it. First published story in four years. Omg, it feels weird! I would love to hear what everyone thought, I'm nervous that it's not as great as it seems, like I pointed out my writing is rusty. Should I continue it and make more chapters or just leave it as a one-shot? - HQ