
Katniss Everdeen is living a perfect life. She is young, beautiful, and an ideal woman that every man would dream of having. Any man that can have her as a girlfriend would definitely not ask for anything more, and that man is Cato Hadley. The perfect man for a perfect woman.

Katniss and Cato have been together their whole lives. They grew up next to each other as neighbors and become playmates. They both attend the same school from elementary to senior high. And even though they go to different universities in their college life, they still managed to keep their communication consistent and regular. They both refer to each other as the best friend they could ever have.

They both finished their education and now living together in an apartment at Manhattan. Katniss works as an intern in one of the law firms in New York, while Cato is working as a barista and after a year is able to save enough to establish his own café.

For Katniss, her life can never be any better especially when she's with the one she loves.

For Cato, all he wants is to give Katniss a life that she deserves. He's been saving up money since the first time Katniss agreed to be his girlfriend in their senior prom, and now, they are together for almost 5 years.

Life for them is close to perfect. As they are both living together with someone they truly love and surely wants to spend the rest of their lives with.

-Chapter I-

Katniss is on her way to Cato's café just a few blocks away from her work. She cannot wait to see him. Today is their 5th anniversary and she can't help but feel ecstatic. Cato always have a surprise for her when it's their anniversary.

She's 2 blocks away when she felt her phone vibrate inside her pockets, she reached for her phone and instantly feel more excited, "Hey baby! I'm nearly there."

Cato is now preparing to close his café, "Good. I think you'll be very happy with what I've prepared for tonight."

"Sounds tempting. But then again, you always make me happy."

Cato smiled to himself, happy about his girlfriend's remark, "I do whatever I can for my baby." He look at the door when he heard the chimes and see a grinning Katniss in front of him.

"I know, and I couldn't ask for more."

Cato approached Katniss and shared a kiss. "I've missed you."

Katniss smiled at Cato sweetly and put both her arms around his neck, "I've missed you."

They stayed standing looking at each other's eyes. Cato, stroked Katniss' cheeks, "I've got something special for you. But first, we have to get home."

They locked up the café and hail a cab. Half an hour later, they arrived at their apartment with Cato stopping Katniss before going in. "Close your eyes."

Katniss just nod, as Cato led their way inside. Once inside, Cato turn on the light and music start to play, echoing inside the whole place. "Open them."

Katniss gently open her eyes and see neon lights in the living room forming a single word. ME? She looks at Cato with a confused expression and he just smiled at her.

Cato grabbed her hands and kiss it, "Come on'. It starts on the bedroom bathroom."

When they get to the bathroom inside their bedroom, Katniss see neon lights forming the word WILL.

"I'll go prepare our food." Cato kiss her cheek and left the room. She go and see the neon lights in their bed forming the word YOU.

She then go out to the hallway and see a path of neon lights on the floor flashing the word, MARRY.

Slowly, emotions are creeping to burst inside of her as she make her way back to the living room. When Katniss get there, she sees a kneeling Cato and she cannot contain her emotion anymore and run towards him.


Cato is laughing as he stroked the back of his girlfriend and calm her down. When he feel that Katniss is now calm and just sobbing lightly, he broke their embrace and face her, he slowly position himself to kneel and hold out an engagement ring.

Katniss is still shaking but try her best to keep herself calm and still.

"Katniss Everdeen. We have been officially together for five years. And I can tell you, that I've never been happier and feel content whenever I'm with you. But personally, I consider us being together our whole lives. And now, I'm planning to stay with you forever until the end of my days. So, will you marry me?"

Katniss not being able to speak because of overwhelming emotions, just nod and Cato put the ring in her finger.

And without wasting any moment, Cato lift Katniss while they share a passionate kiss. But, break it off before they get carried away from the overwhelming feeling they both experiencing right now. In the five years they've been together, Katniss and Cato promised to each other not to engage in sexual intercourse until they are married.

Cato made dinner for them and they ate in a candlelight dinner. And as they always do, they end their beautiful night with dancing slowly in each other's arms.

"This is the most memorable night of my life." Cato said, "Except, of course the day when we get married."

Katniss looked up at Cato's face and stare at him intensely, "I know. And I can't wait for that day to come." Katniss sigh, "You have been and forever will be the one for me Cato Hadley."

Cato return Katniss' gaze, "And I couldn't be happier."

Cato gently lower his head to meet Katniss' lips. They kiss gently and sweetly. As the first of the days they spend the rest of their lives together is about to begin.

And Katniss can't help but think to herself, that no one or nothing can tear them apart, nothing.