So this is my first fanfiction ever and I'll hope you like it.
Please review so I know if I should keep writing

And English is not my native language so I may make mistakes and I apologize! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own One tree hill

Summary: Nathan Scott and Haley James couldn't stand each other.
Nathan hates Haley and Haley hates Nathan, but they still share the same friends, which are determined that Nathan and Haley have underlying feelings for each other.
At a party these friends gets tired of Haley and Nathan's never ending bickering and denial and makes a bet with Nathan and Haley.
They would act like a couple and do all the things couples do, like kissing cuddle, talk to each other on the phone, holding hands etc, without falling in love with each other.
Both Nathan and Haley are stubborn like hell so they agree on proving their friends wrong
Nathan and Haley find it harder than they thought to prove their friends wrong.

Chaper 1

"HALEY! We're going to be late" Haley heard Lucas voice coming from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a sec" she shouted back.

She took a last look in the mirror before she left, she looked pretty good she thought to herself. She was wearing a pair of bright blue jeans and a white top that left a lot to the imagination. Her curly blonde-brown hair was in a ponytail and her makeup was what you called perfection.
She grabbed her bag, closed her bedroom door and started walking down the stairs.

"Hales can you hurry up a little we're going to be late for school" Lucas said

"Good morning to you too Luke" she said with sarcasm in her voice as they walked to his car.

"Sorry Hales, it's just that my new teacher is going to kill me if I'm late for our meeting"

"Sorry Lucas, I forgot about your meeting with her, I heard she's a real bitch" Haley said as she sat down in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, she's like a freaking bomb with claws that will explode every time you do something wrong"

Haley just laughed "A freaking bomb with claws?"

Lucas to laughed at his own words, "what it's a pretty good description, just ask anyone"

"Yeah, I sure will" Haley said still laughing.

The rest of the ride they just talked about random things to make the time go.
When they got to the parking lot Haley thanked Luke for the ride and gave him a quick hug.

"Bye geek" Lucas said smiling before he left

"Bye jerk" Haley said back.

Haley just got to her locker when somebody screamed "Tutor girl!"
Haley turned around to see her two best friends and her worst enemy.
Brooke and Peyton hugged her hard while Nathan just stood there not caring about her at all and it suited her great.

"So we missed you yesterday, tutor girl" Brooke said

Haley was about to respond but Nathan was first.

"No we didn't" he said "Actually it was the best day ever, I mean how much better can life get without Haley" Nathan continued with a happy smile thinking about that he didn't had to spend a single second listening to Haley for the entire night.

Haley ignored his comment and said "Yeah I'm sorry but it was Quinn's last night before she and Clay had to go back to New York and I won't meet her in like forever so…but I missed you too, almost everyone" she said and gave Nathan a dirty look.

"Oh that really hurt, Hales" he said with a pretending sad voice.

"God Nathan how many times do I have to tell you, stop calling me that!"

"So I'm not allowed to say it but everyone else are?"

"Yeah, well last time I checked you're not my friend, so yeah you're not allowed to call me that"

"Okay, fine Hales"

"Nathan…" Haley started with an angry voice, but Peyton cut her of saying "Both of you stop before it gets worse and.."

Peyton was cut off by the bell.
"Yeah Peyton is right, both of you stop before the sexual tension gets worse and you two end up at the floor making out"

"THE SEXUAL WHAT!" BOTH Nathan and Haley said both looked like they were going to threw up.

Peyton and Brooke laughed at their friends faces.
"You can't deny it forever, guys" Brooke said

Haley almost throwing up at Brookes words, said "Whatever, we need to go to class or we'll be late and the freaking bomb with claws will be after us" trying to change the subject while she took her stuff from her locker and then started walking.

"Freaking bomb with claws?" Peyton asked confused laughing at Haley's words
together with Brooke, and Nathan smiled a little bit too, sure not showing Haley.

"That's what Lucas says about the new teacher" Haley laughed before opening the classroom door.


Nathan was sitting at the lunch table with Brooke and Peyton laughing
at the story Brooke was telling them.

"No it can't be true" Peyton laughed

"Yeah you should ask him the next time he visit us" Brooke laughed

"What's so funny?" Lucas said while he sat down next to Brooke and Peyton.
And Haley sat down on Brookes other side.

"Brooke was just telling us a story about her cousin" Nathan laguhed.

"Is it the one when he got to drunk at a party and begun talking to a flower about all his life problems?" Lucas asked smiling remembering the story Brooke told him not so long ago.

"Yeah" Brooke said laughing.

Lucas loked at Brookem gave her a quick kiss but Brooke deepened it.

"Hugh, do you guys need to do that now" Nathan said with disgust.

"Yes" the both said without stopping.

Nathan looked at Haley and saw that she was just as grossed out as he was seeing her two best fiends making out, but it was still worse for him considering Lucas was his brother.
"Feeling comfortable?" He asked Peyton and Haley who sat next to the couple.

"Yeah, you know what I'm going to find Jake" Peyton said hurrying up from her seat.

"Have fun!" Haley teased knowing that Peyton was going to do the same thing with Jake.

"You too" she said back before leaving giving her a teasing smile.

Nathan saw Haley stand up and going around the table to sit next to him.
"What are you doing?" He asked Haley

"Even though I hate being this close to you it bets sitting next to them and I'm pretty sure I just got someone's drool at me" she said looking once again like she was going to threw up.

"If that's your excuse, Hales" Nathan said teasing her.

"First I told you to stop calling me that, second that was not an excuse!" Haley said with a little bit anger in her voice

"Sure Hales" Nathan said with a smirk loving to tease her like this.

"Nathan!" Haley said angrier and a little bit higher.

And that's when Lucas and Brooke Finally broke apart.
"Hey, when did you move over there?" Lucas said confused.

Oh my god Haley thought before leaving her almost uneaten food.

Haley was with Brooke and Peyton in Peyton's room eating ben & jerry's ice cream having what they called a girl talk.

"Seriously, I'm really sorry Haley, Lucas and I didn't mean to do that we just.."

"You were just too busy making out and practically having sex at our lunch table, that you forgot about me... and Nathan but he's not that impotratant"

"But.. hey I'm sorry for leaving you alone with Nathan but P. Sawyer is also guilty , I mean she was probably having sex with Jake in an empty classroom"

"I was not!, but, yeah I'm sorry to Haley" Peyton said

"It's okay guys, as long as you don't do it again" Haley said, not being able to stay mad at her friends any longer.

"Okay, so now when everything is fine, there is a party we have to go to tonight, everyone else is going and it's going to be awesome!" Brooke said happily clapping her hands.

"Everyone?" Haley said not looking as happy as Brooke

"Yes, tutor girl, boytoy is going to be there to and don't say that you won't go because you're coming even if I have to carry you the whole damn way"

"I'll think about it" Haley tried.

"Oh no you're coming" Peyton said

"Okay, fine"

Haley, Peyton and Brooke plus Anna and Mille, two of their friends from school had just arrived at the party and was now looking for the boys.
Everyone except Haley was really excited and happy to be here, but if she could decide she'd be home lying in her bed and watching a movie.

"Hey" Brooke said, "if you're going to look that sad the entire night, was, was the point with your make up which took me half an hour to do just so you would look sexier while smiling?, so smile tutor girl"

"Oh look there's Luke" Haley said lucky that she saw him right now so she didn't have to deal with Brookes worries about her, but maybe Brooke were right, maybe I should just try to enjoy the time.

"Hi Broody" she heard Brooke said using his nickname made by Brooke.
Behind Luke and Brooke she saw Nathan and she couldn't deny that he looked good, he was wearing light blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt and you could she his muscle through the thin matrial she meet his gaze and he quickly looked away and she woke up from the trance she must have fallen in, because there was no other explanation why she was checking Nathan out, did I just really though he looked goods? Haley asked herself,
Looking back at Nathan she saw that he was
talking to a girl who was standing next to him.
Haley rolled her eyes once a player always a player she thought.
Haley made her way to the bar and let her friends be alone for a little while.

"Hi Broody" Nathan heard Brooke said and looked the way her voice was coming from but his eyes stopped at the person behind her, who was Haley wearing a tight, sexy but still beautiful dark blue dress, that was thigh highand framed her curves perfectly.
He looked up at her face, just to see how beautiful her hair was as it was in some sort of braiding. He then notice that Haley was looking right at him, he quickly looked away and started a conversation with a girl standing next to him, but he didn't pay any attention in listening in what she was saying, God did I just checked Haley out, what is wrong with me? Ugh I seriously used Haley, sexy and beautiful in the same thought, ugh. Nathan simple was disgusted by himself.
He fast got bored of talking to the blond girl standing in front of him and made an excuse so he could get away. At first he looked for his friends, they probably left while I was talking to that girl. He kept looking, but when he didn't see them anywhere he decided to go to the bar and buy a drink,
he made his way over to the bar just to collide with a petite body, he saw it was Haley and he looked around the room hoping no one of their friends saw that they were standing so close to each other, They would just think that it was something more going on, while he was doing that he saw what he thought was Haley's old boyfriend and asked her about it.

Haley had just drunk up her drink and was now going to look for her friends so she turned around to find herself collide with a hard body, before she could see how it was he started talking.
Isn't that your old boyfriend, Hales? Haley heard Nathan ask

Now understanding who it was she took a few steps back before answering him
"Stop calling me that, but yeah, what about him?" Haley asked

"I was just thinking about how stupid and blind he must be, I mean who would date you willingly?" he said with a smirk

"Well, you'd be surprised and at least I'm not someone pretending to be a player when he haven't get laid in weeks" she said smiling back at him.

"Yeah well at least I've slept with someone" he said back with a little anger in his voice, he was tired of everyone thinking he was a player, He had changed since last year.

"Oh no Nathan you have not just slept with someone, you've slept with every bitch in Tree Hill High or actually you've slept with every bitch in Tree hill"

"Actually I haven't, considering you're the biggest bitch in Tree Hill"

"Yeah well, being the biggest bitch in Tree hill beats being the biggest jackass in Tree hill" Haley said walking away from him.

Nathan turned around and started walking in the other direction muttering "Bitch"

What both Haley and Nathan didn't know was that Brooke, Peyton, Lucas and Jake watched their fight and Peyton said "We seriously need to do something"
"Yeah and I think I know what" Brooke said with a smile

A while later Haley, Nathan, Lucas, Brooke, Peyton, Jake and a couple of their other friends from school was sitting outside on the grass.
Haley and Nathan was sitting as far away from each other as they could.
The group of friends were enjoying the silence and the cold air for a couple of minutes before Brooke cleared her throat and said "Okay… Nathan and Haley we saw your little fight inside for not so long ago.."

"Yeah so what about it?, we fight all the time, you should be used to it by now" Nathan said wondering what Brooke was up to.
"Actually, we're tired of it" Lucas said

"So?" Haley joined the conversation wondering what her friends were going so say.

"We want to make a bet with you two" Brooke said

"What do you want to bet about?" Haley asked a bit confused.

"We bet that you can't act like a couple without falling in love" Brooke said

"WHAT?!, seriously guys there is no underlying feelings between Nathan and I and why do you have to think that?, it driving me insane!"

"Well, prove us wrong then" Peyton said with a 'you're-so-going-to-lose-this-bet' smile.

Everyone was quite while Nathan and Haley looked at each other trying to decide what they were going to do.
"Let's do it" Nathan said breaking the silence while he was looking right at Haley waiting for an answer.

"No, I won't pretend that I'm together with you" she said back looking back at him.

"You don't have to pretend to be together with him, you just have to act like you're together, you can tell people about the bet" Jake said.

"Wait, for how long do we have to do this?" Nathan questioned

"Two months" everyone said

"Gush, for how long have you planned this?" Haley asked

"Since your fight earlier" Brooke said

"Let me guess, you were the one that came up with this idea?"

"Yup" Brooke said proudly

"So what do you say, Tutor girl?"

Haley still didn't say anything, she couldn't think clear.
"Think about it Haley, if we can stand each other for two months, the will finally stop saying that there is underlying feelings and stuff and then we can go back to living our separated lives" Nathan said

"Or You will end up together and live happily ever after" Brooke said

"Oh my god, we don't love each other, Brooke" Haley said.

"Prove it"

"Okay, fine let's do" Haley said not looking to happy.

"So what exactly do we have to do?" Nathan questioned

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