You Wake Up In Aaa…

Summary: Jimmy ends up in Aaa, comes down with a virus, changes his name, gets a very unlikely girlfriend, and bends the fate of the Adventure Time world to his liking. What could go wrong?

A/N: Ok, so this is my first fan fiction I have ever posted, so go easy on me. I can't decide on whether to make this Finn x Fionna or Finn x FP, so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. This is an Adventure Time/[Prototype] crossover because of the OC and something later in the story. Anyway, enough of the chitchat for now; let's get this show on the road. No, I do not have a beta.

Chapter 1

"Whoa, girl, stay back! You don't know who guy is."

"But, dude! He could be human!"

"Calm down, sugar. We-"

"I know, I know... Tell PG first."

"I'll go run and tell him. You stay here and watch him."

'Huh? Who're they? Whoa, why do I feel like I got hit by a bus?' Jimmy groaned aloud, trying to get up. His muscles screamed at him in white-hot pain and he winced. He heard a feminine voice say, "Don't try to get up. At least, not 'til Cake gets back with the prince."

Jimmy groaned once again and lay flat on his back. He didn't even try to open his eyes because he got the feeling he'd be blinded by the light. Soon, though, he drifted back into slumber...

"What's going on, ladies?"

"Gumball, we found this dude layin' here when I stepped out of the Treefort to go see FP!"

Jimmy grumbled and groaned and stirred. He reached about to the sides, too much asleep to even think about pain, and tried to grasp something. "Left... 'Venture Time... On," he mumbled.

"What'd he say?"

"I don't know, girl."

This time, Jimmy covered his ears and grumbled to himself, "Darned TV... I'll have to get up and turn it off myself."

He shuffled on the ground, but found something rather odd. He came to three conclusions; one, he wasn't on his couch; he was in the grass. Two, he wasn't watching Adventure Time; because there was no TV outside. Finally... he was pretty sure he heard Fionna's voice! His mahogany eyes shot open, looking up at a vividly clear blue sky that was dotted by white clouds.

But, what startled him most were the three people staring down at him. One was an adolescent his age, about 15 and had on a navy blue short skirt with a baby-blue shirt with sleeves coming slightly over her elbows and a green backpack, another was a calico cat with blue eyes (the size of a bobcat, no less), looking at him inquisitively, and lastly, there was a man, dressed in a pink suit. The suit looked like something one would wear to a formal ball in the renaissance, but his skin was a shade of pink that threw Jimmy off. His eyes, too, were a bright shade of magenta. He had shiny bubblegum pink (heheh, pun) hair, too.

He shot up, ultimately giving him a head rush. He groaned as blue, violet, and green dots marred his vision for a few seconds. As his vision cleared, he saw much more realistic versions of Fionna, Cake, and Prince Gumball. Slack jawed by what he's seeing, Jimmy gaped. Fionna waved her hand in front of his face, "Hey, dude? You okay?"

With a numb nod from Jimmy, Fionna went on enthusiastically, "So... You a human? You look like it! What's your name?"

Again, the brunet groaned, "In order? Yes; indeed I do; James, or any variation; preferably Jimmy or Jim."

"Excuse me, sir," Gumball started, "If you would please, there are samples at the lab I must test with a human subject. Though, Fionna has refused several times."

Deciding glaring wouldn't get him anywhere, he tried thick sarcasm, "Just met me and you're already asking me for experiments? Usually I'm asked to dinner first."

A muffled snicker behind him caused a smirk. "Well, now, Bubba. Who's this? Is he your new guinea pig or something?"

"I prefer the term 'subordinate', Marshall. I'm not a mad scientist; I am a man of humane science."

"Ha!" Marshall laughed, "Alright, alright, pretty boy. Who's this new 'subordinate' of yours?"

The brunet spoke up, "James... or any variation you like."

There was a pause for Marshall Lee to examine Jimmy for a moment before saying, "So, Jim, what hole have you been living in for the entirety of the Mushroom War? More importantly, how are you even alive? I'm the immortal Vampire King and I struggled to survive in the earlier days."

"To be honest; well, I don't know. I think I come from a completely different dimension. I mean, where I come from, y'all are just a television show," Jimmy said.

The four others gave Jimmy a look of such confusion, it was near palpable. "It's true," he started, "In the dimension I'm from; you guys are in a show me and my sis watch, 'Adventure Time!'"

Fionna had a calculating look on her face as Jimmy thought, 'Wow, they're so much more awesome in person… I wonder if Finn and Jake are more awesome, too.' "Well... We've heard weirder," Fionna said slowly before getting in the brunet's face, "But, if you're lying and try anything, I'll bunk you up!"

The only answer she received was a slight whimper and a falsetto, "Got it!"

Clearing his throat, Gumball said, "Now then, shall we head to my lab for the experiment?"

"Ugh, fine," Jimmy said with a huff.

So, they headed off to the Candy Kingdom.

Meanwhile in Ooo...

Finn trudged back to the Treefort, head hanging down. He slowly opened the door and crossed the treasure room until he came to the ladder leading to the kitchen. There, Jake was drinking tea while gathering ingredients for Finn's favorite dinner, Spaghetti, to celebrate his prophetic Cosmic Owl dream. That is, until he saw Finn walking with his head held low. "Hey, Finn. What's the matter, bro?"

"I blew it, Jake..."


"I said I blew it, Jake!" Finn shouted, "I did what you said and set FP and Ice King to fight! But, it was all wrong. She almost killed him! Then, I had to tell her I set it up. Then...! Then..."

Finn's voice broke, as did his pride. He began to cry, "I really donked up, Jake... I really, really did."

"Aw, Finn, don't blame yourself. You didn't know how this would pan out," Jake reassured him.

Jake had always had to deal with his brother's strong sense of morality. It always concerned him deeply because that same sense was so strong, it was almost crippling. If Finn thought he'd done something morally wrong, he would go nearly insane from the guilt. "Jake," Finn whimpered, "Tell me I did the right thing..."



Jake frowned, "There's nothing wrong with what you did, bro."

"Wrong," Finn whispered, "I broke Flame Princess' heart."

Back in Aaa...

Jimmy walked into the Candy Castle and was, simply put, awestruck. It was much more impressive than he first thought. When they got to Gumball's lab, he found it, too, was more intricate than originally depicted. Beakers and papers with complex formulae scribbled on them littered the area. But, in the very back of the lab, was a small steel beaker in a clear containment unit, obviously frozen by the layers of frost on it.

A single plaque beneath the glass of the container labeled the beaker "Blacklight". Jimmy narrowed his eyes, thinking, 'Why is that so familiar?' Gumball walked over to it and pressed a few buttons before a short hiss came from the container. The glass box lifted and he reached in with some heavy gloves. Upon taking it out, Gumball spoke as he heated up the substance and put it into a syringe, "This is a virus from before the Mushroom War. Actually, it's DNA; infected DNA of a human who hosted the virus. This sample has been passed from generation to generation of candy royalty in hopes of developing a cure or at least a vaccination. Of course, none of my predecessors were successful because there were no humans to help with the tests, but now, you're here."

"So, we're both in the dark? You've never tested this on another human?" the brunet human questioned.

The candy prince smiled nervously, "Well... No, we haven't."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed in frustration and said, "Fine. I'll do this little experiment, but if I die, I'll haunt you all!"

Gumball nodded and pushed the syringe needle into Jimmy's arm. As soon as the substance was injected, a burning pain spread from his arm to his entire body. His entire body tensed as the pain began to increase. The pain got to the point where Jimmy fell to the floor, squirming under the pain. Hugging himself, the brunet's world went dark.

When he came to, Jimmy noticed he felt significantly more energetic. He immediately bounced up off the surface he was on, which was a bed, and laughed playfully at how much energy he had to spare. 'It's like I'm lighter than a feather!' he thought. He noticed his Pink Floyd t-shirt discarded on the floor, but he still had his jeans and tennis shoes on. On further investigation, he noticed the back of his forearms had very large veins that glowed a mix of crimson and gold.

He yelped in surprise and looked in the mirror. He didn't look any different, save being slightly more muscular, but when he turned around to look at his back, he saw a design glowing the same color, in the shape the resembled a dragon. Slowly, he walked over to his shirt and put it on; the dragon design was still glowed visibly through the shirt. Then, the door to the bedroom opened and there stood Gumball, Fionna, and Cake. Fionna spoke up first, "Are you... Okay, Jim?"

"I... Think? I'm not sure," he said, dazed and looking at his hands.

Suddenly, Gumball had gloved hands in Jimmy's mouth, prying at his teeth, "Strange. Nothing in the configuring of teeth or taste buds has changed."

He grabbed the human's arm and observed the glowing vein that wrapped around his arm, "Extraordinary!"

Very quickly, the candy prince sliced away a piece of skin. The dent where skin used to be quickly filled back up without even a scar. "Extraordinary," Gumball murmured as he gazed at the patch of flesh, "Ahem, I must take this to my lab to examine it. It may take a while; if you'll excuse me."

When the candy man walked out, it just left Jimmy, Fionna, and Cake. They sat in silence for a bit, which gave the brunet the opportunity to gaze upon Fionna and Cake's features in depth. Cake was more or less a bobcat-sized calico cat that could talk, so other than looking more realistic, nothing was too surprising to him. Fionna, however, looked a bit different. Her outfit was as it was in the show, but she had a more defined feminine figure.

The lock of golden-blonde hair that peeked from under her white bunny ears hat was still there, but a lot of hair leaked out the back of her hat. Deciding not to be a creep anymore, he said, "So... Am I gonna have to stay in the castle? Because I have nowhere to go."

"Well..." she drifted, but said, "I guess if you don't like the royal treatment, me and Cake have a spare room at the Treefort if you wanna come live with us for a while."

Jimmy smiled at her thoughtfully, "Sure. I'll take you up on it. Thank you, Fionna."

'I think I could live with living here...'