A/N: I know I said that I was writing a Neric story, which I am, but this popped into my head and wouldn't go away, which believe me was annoying when I was writing my other story. Anyways, this is a story about Kensi and Deeks! I hope you enjoy it.


Disclaimer:I do not own NCIS:LA or the characters, but I do own the plot.

They had decided to keep it a secret and as far as they knew it was a well-kept secret between three people. Kensi knew that keeping it a secret would not be able to last much longer.

It had been two years and three months since Hetty had given her okay by way of a piece of paper that said Sunshine and Gunpowder.

Two years and one month since they had finally given in to their thing and admitted their feelings to each other.

Two years since they made it official and started dating, deciding to keep it a secret.

One year and ten months since they first said I love you to each other.

One year and seven months since Deeks moved into Kensi's house.

One year and four months since their first Valentine's Day together with lots of chocolates for Kensi, a sweet card for Deeks, and perfect dinner out for the two of them.

One year and two months since Deeks went to Kensi's mom and Hetty to ask permission to marry Kensi. (Of course they said yes. They were both glad to see Deeks and Kensi so happy.)

One year and one month since their first anniversary, since Deek's proposal on the beach as the sun rose and Kensi had said yes and tears of happiness leaked out of her eyes, and since Kensi had worn her ring to work, not thinking of what everyone would think. Luckily no one noticed, except Hetty who congratulated them. After that, they decided to get a chain so that she could wear the ring around her neck instead of her finger.

Six months since they decided to get married in six months and that the only witnesses would be Hetty, Kensi's mom, and Monty.

One month since the wedding was all planned.

One week since Kensi found out she was pregnant.

Five days since Kensi told Deeks who was ecstatic to have little mutant ninja assassins running around soon.

One day since they became husband and wife and each got a ring to wear on the chains around their necks.

Kensi knew the secret would not last forever. They both knew it. Kensi was hoping that she would not immediately be put on desk duty, so she asked Deeks to keep her pregnancy a secret, at least for a little while. He did not want to, but he eventually agreed.

At work today, Kensi kept subconsciously putting her had where the baby bump would start to form. Hetty noticed, but no one else did.

Right after the briefing finished for their next case, Hetty spoke up, "I think Kensi should sit this case out." Kensi did not argue and Deeks did not question her, but all Callen, Sam, Eric, and Nell glanced at Hetty with confused looks. Callen, being the leader, finally spoke up, "Why?... And why did you just call Kensi by her first name? You never do that."

"Perhaps, Mr. Callen, that is something you need to ask her." She looked at Kensi, "I'd like to speak to you and Mr. Deeks in my office…now." Kensi nodded her head. She looked a little green.

"I don't feel so well, Deeks," Kensi said and bolted from the room.

Everyone else in the room heard Deeks call after her as he too left the room, "Hey, you should stop calling me that, it's a little weird." Sam looked at everyone. "Any idea about what's going on?" Eric and Callen shook their heads, looking absolutely bewildered, but Nell was trying to hide a little smirk. Eric saw it, "Wait, a minute, why do you get to know, but we don't?" Nell's smirk turned into a full smile.

"Because I am female and there are certain things we understand before men do. Don't ask me to tell you," she said as she saw Eric open his mouth to speak, "because I'm not positive and it's their secret to tell, not mine."

"Their secret?" Eric and Callen asked at the same time, but Sam was starting to understand what Nell meant, and he could see it too.

Kensi was washing her face while Deeks stood behind her and rubbed her back. "I did not think that morning sickness was going to start this soon," Kensi said, sound extremely exasperated.

"Well, maybe it will only happen once."

"Wishful thinking, Deeks."

"You really need to stop calling me that. There's three Deeks' now."

"I can't start calling you Marty at work too because then they would know."

"They already know something is happening because of Hetty…. I think we should tell them. They're going to see your bump soon enough." Deeks smiled at the thought of their little baby.

"I don't want to tell them… Well, I want them to know, but I don't really want to tell them." Deeks' smile grew.

"I have the perfect idea."

A while later, Deeks and Kensi sat across Hetty in her office. Hetty offered them tea, but they politely declined. She sat and stared them down for just long enough to make them uncomfortable. They started thinking they were in trouble just as Hetty said, "I do believe that congratulations are in order." Her face turned from one of intimidation to a bright smile spread across it.

"Thank you," they said in unison.

"However, Mrs. Deeks, you are on desk duty until after your child arrives." Deeks breathed a sigh of relief. Kensi relented and said, "Okay."

"I think that your team deserves to know why you are on desk duty. They need to know everything."

"About that, we were wondering if you could help us…"

The case was a short one and was over before the end of the day. Callen and Sam did not want to do their paperwork, so they decided to figure out what was going on. They pestered Kensi for a while, but she seemed to be absorbed in her paperwork and was not answering them. They started bothering Deeks next, but he had the same reaction as Kensi. Nell walked in, wearing a half smirk, half-smile. She was holding a piece of paper.

"Hey, Kensi, can I talk to you?"

"Sure," Kensi said a little too fast, just wanting to get away from the questions. They left for the women's changing room. Once they were inside the room. Nell turned around and handed Kensi the piece of paper.

"Congratulations!" Nell said and gave her a hug. Kensi looked at the paper, not quite sure what she was being congratulated for, the marriage or the baby. It was a marriage certificate. "Since when were you two a couple?"

"Two years, but Nell there's more." Nell looked very confused and nodded her head for Kensi to go on. "You have to promise to keep it a secret. We are going to tell everyone soon, okay?"

"Okay," Nell said, looking even more confused.

"I'm pregnant too." Nell's look of confusion vanished and she laughed.

"Well, congratulations for that too, but I knew about that since you ran out of the room with Deeks following you."

"Does everyone else know?" Kensi asked, sounding worried.

"They are men…What do you think?" They both burst out laughing.

"We are telling everyone tomorrow with Hetty's help."

"Okay." Nell smiled and gave Kensi another hug. They walked back up the bullpen and Nell walked over to Deeks desk. She whispered in his ear, "Congratulation!" Deeks looked surprised for a second, but he knew that she would figure it out.

The next morning, Eric whistled to them, signaling the start of another case. Nell had been smiling since she had talked to Kensi and it was driving Sam, Callen, and Eric insane because no one would answer their questions. Kensi and Deeks were a bit nervous through the whole briefing, but they hid it well. Much like the day before, Hetty started talking as soon as the briefing was finished.

"Mr. and Mrs. Deeks, I need to see you in my office now." Hetty left and Deeks and Kensi took off after them.

Callen and Sam stood there in shock. Their mouths hung slightly open. "What?" Callen asked, not believing what Hetty had just said.

Eric had shock written all over his face, but he ran out of Ops and shouted after them, "Congrats guys!" Kensi slipped her hand into Deeks' and looked over her shoulder, mouthing, Thank you.

Nell stayed in Ops and laughed at how shocked they all were. Callen looked at Nell, "You knew, didn't you?" Nell just nodded her head as she laughed and gasped out, "Yesterday."

Down in Hetty's office, they were all drinking tea and laughing quietly about the shocked expression on their teammates' faces. They had never seen Hetty in such a good mood before.

Callen and Sam came storming down the stairs. "There was a wedding and I wasn't invited!?" Sam asked like that was the only thing that mattered.

"When?" Callen asked, still speaking in one syllable sentences.

"Two days ago, Sunday," Kensi answered as she pulled out her rings that hung around her neck and Deeks followed suit. Kensi once again slipped her hand into Deeks' and said, "There's another surprise, which is why I can't do field work."

"Okay," Sam said and made a go on motion with his hand. Kensi hesitated for a moment and looked at Deeks.

"There's three Deekses."

"You're pregnant?" Sam asked, once again completely shocked. Callen, now understanding, took a step backwards in shock.

"How did I not notice the difference in my team?" Callen murmured still completely stunned.

"Well, Mr. Callen, they lie for their job and the changes did not happen overnight. In fact it took them two years to get married…They also had me helping them out," Hetty said, smiling smugly. Once Callen saw that Hetty was okay with the relationship, he smiled and pulled Kensi into a hug.

"Congratulations you two," Callen said, still surprised, but no longer angry. How could he stay angry at his only kind of family?

"But you didn't invite me to your wedding?" Sam asks, still astounded by the fact that two of the people he spends the most time with managed to hide something this big from him. Kensi just shrugged and Deeks leaned into her smiling.

"It was quite a small wedding, just Hetty, Monty, and her mother."

"Well, congratulations guys, like three times, I'm happy for you two," Sam said, still not quite believing everything that had changed.

Life may have changed a lot for Kensi and Deeks, but one thing that remained the same was how Sam and Callen acted like big brothers to Kensi.

"Hey, Deeks," Sam growled after giving his congratulations, "come on, we are going to the gym." He dragged Deeks with him and Callen followed.

"Don't hurt him!" Kensi called after them, knowing that Deeks was about to get the long overdue 'Big Brother Talk'. She looked over to Hetty and they started to laugh thinking about how scared Deeks was going to be later.

A/N: I hope you liked it. Please leave a review and tell me how it was because this is my first Densi story and I really like feedback. Thank you so much for reading!
