A/N: Hey guys, if you are still reading this, Thank You! Also thank you for your reviews. I would not have written a second chapter if you hadn't told me to. Please R&R. I hope you like it!


It had been three months since the initial shock to the team. Callen hid his surprise quite well for the first month because the shock did not seem to want to wear off. Sam still joked about not being invited to the wedding, but he was not angry anymore.

Kensi was starting to show, but she tried to keep it hidden so that people would not treat her differently. In the last week, she had stopped trying to hide and now everyone could see her baby bump. Callen and Sam had finally realized that everything that had changed was real. Once again they were shocked, but they managed not to show it.

Today was Friday, a very, very special Friday for Deeks and Kensi. Today was the day of their first Ultrasound and they were going during their lunch break. Deeks was excited, but Kensi was very nervous about the baby being alright. They did not tell anyone what was going on and why they were acting strange.

They only told Hetty that they might be late getting back from lunch. She answered, "Your first Ultrasound? Good luck." Both Kensi and Deeks looked a little shocked, but of course Hetty would understand.

As lunch time approached, Deeks became more excited and Kensi became more nervous. Hetty noticed. Callen noticed. Sam noticed. Hetty did not say anything, at least for the time being because she already knew what was going on. Sam and Callen, on the other hand, would not leave them alone.

"What's up with you two?" Callen finally asked, becoming annoyed with the married junior agents' behavior. Deeks smiled reassuringly at Kensi. Kensi opened her mouth to respond with a truthful answer, but Hetty came out of the shadows.

"Take a long lunch break today." She turned to Kensi and smiled, "There's no need to worry Mrs. Deeks, I am sure everything will turn out just fine." She smiled mysteriously and turned on her heel and left. Sam looked over at Kensi, "Hey, is everything alright?"

"I hope so," Kensi responded as she grabbed her bag, motioning Deeks to follow her. They left the Office of Special Projects with Sam and Callen staring after them. Sam had a soft smile on his face. Michelle had been like that when they went for their first Ultrasound. Callen looked over at Sam and realized he knew what was going on. He shook his head and started to walk away.

Eric and Nell came down the stairs walking very closely together and laughing. Callen did not seem to notice and he simply stated, "We have a long lunch break." They both nodded.

"We will see you guys in a while then," Nell said, barely containing her smile. Eric had finally asked her out just a week ago and he was a true gentleman. Callen looked over towards Hetty and raised an eyebrow. She gave him a slight smile over her cup of tea. Callen looked back over to the Ops dream team and smiled when he saw they were holding hands.

Kensi and Deeks sat in the waiting room, holding hands.

"Mr. and Mrs. Deeks?" a nurse called and they followed her into the room. The doctor came in and smiled at the expecting parents.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Alison. Are you ready to start your Ultrasound?" Kensi nodded. "Okay, this is going to be a little bit cold." Kensi gasped as some of the blue gel hit her stomach, but she smiled as the Ultrasound picked up a heartbeat. Dr. Alison gasped and immediately Kensi's smile slipped from her face. Deeks looked over to Dr. Alison and asked in a whisper, "Why does the heartbeat sound abnormal?"

Dr. Alison had a bright smile on her face, "Everything looks perfectly fine with your babies." Kensi looked at Deeks to make sure she had heard right. Deeks looked at Kensi with a questioning look. Simultaneously they looked at Dr. Alison and asked in awed voices, "Babies?"

Dr. Alison's smile brightened. "Yes, triplets." Deeks and Kensi were shocked to say the least. When she had said babies they had mentally prepared themselves for twins, but this was more and Kensi finally decided even better. Deeks' bright smile betrayed that he was feeling the same way.

"Wow," Deeks whispered in an awed voice.

"Everything seems to be developing perfectly for your three little cuties… I'll give you a moment to process this while I go get the pictures for you to take home." Dr. Alison gave Kensi a tissue to wipe off the gel and she left the room. Kensi wiped off the gel, moving in slow motion. She looked up at Deeks and he looked back at her with pure love. Deeks leaned down and gave her a soft kiss, which she reciprocated.

Deeks pulled back and placed one of his hands on her face and one on the baby bump. Kensi smiled and placed her hands over his on her stomach.

"I guess we are going to have to get a few cribs and lots and lots of clothing," Deeks joked. Kensi smiled softly.

"This is going to be very hard…and amazing," Kensi said.

"Yes it will be, but we can do it." They could not seem to wipe the smile of their faces. Dr. Alison came back into the room and handed them a large envelope that had the pictures in it.

"Well, it was nice meeting all five of you," Dr. Alison said. "The next time I see you, I will be able to determine the sex of your babies." She smiled at them and lead them back to the waiting room to schedule their next appointment. Kensi and Deeks then went out for a quick lunch.

When Kensi and Deeks got back to the OSP, they were still shocked. They walked straight passed their desks and into Hetty's office. Callen and Sam looked at each other and saw that the other was scared. It had looked like something was really wrong. They knew better than to follow them, so they both tried to concentrate on their paperwork.

Hetty looked up as the two walked into her office. "Hetty, is it possible that we could take the rest the day off?"

"What happened at the appointment?" Her voice sounded almost harsh, but it was only because she was worried about the emotional health of her agents. Kensi, although still worried, smiled brightly. She reached down into her bag and grabbed out the pictures. She handed the clearest one of the triplets to Hetty. She took the picture and her face broke into a smile when she realized what she was looking at.

"Congratulations to the five of you, and yes you may have the rest of the day off to digest this information, but you have to tell the rest of the team before you leave." She nodded towards Sam and Callen. Kensi and Deeks looked over their shoulders and saw how worried they looked. They nodded at Hetty and she handed their precious photo back. They went up to Ops top get Nell and Eric.

They doors swished open and Kensi's and Deeks's mouths fell open in their second shock of the day. Nell and Eric were kissing…passionately. Nell happened to see them out of the corner of her eye and jumped away from Eric with a furious blush rising on her face. Kensi regained her composure first.

"Congrats guys. I'm glad you finally got it together," Kensi said with a smile.

"Yeah, umm, congrats," Deeks said somewhat awkwardly.

"Thanks," both Nell and Eric said.

"Um, we came up here to ask you to come downstairs for a little bit," Kensi said. Nell nodded and Deeks and Kensi beat a hasty retreat. As they walked down the stairs, they could not stop laughing at how embarrassed Nell and Eric had seemed.

Sam and Callen looked up and saw them laughing. They looked at each other with relief because they seemed okay, but also a bit of confusion at their change of mood. As they walked into the Bullpen, Callen looked up and asked in a suspicious voice, "What's going on?"

"We'll tell you as soon as Nell and Eric come downstairs when they are done kissing," Deeks said cheekily. Kensi punched him in the arm.

"You weren't supposed to tell them!" Callen smirked because he already knew.

"Really, them too?" Sam said, incredulous. The three other field agents smirked. Nell and Eric came down the stairs.

"So, what's up?" Eric asked as he approached the Bullpen.

"Other than you two being a couple, I'm actually not sure," Callen said, his smirk growing. The Ops dream team looked shocked for a moment, but then both of them glared at Deeks, knowing that Kensi would never rat them out.

"Well…"Kensi started.

"We went to have the first Ultrasound today," Deeks said finishing her thought. The rest of their team looked at them, scared that there was something wrong. Why else would they be gathered like this? Kensi took the picture out of the envelope and smiled when she saw the picture again. She handed the picture to Callen, who was closest and everyone else gathered around him.

Nell understood what it was before anyone else. "Oh my god, you guys are going to have your hands full. Congratulations." Quickly, the three guys understood. Congratulations went around. Deeks smiled. He was glad that he finally had a family that cared about them.

"Hey guys, good luck, you're going to need it. I could barely handle my first one," Sam said, smiling.

"Hey, Sunshine with our baby ninja assassins, we should head out and we should also call your mom." Kensi nodded.

"Have a good weekend everyone." They grabbed their bags. As they walked past Eric, Deeks leaned over and whispered, "We will talk on Monday. You better not hurt her in the meantime." All Eric could do was to nod his head. Nell laughed at her boyfriend, because she knew exactly what that whisper had been about.

When Kensi and Deeks were gone, they all looked at each other in shock.

"Three?" Callen asked.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story. Please tell me what you thought about it. Also should I write more of this story or leave it as is? Reviews are much appreciated.
