Hey! So this is my first-ish fanfic! I really like the couple Cana and Laxus, and I've had an idea for this story for a while. I'm not sure how it will turn out so be nice please! :D

I do not own Fairy tail. If I did no one would read it.

Evergreen POV

It was just a regular day in Fairy tail. Natsu and Gray were fighting in the background about what job they should take, Mira was chatting with Lucy, and Elfman was making fun of Jet and Droy. Evergreen was sitting with Freed and Bilzak, (who were both out cold from trying to out-drink Cana the night before) watching the excitement of Fairy tail fill the morning air. Just then, Evergreen noticed something out of the ordinary. Cana was sitting next at one of the tables, drinking out of the bottle, (normal) talking to someone who Evergreen didn't recognize.

He had long brown hair, going down to just below his jaw line. His eyes matched his hair colour, chestnut brown. His face was set in what looked like a permanent playful smirk. He wore a long black cloak, tied tightly under his collar, but otherwise forgotten, as it was shoved behind him, allowing his black muscle shirt and loose blue jean to be easily seen. (I'm not good when it comes to descriptions, constructive criticism here would be nice). Despite his clothing, he looked pretty cheerful, a smile reaching up to his eyes, as Cana laughed. It looked like Cana had known him for a while; by the way she talked so easily to him.

"Maybe they're drinking buddies?" Evergreen suggested. But she doubted it, Cana usually drank at Fairy tail, and rarely went anywhere else, unless on a mission. Evergreen reached out, and pulled Natsu towards her by the collar, not taking her eyes off of the couple.

Natsu growled. "Ever what the heck? I was just about to send the Pervert hurling towards his death!" he complained.

Ever ignored him. "Do you know who that is with Cana?"

Natsu raised an eyebrow, and followed her gaze. "Not sure," he admitted, his own curiosity piqued. "A new member?" he suggested.

Evergreen shook her head. "He would have gone to talk to Mira by now."

Natsu was silent, and then without warning, and marched towards the two. He grabbed the stranger by the collar, forcing him to face him. "Who the heck are you?" he asked. Everyone in the guild then turned towards him. Evergreen immediately covered her face, wishing that she hadn't gone to Natsu for help; she had not meant to make a scene.

The guy just looked at Natsu, a confused look on his face. "Who's asking?" he inquired.

Natsu frowned. "I usually like to know the name of a guy before I fight him." Everyone rolled their eyes, at Natsu's violent behaviour.

Cana rolled her eyes. "Ignore him Damien. He's always like this." She said, taking a swig of her bottle. "And no, before you ask he doesn't want to fight with you Natsu." Natsu frowned, letting go, and walking off, his interest dissipating. Mira walked towards the two, and sat at the table with them, conversations slowly starting again at other tables.

Mira smiled warmly. "Hello Damien. I'm Mira, are you a friend of Cana's?"

Damien smiled, and nodded. He reminded Evergreen of an excited puppy dog. "Yup! We're old friends. Cana used to live in the same town with me when we were younger."

Cana nodded in agreement. "He saw my match during the tournament, and came to the guild to find me. He arrived just this morning."

Lucy, Erza, Gray and Evergreen joined them at the table as Cana was talking. "That's nice." Lucy said, grinning."

"Aww!" Mira said, in her very Mirajane way, "It's like a childhood romance! That's so cute!" Cana and Damien's faces immediately flushed red.

"I Uh, no, I Um, it's, um, not really like that, sort of." Damien stammered, nervously.

"Sort of?" Erza asked

"It's not at all like that." Cana said frowning. "We're just old friends, nothing more."

Damien nodded slowly, but he wouldn't meet Cana's eyes. Cana didn't seem to notice. The group of them started talking, asking Damien about what stuff he did, Natsu, coming over to brag about their victory during the Grand magic games, before Erza shoved him off. Ever's eyes focused on Damien, ignoring everything else around her. Perhaps it was her own non-trusting viewpoint, but something about this guy put her on edge.

Everyone else was only seeing the cute innocent boy next door routine, and his charming smile, but Ever had been on far too many S class missions with Laxus to fall for that so easily. Evergreen studied him, noticing the way his eyes often flickered to Cana, but would immediately look away again, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks. Cana didn't seem to notice, as she was paying more attention to her alcohol then to him. Evergreen couldn't help but pity the poor boy.

She was about to say something, when the doors of Fairy tail flung open. Most of the guild didn't even notice, but Cana's eyes lifted flashed to the door, and a small smile lit up on her face. Laxus walked into the guild, a plain yellow muscle shirt showing off his well built muscles, and light brown pants. Despite the fact that he had just returned from a 2 week S class mission all by himself, he didn't have a scratch on him, not even a speck of dirt.

Cana grinned and waved towards him. "Laxus! You're back, now you can buy me that drink you owe me."

Laxus looked up to her voice, a smirk placing itself on his face. He walked over to the group, and sat in the seat next to her, opposite to where Damien was sitting. "I don't think you need anymore, you already have enough to give everyone in the guild hangovers for a month."

"Aww I haven't drank that much!" Cana said, with an exaggerated tip of her bottle. The two laughed. Two separate conversations started Cana and Laxus, the other guild member sitting at the table making small talk with Damien. Damien was hardly paying attention to them; his eyes were on Cana, who was making fun of Laxus for taking so long on his mission. His eyes darkened, and his face set into a grim line.

"Uh oh." Evergreen thought grimly. "This could mean trouble."

"Hey Cana." Damien said.

Cana snapped back to attention. "Oh gosh, sorry Damien, I've been drinking too much."

"You can't just blame your drinking habits for everything you do." Laxus said,

Cana glared at him. "Well why not? It's worked for me up till now." She turned back to Damien. "Ignoring the big oaf's comment, Damien this is Laxus, Laxus, Damien." She swayed back in her seat for a moment, so the two could see each other. Laxus gave him a nod. Damien's face just stayed the same, like a small child trying to act tough.

He turned his eyes back to Cana, ignoring Laxus. "So, what do you say to my proposal Cana?" eyes turned towards him.

"Proposal?" Gray asked.

Damien nodded, his grin shining. "I mean about returning home with me."

Natsu practically choked. "Home? Fairy tail is Cana's home."

Damien laughed at his words. "No, I mean her real home, her home town." He turned back to Cana. "So what do you say?"

Hey! Sorry, I know the first chapter is pretty lame, but I wasn't really sure how to start off the story. My first plan was to just skip to the problem, but I wasn't sure that would work. So what did you think? Constructive criticism would be appreciated, but nothing to mean please! Hope you all like it and I'll try to post next chapter ASAP. (please forgive all and any grammar, spelling or any errors in this story. I'm REALLY not good at those things.)