A/N: Hey guys , time for the next installment in the Cabbie Hearts series , Hearts Always . If you've been reading in order its Hearts Don't Lie, Hearts a Fire , All I Want For Xmas is You ( the only Hearts story without an actual Hearts in the title ) and we will skip ahead down the road for this story then afterwards go back to high school for Hearts of Glass. I'm normally big on following in order but I've wanted to write this story for four months so here we are . Don't forget to check out my Zoey 101 Falling too, which may or may not be a huge saga , only time will tell .

Disclaimer : I still don't own Victorious, Icarly, or Zoey 101 but having fun living in them.

It was an unusually windy day in California , the bright rays of the sun shining down as Robbie Shapiro and his girlfriend and love of his life, Cat Valentine , took a mid-morning drive and basked in the sunshine and each others presence .

The breeze lifted up strands of her red velvet hair and Cat let out a light-hearted giggle as he stole a loving look at her as she reached for his hand to hold .

Cat was still as beautiful at 24 as she had been at 16 and he loved her even more , if that was possible .

" This is so nice ," murmured Cat , squeezing his hand," I'm glad you suggested it ."

" I thought we could use some us time , sweetie " replied Robbie , turning on his signal and pulling into a familiar parking lot .

Cat let out a sigh." Robbie ! Oh my God , why are we at Hollywood Arts ? I know its much too soon for our five year reunion and they would never have it during a school day unless they let someone besides Tori plan it ."

" You'll see ," teased Robbie, enjoying the flicker of curiosity in her brown eyes ," did I mention how I might have a surprise for you ?"

" You always have the best surprises , Robbie " smiled Cat as he parked his convertible in the lot across from the Asphalt Café where they had some crazy lunch time with their friends all during high school.

" I do my best " replied Robbie , staring down at their linked hands and thought about their relationship throughout the years .

It hadn't always been simple or easy for them ….there had been times when he had been so frustrated that Cat would never take him serious and the rejection had been unbearable at some points until the stage kiss that was a real kiss had taken place .

Junior year and Sikowitz's class had been the year of them falling in love .

It had been crazy and complicated and downright scary because for two people who hated drama and controversy, he and Cat 's relationship had their fair share of both .

Yet here they were today, a bit older and more mature , still deeply and madly in love with one another and their relationship was stronger than ever .

Cat smoothed her pale pink skirt of her sundress , her gaze darting to the familiar tables until her eyes locked upon their old table , as if expecting to hear their best friends talking and bickering over whatever Tori and Jade were into it over on that particular day .

Beck and Andre trying to keep the peace between their girlfriends as usual while she and Robbie would have been being all couply together .

" Cat, what are you thinking ?"

Cat pressed a gentle hand to his cheek ." That I can nearly smell Festus's pasta of the day and we have a lot of memories right here , Robbie ."

" I stopped being the spazzy nerd who girls rejected when we fell in love ," Robbie played with the curls laying against her shoulder ," you made me confident ."

" I still love my nerd , Robbie " Cat dropped a soft kiss on his lips .

" I love you too " replied Robbie , " come on, let's go inside ."

" Robbie , we cant just drop by the school for a visit ," reminded Cat , patiently ," remember they frowned upon that after Sikowitz found us all a sleep together in the Black Box theater our Senior year "

" I still blame Beck and Jade for that " said Robbie, fondly ," that was the year after Love's Lament won at the festival and she became obsessed with writing love scenes in all of her plays ."

Cat blushed and buried her face in the nook of his neck ." That was before we made love for the first time , Robbie . "

Robbie kissed her hair ." I remember that quite well …"

He took her hand and they strolled through the now empty Asphalt Café , as if expecting to see Sinjin trailing after Jade sniffing her hair or Burf munching down on a cucumber and trying to make his own love connection .

" Shapiro ? Cat ? " An older looking Festus stuck his head out of his food truck to wave at the couple ," buddies , I knew that was you guys ! It's good to see some of my favorite customers all grown up now …."

" It's us ," says an enthusiastic Cat, who was a little more serious now but hadn't lost her joy of life ," it's so good to see you . Are you fixing spaghetti or the ravioli today ?"

" Neither but I have the tamales on special today " said the Yerbian lunch man , eagerly ," I could save you kids some ?"

" No thanks , Festus ," answered Robbie before Cat got sidetracked ," come on, sweetie , let's go inside. I already spoke with Lane and he said it was perfectly fine for us to visit …."

" I still cant believe that Lane is the principal of Hollywood Arts now ,"muttered Cat of their favorite guidance counseler ," that's pretty cool. I bet he's a good one and nice ."

" It makes sense to me too," said Robbie , holding the door open for her to enter the inside of the school," Lane was already doing principal type problem solving our Senior year anyway since Helen was getting bored with it . "

Cat and Robbie stopped on the stairs, taking it all in as if they hadn't had the occasional trip back to Hollywood Arts since they had graduated but it had been several years ago.

There was still the endless chatter of students hanging out in between classes and the Wahoo Punch machine was still next to the janitors closet where all of their friends especially Beck and Jade had spent a lot of time in, fighting and making out .

" Everything is the same except for our lockers " mused Cat , noticing that though the personalized locker tradition still held true , her locker was taken over and painted with skulls and crossbones instead of her pink hearts ," oh my God, Robbie, whoever has Jade's locker left it the way she had it ."

She hopped over to the wall of lockers where hers, Robbie's and Jade's had all been while they were in high school and touched the scissors sticking out all direction on Jade's locker .

It was still the same .

" Jade's last play did really well, I'm sure whoever has this locker goes around saying they have Jade West's old locker " reminded Robbie ," Cat, what are you doing ?"

Cat had taken out her pear phone and was taking a picture ." Sending Jade a picture of her locker . She'll think its great ."

" Jade threatened me a lot by this locker " recalled Robbie , leaning against it ," warned me not to play with your feelings or play pirates with you ."

He wiggled his eyelashes suggestively at her making her laugh. " Good times ."

Cat slipped her arms around his neck , a playful smile curving around her pink lips .

" I was a very silly girl back then , my Robbie ," murmured Cat, softly ," and I happen to love how you play pirates with me ."

He dropped a kiss on her nose ." Except for the time I left my computer on and Sam and Freddie caught us making out and talking about playing pirates if I recall correctly, my dear heart, you wanted to kill me ."

" I was so embarrassed ! Sam was being so mean too ! " Cat laughed , recalling the incident vividly ," it was bad enough that Jade and Andre kept teasing us about it . "

Robbie gave her a long , lazy kiss that left her breathless .

" Aren't you kids a little too old to be making out in the hallway "

The couple turned , recognizing the familiar voice any day , and came face to face with Lane. He hadn't changed that much over the years , kind eyes, a bit of gray in his black hair and carrying a bottle of hand lotion in his hands .

" Lane " Cat launched herself out of Robbie's arms to hug him," its wonderful to see you ! " She crinkled her nose at him ." Are you still using the sour cream and onion hand lotion ? Because if you aren't then you smell like potato chips …."

" Still the same Cat I see ," smiled the older man, shaking hands with Robbie ," and to answer your question, it's the same lotion . They discontinued it a couple of years back so I bought a bunch of cases off of that Tap it App you used to use a lot ."

Robbie smiled warmly at his woman ." She's stopped buying batteries but she does still like that coupon app, Lane , which is why we have 22 bottles of strawberry shampoo ."

Cat tapped his side ." You love my shampoo ."

" So, Robbie taking you down some memory lane today , Cat ?' asked Lane , conversationally . He knew what his former student was up too and was pleased to be able to do his part to help as he had always liked the couple .

Cat and Robbie had always been good for each other and they complemented one another .

" Robbie and I've been working a lot so he thought this might be a nice way to spend our morning together before he has to go back to his book writing and before I have to start painting my shop " contributed Cat , helpfully .

Robbie was working on several writing projects with Chase Matthews including another book and a new website while Cat was in the process of making the shop into her sweet shop bakery as well as working part time as an assistant to fashion designer Zoey Matthews . She and Robbie lived in the small apartment upstairs from her shop which currently needed a lot of work done before it could officially be a bakery .

" Well, I bet Sikowitz would love to see you guys ," Lane gestured to the familiar classroom of their favorite teacher ," you should check out his class . I doubt he would mind the interruption and you just might rescue his class from his sordid tales involving the weird woman he's been dating the last couple of years .."

" Weirder than the woman with the sandwiches ?" inquired a curious Robbie .

Sikowitz had always been their favorite teacher as well as their friend while they were in school and they all still received random emails from him from time to time .

When they had been in his class they had learned more of his private life than they really ever wanted to know but class had never been boring , that was sure .

" Or the cat named bunny ?'chimed in Cat with a frown .

" This woman is so weird that I even think its serious but don't let me keep you," urged Lane , watching as Robbie fiddled nervously with his glasses and wanted to help the man speed his plan along ," just go and barge on into Sikowitz's room and have fun ."

Cat made a face ." That was weird ."

Robbie shrugged , resisting the urge to tug at the collar of his blue collared shirt , as he once again took Cat's hand into his and then proceeded to Sikowitz's drama room.

They rounded the corner , hesitating outside of the door then Cat tapped on the door, poking her head inside the room .

" Knock, knock ," says Cat with a little wave ," sorry to interrupt ."

Teenage eyes turned in their chairs to look at her and Robbie with natural curiosity while Sikowitz bounded off of the stage, a huge grin across his face .

" Hi "

" Cat, Robbie, why are you just standing there ," urged the teacher ," come in, come in . You act as if you havent ever been in my classroom ever before and we all know that isn't true …"

The couple took in the familiar room pleased that it hadn't changed any in all of the years than it had been when they had been here . Sikowitz liked the familiar .

The chairs were still in rows in front of the stage, the ridiculous picture of the poker playing dogs hanging above the door and the only new things seemed to be a playbill from one of Jade's plays, a framed picture of Beck from a tv mini-series he had promoted a couple of years back and a picture of Tori singing at the Hollywood Christmas parade last year . It was warm and comforting that he was proud of their accomplishments .

" Are we interrupting some backwards acting ?" inquired Robbie , noting the topic was on the board . It had also been their least favorite assignment besides squatalistic acting.

That had just been really uncomfortable .

" No, actually , Robbie , we were about to go over the emotional romantic improv " answered Sikowitz, crossing his arms over his chest and nodded at him .

Cat sighed and smiled lovingly at Robbie . " We did that ! I loved that ! "

" Sikowitz, who are these people ?" asked a gangly looking young man who was dressed in a pair of jeans and a yellow Galaxy Wars Rocks tee shirt .

" Cool your jets, Toby," retorted Sikowitz , taking a sip of his ever present coconut juice ," class , this is Robbie Shapiro and Cat Valentine, former students of mine ."

" Oh, I've heard of you guys ," said a pretty blonde haired girl , excitedly ," the nerd and the redhead . Your love story is the stuff of romance and legend here at school ..well, outside of the whole Beck Oliver and Jade West affair., of course . Sikowitz uses all of your friends as examples in lessons "

" Oh God " muttered Cat, embarrassed .

" Oh don't be embarrassed ,Cat , " declared Sikowitz , matter of fact, " Jill exaggerates a little bit . This generation of teenagers can learn from the ridiculous and insanity that you guys had with all your crazy misunderstandings and drama in and out of my classroom ."

Robbie smiled , wryly ." There were a lot of misunderstandings, Cat ."

" You confused me because you were dating that stupid North Ridge gank who was using you and I was falling in love with you, Robbie " says Cat, under her breath.

" North Ridge girls " commented a suave looking young man with a smirk .

" So, I just had a brilliant idea since Cat and Robbie are here ," Sikowitz caught Robbie's gaze and nodded at him in code ," class, they aced the romantic improv when they were teenagers. Since they are here , hop on up there , you two, and show them how its supposed to be done …."

" Oh, I don't know, " muttered Cat, uncertain ," it's been years since we've done improv ."

" I'm not worried ," Sikowitz retrieved a guitar from the corner and handed it to Robbie ," here you go. You know what to do with it ….Cat, to the stage ."

" That 's your guitar, Robbie ," realized Cat, frowning in confusion ," why does sikowitz even have your guitar ? That makes no sense …what's going on ."

Sikowitz threw himself down in a seat and shushed his class. " Shut up everyone ."

Cat turned her eyes at her boyfriend ." Robbie ?"

Robbie swallowed the lump in his throat from nerves and gave her a reassuring smile .

" Just listen, Cat , please "

She could never deny him anything when he asked her softly and Cat simply smiled her consent , thinking about the song he had written for her their junior year .

Robbie began to play, the tune familiar , taking Cat back to their Bad News Songs and wondering why he was playing " Trina , your Staying Home Tonight ".

Cat began to sway as they had the most fun coming up with the words to this song .

Trina had really hated being dumped via the song but she and Robbie had really rocked out and had fun singing it together .

His brown eyes honest and full of love for her , Robbie began to sing .

Caterina, oh Caterina ,

There's something I've got to tell you

Tell you true

Cat giggled ," Oh my gosh, Robbie ! "

Well, you and I -we fell in love in this here school

A romantic improv for Sikowitz and ..and I just couldn't resist kissing you

Tears sprung in Cat's eyes as he sang to her , taking them back to the fateful days when they were embarking on the possibility of them being an us .

Not a stage kiss

" You made my foot bend and I was all tingly " recalled Cat, forgetting they were in front of a classroom and not alone ," and I felt your muscles …"

Folks they said our love was just too strange

Sikowitz whispered to his students ," Kids here did say that about them ."

Robbie relaxing and getting into the heart of the song and knowing she would get a kick out of what was next, circled Cat and grinned at her , knowing she was enjoying the song .

Misunderstandings , my evil North Ridge girlfriend , your psycho ex-boyfriend and Carly Shay , it was insane .

It was insane .

" It was and I almost killed her too ! " Cat covered her mouth with her hands , recalling how Carly had tried to take Robbie from her and she had fought for her man .

Our Hearts are true

Oh Caterina

I only have just one thing to ask of you

He moved in front of Cat, taking care to get down on one knee and watched as her lashes fluttered as realization dawned on her pretty face as Robbie moved the guitar aside , taking a ring out of his pocket and heard her cry of surprise .

Oh Caterina , I love you more and more than I ever knew

Oh Caterina ,

Will you marry me and become my wife ?"

" Oh my God, Robbie ! Yes ! Yes ! " Cat flung herself into his arms, pressing her lips against his ," I love you so much ! I cant wait to marry you and become Mrs. Shapiro !"

Robbie moved the guitar to hold her , tight , and kissed her , deeply .

" Yes ? I love you so much, Cat ! " whispered Robbie , slipping the ring on her finger . The small diamond winking at her ," This ring has been in my family for a long time and I wanted you to have it .."

" It's perfect and so are you ! " Cat scattered kisses on his face ," I'm going to cry ! Oh my God , I need to tell my parents and Jade ! Tori ! "

Sikowitz sniffled , wiping the pretend tear at the edge of his eye. " That is real love ."

" That is so romantic " sighed Jill," and we got to witness it ."

Robbie pressed his forehead against Cat's . " Surprise "

Cat poked his side, playfully ." That was your best surprise ever, Robbie "