You Know You're A Hetalia Fan If…

You've been converted to Yaoism.

Refer to your country by Hetalia's human names for them.

History is cool now and the most perverted subject along with Geography!

You want a chick, polar bear, koala, panda, etc.

You actually study history for making fics/crack pairings.

You wish Prussia still existed.

You know that a country named Sealand exists…and you want to live in it.

You can tell America and…um…oh yeah, Canada apart!

You know more about other countries than you ever did before.

The world news isn't the same…its awesome now!

You WANT to watch the news and the Olympics.

You say 'Awesome' a lot.

You want to learn different languages.

Pasta, tomatoes, wurst, maple syrup and hamburgers are now your favorite foods.

You wanna play the piano.

You carry around a frying pan.

You spazz out when you see a frying pan, chick, polar bear, hamburger, dog, koala, map, faucet pipe etc.

Maps are now porn.

You kick the ground or kiss it while talking to it.

You know that world peace can be possible.

You want to go to a UN meeting.

You want to become President/Prime Minister/etc. so that you can meet your Nation.

Incest is hot!

You've covered your walls/binders/textbooks with atlases.

You smile when you see labels like 'Made in China' or 'Made in Russia'.

Vodka is just Russian water.

You talk Poland-like.

You say 'kolkolkol' when you want to give people the creeps.

You now have a creepy smile.

You're obsessed with somebody, just like Belarus.

Your favorite animes have been replaced by Hetalia.

And last, but not least, you know that you're a Hetalia fan when…

drum roll

You get fan-girlish/boyish over yourself after finding out you are Chinese/Korean/Russian, German/Italian, etc.


1) In Social Studies class you refer to the countries as 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it'.

2) You are convinced that all British people are bad cooks.

3) Your mind goes to "other things" when your teacher mentions France's "relationships" with other countries.