Chapter Three: Wrong Choice

"Morgan take Prentiss and Rossi and head to the last crime scene. The rest of us will go and set up at the station." Hotch ordered at they made their way down the flight of stairs from the plane. "I'll text you the address." Reid said as they made their way to a car that was there for them. "Thanks, Pretty boy." Morgan replied and gave Reid a light kiss on the lips before heading to a different car with the black haired woman. JJ couldn't help but giggle at the pair and Reid gave her a funny looked but still smiled anyway. "Your just like Garcia." He said and JJ shrugged and looked over at Hotch who had the smallest smile on his face.

"Is Hotch smiling?" Reid asked with fake disbelief and JJ laughed at they all sat in the car. JJ was in the back seat and Hotch driving with Reid was in the front. "Is that illigal?" He said defensivly and Reid just laughed. "I'm really glad I'm on this team." The youngest member said and Hotch glaned at him, and felt happy and was agreeing with the man.

Hotch couldn't imagine being with any other team, everyone he worked with was his family and he would do everything to protect them. "If i wasn't on this team I wouldn't have met Morgan and I wouldn't have this family." JJ awwed at the man and he sent her another funny look. "Didn't know you were so sweet!" She teased and Reid blushed and ducked his head to hide the reddened cheeks.

"Okay kids, settle down." Hotched said as they pulled up to the police station. "We're from the BAU." Reid said as he met up with the leading officer for the case. The man seemed to laugh at the appearance that met him. "Really, arn't you abit..." He trailed off and Reid rolled his eyes and turned to Hotch, "You can take over." He said and stood next to JJ. Hotch nodded his head and faced the almost bold man in a clean black suit.

"I would like it if you didn't judge my agents." He said with a dark voice that was still able to freak JJ and Reid out when they heard it. "Dr. Reid is a very good agent. Anyway, where can we set up?" He questioned and saw the bold man roll his eyes as he turned around and led them to a meduim sized room with about seven chairs around a sqaure table. "My name Alex Bartholemew." Hotch wasn't going to remember how to pronounce that name so he would just get Reid to help him out.

"We have more agents over at the last crime scene." JJ explained as she saw Hotch and Reid writing thing on the board and putting pictures up on the board of the victims. "Agents David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss." She said and then looked over at her two friend. "This is Cheif leader Aaron Hotchner and Dr. Spencer Reid." She then smiled and held out her hand. "Jennifer Jearou. Just call me JJ." She held out her hand for Alex and shake and he did with a small smile.

"What type of agent is the kid?'

JJ couldn't believe this. Alex didn't trust Reid because of how he looked. Sure he was skinny and tall but he was a damn good agent for someone his age.

"I would trust 'the kid' with my life." Hotch said just as JJ was about to reply with a comment. JJ looked back at her boss and they shared a nod before Alex left the team to whatever it is they needed to get done. Hotch mumbled something under his breath as the man left the room. "Why dothey assume that I'm not good on the feild?" Reid asked, not upset or hurt but just plain annoyed with what some people thought of him. "Its because you look like a tall fourteen year old kid." Morgan said as he entered the room, scaring the hell out of JJ.

"I'm going to get some coffees from the store I saw down the street." Reid said as he wanted to gofor a walk, he loved to go for long walks. "Want me to go with you?" Morgan offerend, he just didn't want Reid to be alone, and the fact that there was an UNSUB on the loose who is maybe killing and torturing people with high IQs. "No, its okay, be back soon." Reid said walking out the door just before Morgan said. "Love you, be carefull!" Reid looked over his shoulder and smiled at the older man. "Love you, too."

Morgan had a bad feeling and he felt like he made the wrong choice by letting Reid walk out that door. He had no clue what was going to happen to his younger boyfriend