
''Four letter word
But I don't have the guts to say it
Smile 'til it hurts
Let's not make it complicated
We got a story
But I'm about to change the ending
You're perfect for me
More than just a friend so we can just stop pretending now
Gotta let you know somehow...''

I was tapping nervously on the car's roof, waiting for my dear girlfriend to arrive. She was late with ten minutes which wouldn't be a problem if Thalia hadn't instructed me to be at home in seven pm. sharp to ''run through the plan again''. Like we needed to do it. This whole thing was planned since last summer for god's sake!

''Beauty queen, what the heck is taking you so long?'' I shouted, knowing that she would hear me through the open front door.

No answer came so I sighed and decided to just go and see what the problem is. I know that she had told me to wait outside and that she was coming in two but hers two became ten. Maybe something was wrong?

As I neared her room on the second floor of her enormous house I could make out grunts and huffs. Some swearing too. My curiosity got the best of me and I continued towards the half-open door.

''Pipes, you know that if we want to reach San Fran, we have to leave now. Like, right now not in half an…hour.'' The words died down on my lips as the inside of the room got in sight. ''What are you doing?''

Piper turned in my direction with narrowed eyes from her spot on a big suitcase. She huffed again, brushing angrily a loose stray of hair that had escaped her braid and was falling into her kaleidoscopic eyes. And then she jumped on the suitcase again, pulling at the zipper at the same time.

I just couldn't stop but laugh at the scene, leaning on the doorframe for support.

''It doesn't want to close, the fucking thing!'' she grunted again, jumping off of it to examine the damage with hands on her hips. ''Why are you so stubborn? Just close already?'' she shouted exasperatedly to the suitcase and tried to zip it again. ''Mind if you help a little Sparky? Or you prefer to stand there and laugh it off?''

From her voice, I understood that it will be healthier for me to go and help her. I couldn't stop shaking from laughter though. I mean, come on, bouncing on the suitcase, you can see these kinds of things only in movies! It was hilarious.

''Okay, here comes Mr. Muscle.'' I said much for her annoyance and with mutual efforts we managed to close the suitcase. ''There. Much better.''

''Thanks.'' She said annoyed and I chuckled again.

''Are you mad at me?'' I asked while waling closer to her from behind, circling her body with my arms and putting my chin on her shoulder. ''Because I can always unzip it and leave it all to you. We may be able to leave…tomorrow at this time. Or maybe next week…''

She slapped my forehead with her palm and I pulled one hand from her to rub the spot. She could give one sharp hits you know.

''What was that for?'' I whined as she watched at the suitcase.

''Next week my ass. I could have done it myself.'' She huffed, crossing her eyes over her chest and involuntarily pushing her breasts a little up. I grinned a little. It was a nice view. But I shouldn't get distracted because last time she caught me staring it was bad. And I wasn't that suicidal.

''You asked for my help baby, I could have stayed there all day just watching you.'' I shrugged before planting a kiss on her neck, where I knew to be her sensitive spot. ''You are so sexy when you're angry.'' I added and felt the smile on my own lips as she blushed. After a year, I was still able to pull it out of her.

''Is that why you constantly make me angry?'' she asked sweetly and I had to laugh again because she was kind of right.

''That's just me and you know it.'' I said kissing her again. ''Come on, we have to go. Driving from L.A. to San Francisco is going to take a while.''

So we gathered her stuff (the offending suitcase, a handbag and a backpack) and went to load it in the trunk of my car. Hers was already sent to New York. After less than ten minutes I was exiting the city.

''I can't believe it, we are off to college!'' she exclaimed excitedly and I glanced at her with an amused expression.

''Yeah, a crazy year it has been.'' I agreed because it really was. For me at least.

I would have never thought that I would end up dating Piper Mclean but here we were, almost a year after we got together and I was proud to say that we were going good. Of course, there were the occasional quarrels here and there but what's a couple without them? And I had to be a complete idiot to think that it will be perfectly smooth. We were both very passionate people and not fighting would have been surreal. It wouldn't be us.

But we were happy, I just knew that somehow. I knew I was and I thought I could see it in her eyes too. Man, that girl had turned me into a sappy romantic!

Don't pretend you don't love every bit of it. A voice scolded me in my head and I laughed out lout. I did enjoy it.

''I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Baby I'm yours
Be your forever, Be your fling
Baby, I will be your everything...''

''What's so funny?'' she asked and I glanced at her sitting next to me.

''Oh nothing, just thinking about some things. You know how it is.'' I just shrugged, returning my attention towards the road again.

''Don't overload your delicate mind Sparky.'' She winked at me and I risked turning from the road for a second just to glare at her. She stuck her tongue at me and I rolled my eyes.

''Very mature.''

''Well, I'm soon-to-be nineteen, of course I am.'' The smile was evident in her voice and I couldn't help it but laugh.

We fell in a comfortable silence before she turned the radio on. I didn't recognize the song playing but what caught my attention was Piper's quiet singing voice.

This is not fair, I am beyond repair cause of you
yo-o-ou, you, yo-o-ou
Can't find my head, so I've fallen instead over you
yo-o-ou, you, yo-o-ou

Blood on my sleeve, I give more than you need, yes I do
Do-o-o, I do, do-o-o
Frightened you'll creep so I cry in my sleep, yes I do
Do-o-o, I do

Oh I I I'm poisoned with love, with love
Bu can't get enough, enough
So I keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou
I'll keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou

This is not fair, but I've lost every care, I want you
yo-o-ou, you, yo-o-ou
I wear these tears and pretend they're not there just for you
yo-o-ou, you

Hurting myself, you say that I need help, and I do
Do-o-o, do, do-o-o
Under your spell, if you look you can tell I love you
yo-o-ou, I do

Oh I I I'm poisoned with love, love
Bu can't get enough, enough
So I keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou
I'll keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou

Oh I I I'm poisoned with love, love
Bu can't get enough, enough
So I keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou
I'll keep walking on broken glass for you, y-o-ou

I stood like that for a few seconds just too startled to form words. Her voice was still lingering around.

''I didn't know you could sing.'' I finally commented, not looking away from the road ahead.

''Hm?'' she asked like coming out of a deep thought and I glanced quickly at her face. She looked a little confused before her face turning pale. ''I…I sang that? Like out-loud?''

''Yep.'' I replied, not getting why she was so fidgety all of a sudden. ''I've never heard you sing.''

''Well, that's because I don't sing.'' She answered with a distant voice but I refused to give up.


It was silent for a while and I decided to leave her to her thoughts. I didn't want to fight with her over this; it seemed to be something important and I wasn't that big of a jackass. She was my girl after all, I wouldn't hurt her. Ticking her off and teasing her was one thing but this was serious.

''I just don't, that's all. Since I was little. Can we please change the subject now?'' she pleaded and I almost gave in. Almost.

''Nuh-uh. Not a chance baby. Tell me! It's not like I'm going to laugh or anything…'' at this she cocked a brow at me and I rolled my eyes. ''Okay, I promise not to laugh. Happy?''

She thought about it for a while before finally sighing.

''Why is it so important all of the sudden?''

''I'm just wondering why you hadn't showed off with that beautiful voice of yours already?'' I smiled briefly at her but she didn't answer.

''Don't joke with that. It's not funny.'' I was surprised by her voice. It sounded like she was going to cry or something. Shit, what did I do wrong now?

''Pipes, I'm not joking.'' I said, sobering up from my previously good mood. ''I'm serious, you are good.''

''Really?'' she asked weakly like a three-year-old that was told he might get cookies.

''Really. Now tell me why this subject is so touchy.'' I demanded but she didn't answer. ''You know, we have at least five more hours to San Fran so don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.''

She huffed in annoyment.

''You want to know so badly? Fine. When I was twelve I had my vocal strings operated because of an inflammation. They told me that I would recover but is unlikely for me to sing again. At that time, singing was one of my greatest passions but after the surgery, I never even tried to sing again. Happy?''

We stood silent, only the radio playing some country song to which neither of us paid attention.

''Well, it's safe to say that they were wrong. You're voice is perfectly fine if you ask me.'' I stated trying to sound casual.

''Do you really think so?'' she asked after a while, sounding a lot less angry that before. ''You're not just saying it because I'm your girlfriend and such, right?''

I sighed and stopped the car to finally turn and look at her properly. I thought for a while what to say to her, how to make her believe me but when I came up with nothing I decided to do the only thing that got in mind. I leaned over her and locked our lips in a firm kiss.

She responded almost immediately, hands wrapping around my neck and fingers getting lost in my hair. I almost groaned. Man, this girl…she was a keeper. After a long while we finally separated and I tried to control my breathing enough to not come out as a panting mess. Gods!

''I wouldn't lie to you, you know that right? And I think that you should start singing again.'' I said while stroking her cheek.

She looked up in my eyes and nodded once, not saying a thing. A smile appeared on her lips before she closed her eyes again.

''Under your spell, if you look you can tell I love you.'' She sang softly on my lips and I smirked before pecking her lips again.

''Yeah, I know.''

That earned me a nice smack upside the head to which I grinned even more.

''You ruined a perfect moment here!'' she whined and started pulling away but I didn't let her, trapping her in my arms.

''I love you two Beauty queen!'' I chuckled, shaking my head before kissing her deeply again.

Looks like we were going to be late.

''...Girl, got a question
Could you see yourself with somebody else?
Cause I'm on a mission
And I don't wanna share, I want you all to myself right now...''

''Took you two long enough!'' Thalia exclaimed as we entered her room.

It was almost ten in the evening and we were supposed to reach San Fran around eight. Okay, we got a little distracted but please don't think something too bad. After all, we were in a car, not a motel!

''We're here, right. So, what do we have to talk again? I'm kind of tired from driving so much today and I would like to have a private meeting with my bed already.'' I said while sitting on her bed and laying back with arms crossed behind my neck. Ah, that was way better.

''First, I'm watching you two.'' She pointed accusingly towards me and Piper to which I made an innocent face and Piper rolled her eyes. ''Second, we're taking off tomorrow morning in 6 a.m. sharp with mine and Nico's cars…''

''Oh no.'' Piper jumped in here, cutting my dear sister off. ''No, no, no. We know very well how that ended last summer.''

Yeah, we did. We still had the memories. And though I found it quite an entertainment I wouldn't want it to be repeated. One event like that was enough for me for now.

''And what do you suggest we do, fly over there?'' Thalia mocked.

I and Nico locked eyes then and I winked at him letting him know that yes, it was exactly what he was thinking it was.


''Yes Thalia, we're going to fly to there. I'm not using a car to cross the country again.'' My girlfriend smirked and I almost burst out laughing at Thalia's expression.

''It'll be one long flight.'' Nico sighed.

Only I and Piper laughed.

''...No matter what you do
I'll be there for you
And every time you close your eyes
I will be by your side
'Cause every time you make me sing
Baby, I will be your everything.''

A\N:Song sung by Piper: Neon Hitch-Poisoned with love; song following the chapter: Boys like girls-Be your everything.

Okay guys, this was really it. The end. Though it doesn't sound like a real end, more like an open one. But for now, I won't do a sequel simply because I have no idea of a one. I can try for one-shots of Jason and Piper in college, things like him\her getting jealous, getting drink at parties and other stuff but nothing major. Sorry if I disappoint someone.

However, I'm planning on starting something new next week. So stay tuned for it. It will be another JASPER (are you really that surprised?) and it will include demigods. It will still be an AU though.

Something important I want to say is a big heart-warming THANK YOU! For all of you who were with me 'till this very end. To my soul sister IniTiniNini and to my newest and greatest friend around here (though she's from the other side of the Earth) Di Blythe, you were the biggest support I could ever ask for. Thanks!

And now I'm leaving you. But I'll come back next week with a new story so stay tuned. I LOVE YOU ALL!