"You might want to move." Loki smiled at the group of heroes from his prison as the Helicarrier lurched forward. "Those did not sound like good noises."

"No indeed. We're losing altitude." Naruto muttered.

"You're a pilot, right, Colonel?" The blonde nodded at Captain Amerika's question. "Go see if you can do something about that."

"Very well. I shall do my best."

"I'll go get my armor and check the outside." Stark said, leaving with Naruto. "Five minutes."

"Understood. Ms. Romanoff, take Dr. Banner back to the labs, he should be safe there. I'll go with Stark. Thor?"

"I shall stay here, Captain." The large blond man turned to the cell. "Somebody should keep an eye on my brother."

"Joy." Loki muttered, glaring at the other Asgardian.

"Come on, Doc, let's get you back to the lab." Natasha pulled the fidgeting man by the arm. "Just… try to stay calm."

"I'll try. For both our sakes." Bruce glanced upwards as another explosion sounded.


"Sir, we're losing altitude." One of the pilots on the controls yelled out to Fury.

"You don't say. Hill, status!"

"It seems like we were struck by something. No idea what yet, sir."

"Get on that. And get your boyfriend here to pilot this damn boat before we all go down with it."

"Sir, he's not my…" Even with the situation Maria couldn't help but blush.

"Whatever. Get going!"

"Right, you lot, scarper." Naruto marched up to the cockpit, not-so-gently showing one of the other pilots out of their chair. "You there, watch the altitude. Give me gen at angels 10, 5 and 2. Got that?"

"Um, sir, I?" He turned to Fury.

"What the hell are you looking at me for? Do as the man says."


"Tell him when we fall to 10 000, 5 000 and 2 000 feet." Hill shot in. "Sir, we have two bandits on us. They've taken out one of our engines."

"Can we stay in the air without it? We have three more." Fury asked, just as the Helicarrier lurched forward again and the airman called out the 10 000-foot mark.

"No." Naruto answered simply, flipping a few switches. "At our current rate we'll be hitting deck in minutes. Stark?" He called out.


"We're in a spot of bad luck."

"You don't have to be so… British about it. 'Spot of bad luck', he says."

"Yes, well, either way, I'd like my engine back online if you could." The airman yelled out for 5 000 feet. "Presently."

"Right, on it, call you later."

"Your engine?"

"Nicholas, please, I'm trying to fly this Banana-Boat." The large black man just glared at him. "Bollocks. Stark had better hurry. I'm still reading those two bandits on our arses." Before Naruto could say anything else a couple of masked people rushed into the cockpit, guns blazing. The blond turned around in his swivel chair and stood up, drawing one of his twin pistols and aiming at the men. "Weapons down, gentlemen." He could see Maria and Nicholas circling around on either side, their weapons also drawn. "No one has to get hurt today." Nobody moved. "Have it your way then." There was a motion from one of the upper decks and something slammed behind Naruto, forcing him to scramble forward behind cover. Bullets started whizzing around the room.


"Star? I'm at the control panel."

"Almost there. Alright, tell me what you see. What's it look like in there."

"Um." Steve stared at the panel for a minute. "It seems to run on some form of electricity." He couldn't help but deadpan.

"Well, you're not wrong." There was a slight pause on the radio. "Our British Tar has things handled in the cockpit." There was a loud, crashing noise coming from where the armored man was. "Albright, I'm in. That standard control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev, which should-"

"English!" Steve interrupted, sounding fed up. Tony just gave a resigned sigh.

"See that red lever? Pull it when I give the word."

"Got it."

"Alright." Star grunted with effort. "Here we go."


"Brother, call it off."

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Do not lie to me Loki!" Thor turned his back to his brother to glance to the hallway. "Call the attack on the Midgardians off. Surrender. Please, Loki…" He turned around to see the door of the glass cell opening. "No!" Thor ran at his brother, trying to tackle him to the ground. To his surprise he fell through his image, followed by the door closing behind the Thunder God.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki gave an evil smirk to Thor as he pushed a big red button. The floor below the glass cell opened up, revealing several hundred feet of nothing followed by the ground. "Have a nice trip."

"LOKI!" Thor yelled out as the cell was released from the clamps holding it, dropping to the ground very, very quickly.

"Excuse me?" A voice sounded from behind the villain.

"Oh, now what?" Loki turned around to see Agent Coulson holding a large gun pointed right at him. "And you are?"


Me? I'm almost done, that's what I am. I can't wait.

I'm not exactly British. But I love slang. It shows the evolution of language through time. It's almost like its' a living organism that evolves when there's a need for it. It's fascinating.